The Adipose of She-Cat (XWG**2)

Moderator: TheoW

The Adipose of She-Cat (XWG**2)

Postby TheoW » Mon Jan 18, 2021 7:10 pm

She-Cat comes up against an certain feline mad scientist, one who's plans for her are simple, direct, and very effective.

Editing by evilguyv20

This is a gift story I did for a friend of mine who's been going through some hard times of late. It features their super heroine She-Cat running up against the mad scientist version of Theo.

The story features an extreme amount of weight gain and fat, along with a little sweet and gas. They happen to like having their character be defeated in humiliating ways, and I'm happy to provide.

The Adipose of She-Cat
By Theo Winters

Written for She-Cat

What was the line that separated a scientist from a mad scientist? Furthermore, where was the line between being mad and just plain evil? It was a question that had bothered Theo for a good while now as his own history with the super sciences being at best questionable. He was fairly sure he didn’t quite count as mad just yet, and he certainly wasn’t evil. Yes, most of his experiments pushed the bounds of ethics, morality, the laws of magic, and physics—both classic and quantum—but he had never actually killed anyone. Having the subject die would just defeat the whole point of the experiment!

Anyways, most of his subjects had originally been volunteers. Yes, he had omitted a few salient details when telling them what he was planning to do, but on the whole, they seemed happy with the results. At least no one was telling him otherwise.

The majority of his work had been focused on various body modification, though he still dabbled in all the different fields of super science. It was his work in hyper-quantum fields that had produced the most intriguing results. It had opened windows into tens of thousands of other worlds, and while the majority of them were uninteresting, he had tracked down hundreds that deserved further investigation. Many of those worlds had alternate versions of himself, the majority of whom and boring mundane lives, but a notable few had been far more interesting.

Just the possibility of getting to meet one of his doubles was more then enough motivation to find a way to bridge the gap between the different worlds. Unfortunately, he soon discovered that he couldn’t go into any words where a version of himself already existed, cutting out much of the fun he had been planning to have. On the other hand, it still left him thousands of worlds he could have his way with.

Theo wasn’t the only reoccurring face in all those other worlds, quite often he saw the same people repeated over and over again across the universes (such as his secretary, Felicia). While many of them were nearly identically to each other, a few had vastly different lives. They were the ones worth watching more carefully, tracking down all their alternative selves, and seeing how they were both the same how they diverged.

Out of all those people, there was one he had focused his attention upon. She-Cat, a superheroine that appeared in hundreds of different realties. Yet it seemed that many of those iterations fell to some horrible fate. Only a very few were out right killed in battle, the others being humiliated and ruined, their bodies left warped and twisted by those who had bested her. Her found it fascinating that so many different fates could befall the same person: merged with alien monsters, having her body reshaped into the vagina of a whale—or that of her replacement—trapped in stone, flatted into a playing card, or even made into all sorts of intimate clothing and battle ware. One time she had even been turned into a porn magazine, featuring a centerfold of herself and then given to her boyfriend after he had been regressed into a teen. He made regularly use of her for years until she was completely ruined and eventually thrown into the trash.

Theo had surveilled this She-Cat, watching from outside her worlds to learn everything about her. Like most superheroes, she had a secret identity (not that it helped to protect her) but it only took a few hours for him to discover that her real name was Masumi Steele. She was Asian and fairly cute, with a trim build, long black hair and pointed elf like ears. She also sometimes sported cat like fangs or a snaggletooth. It gave her a proper feline look, something that Theo appreciated, being a lion himself.

She had the base line superpowers of being stronger and faster than a normal human, along with the enhanced sense that came with her feline nature. She also possessed an extreme healing factor, recovering from bullet wounds in mere moments. It was possible to overcome it of course, she had been killed any number of times after all, but it took quite a lot of fire power to do so. She was an acrobatic fighter, moving quickly through a fight, and was trained in both hand to hand fighting and small arms.

There were weaknesses though. She relied far too much on her powers, allowing herself to take hits she could easily avoid, trusting that her abilities would compensate for it. She also depended on her speed and strength in a fight, thus never honed her skills to be better than average and lacking the natural reflexes that would come with years of training. At best she could be considered a highly skilled amateur, rather than a true professional hero.

He wasn’t exactly sure when he had decided he was going to try to take her down, or maybe it had just been one of those ideas that had grown over time. Still, the more he saw of her, the more he wanted to get a chance to defeat her himself. Mostly because it would be amusing, as defeating her would gain him absolutely nothing. For Theo, it was just a new challenge. One that he was ready and willing to take head on, and to win.

The fact that it would officially make him both and evil and mad scientist never even crossed his mind. There were far more important things to for him to worry about, and a superheroine to bring down.

* * *

She-Cat scanned over the front of the old warehouse. The building was almost pitch-black under the new moon and there were no signs of guards in front of the place, but she could see hints of movement behind the heavily tinted windows, through it wasn’t enough to see who might be behind them. She didn’t believe they could see her, not in her uniform, the black material vanishing easily in the gloom of the room.

She was sure that this was the right place; several of her street level CIs had told her about someone hiring goons to guard this place. They didn’t know who was doing it, just that they were someone without any reputation in the city. After a couple of days of legwork, she had learned that the unknow villain was planning to kidnap the mayor’s oldest daughter. Now the girl was missing and the mayor was trying to hide it.

Her stakeout of the building had lasted nearly four hours, and so far there hadn’t been any sign of the girl, or even anyone going in or out of the building. She was started to consider just kicking down the door and rushing in guns blazing when a van started to creep down the road towards the front of the warehouse. The van was painted black, rolling down the street with the headlights off. It nearly vanished in the gloom of the street, but thanks to her enhanced vision she was able to spot it easily.

The van rolled all the way to the entrance of the warehouse before it finally came to a stop. The side door slid open and a large man dressed in black slipped out. Another thug followed after him, pulling a woman out of the van. She had her hands bound behind her back and a bag pulled over her head. She was struggling against the thug, but wasn’t at any risk of getting free.

The moment they were out of the van, the driver gunned the engine and tore off down the street, the tires squealing as it took the turn onto the main road.

“Sloppy,” she whispered, shaking her head in disgust. The two men didn’t seem to care about it, walking the woman towards the door of the warehouse, which opened only for a few moments to allow them inside. They had done nothing to make sure they weren’t being watched or to try and cover their tracks. Whomever was running this gang, they were real amateurs.

Grabbing the edge of the roof, she tucked herself forward and simply rolled over the edge. It was only a thirty-foot drop to the ground, more than enough time for her to twist around and land in a classic three-point stance with a soft whump sound. Her natural abilities made it an easy trick for her to do, and hardly risked causing her any harm.

She rushed quickly across the road to the warehouse, keeping herself low to stay out of view of anyone in the darkened windows. Silently, she moved up to the door and checked the handle, not surprised to discover that it was locked. Opening one of her belt pouches, she took out her lock pick set and slipped them into the keyway of the lock. It wasn’t hard a lock to pick, being old and warn, probably having been installed when the warehouse was original built. After only a dozen seconds of work she felt the lock turn, allowing her to push the door open a crack. It was just enough that she could peek through it, seeing only an empty hallway on the other side.

Dropping into a low crouch, the superheroine put away the lockpicks and took out one of her pistols. She quickly checked to make sure it was loaded and chambered, then turned off the safety. Slowly, she pushed the door open, then carefully stepped inside. Holding her breath, she listened to the hallway. In the distance she could hear muffled sounds, like someone was calling out through a gag. That must have been the mayor’s daughter.

She-Cat gently closed the door behind her, plunging the hallway into pitch black darkness, with only the smallest hit of light leaking in from under one of the doors. It was almost too dark for her to see, causing everything to become grey blobs against the darkness.

She started down the hallway, pausing after every step to listen, but nothing ever responded. Once she was sure that no one was monitoring the hallway, she allowed herself to pick of speed. She worked her way down the length of the hallway until she reached the door with light glowing from under it. This close she could hear the sound of someone crying into a gag, along with the shuffling sound of a chair scrapping against a cement floor.

Reaching into another belt pouch, she removed a small flexible camera, the glow of the small screen almost too bright for her in the dark hallway, washing out her vision for a moment before she was able to adjust down the brightness. She slipped the end of the camera under the door, scoping out the room.

A distorted image of the room appeared on the screen, a slight twist bringing everything into focus. There was a single chair sitting in the center of the otherwise bare room, and on it was the woman from the van. She had her arms and legs bound to the chair, and a black sack pulled down over her head. She was rocking against her bindings, causing the chair to scrape against floor. There was no sign of any guards in the room, or any other way inside.

Returning the camera back into her pouch, she reached up and tried the door handle, slightly surprised to find that it was unlocked. Carefully, she pushed the door open, staying low to the ground as she slipped into the room, still on the lookout for any guards that she may have missed.

Upon reaching the bound woman, She-Cat rose to her full height and placed her hands on the woman’s shoulders, causing her to jump against the bindings. “Don’t worry, I’m here to save you,” she whispered, pulling the sack off her head. It revealed a woman with platinum blond hair, a thick layer of makeup that didn’t do anything to improve her looks, and a cloth gag stuffed into her mouth, forcing her brightly painted slips apart. She was at least twenty years too old to be the mayor’s missing daughter, but that didn’t change the fact that she was in trouble and needed to be rescued.

She-Cat worked the tips of her claw like fingernails against the gag, quickly cutting though the cloth. The moment it was free the woman spat it out, working her jaw while licking her lips.

“I’ll get you out of here,” she said, trying to sound reassuring as she started to work to free the woman from the chair.

The woman just blinked a little bit, then licked her lips again, her eyes flicking up and down over the superheroine’s body. “Oh my, no one told me you were going to be a chick,” she declared, a hint of a drawl in her voice.

Ignoring the strange comment, She-Cat bent down to undo the bindings around the woman’s wrists. Simple handcuffs, the same kind that the police used so she already had a key. Her legs were bound down with thin rope, which tore apart the moment she tugged on them.

Standing back up, she turned to face the woman. “Come on, I’ll get you—” she started to say, only to be cut off as the woman stood up and kissed She-Cat firmly on the lips. It shocked her, causing her to freeze in place for a moment. The woman took advantage of this to force her tongue into She-Cats mouth.

It took a few moments for what was happening to sink in before she grabbed the woman by the shoulders and shoved her away. “What the hell do you think you are doing?” she snapped.

“I’m rewarding the brave hero who rescued me,” the woman replied, smirking as her hand reached up to tug down on her top, showing off some cleavage. “Do you want it here, or should we go someplace more comfortable?”

“After I’m done saving your life,” She-Cat lied, she had no interesting in this woman. “But it won’t matter if your kidnappers hear you and catch you again!” She snapped, her lips tingling slightly from the kiss.

The woman just smirked, draping her arms over She-Cat’s shoulders. “Oh, aren’t you such a dedicated hero. Why don’t we get you out of that skin tight latex and I can show you just how much I appreciate it.”

She-Cat shook her head and stepped out of the strange woman’s grasp. Something was clearly off with the situation, possible the woman had been drugged or hypnotized, because she wasn’t acting in any way a normal captive would. “Listen, I don’t know what these guys are planning to do to you, but they were trying to kidnap the mayor’s daughter and they must gave gotten you by accident. We have to get you out of here before they realize their mistake.

Like a switch had been thrown, the woman went cold as a frown pulled across her face, causing it to wrinkle and twist. “Listen honey, you didn’t pay me enough for an in-call, no matter what the idiot may have told you on the phone.”

“What are you blathering on about? We have to get you out of here before it’s too late!”

A moment later it became too late as the door burst open, and two men armed with shotguns rushed in, both of them keeping their weapons aimed at her, but also kept enough distance so that she couldn’t take the weapons from them. One of the men reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope, throwing it to the woman. “That’s double. You’re done, get out of here.”

“Gladly,” she said with a huff, then pushed her way out between the two men.

Narrowing her eyes, She-Cat looked over the thugs. This close a shotgun blast would hurt like hell, but if it hit center her center of mass, the uniform would absorb some of the impact. Her regenerative abilities would help her recover quick enough from the rest of the damage, but she would still be down for close to a minute. If they got her right in the face, it could be hours before she was fully recovered.

“So, where’s your boss?” she asked, lifting her hands in to the air.

“Down the hall. He’s eager to meet you,” the bigger of the two thugs said as the other moved forward and removed the guns form her belt, throwing them to the floor.

It was annoying to lose her primary weapons, but she still had her clutch piece strapped to her ankle, plus her claws. She was hardly unarmed; she just needed the chance to use them. Without a word, she walked forward, moving within inches of one of the men while other fell in behind her. They walked her down the hallway, the barrel of the shotguns almost pressing into the small of her back. That was a stupid mistake on their part, in left the weapon within her reach, but for now she was happy to let them escort her to her target.

She was eager to meet this unknown villain face to face before she took them down.

The hallway turned at a sharp angle, and then opened onto a cavernous room. The only illimitation came from a few scattered lights that hung high above them sending shadows over the cement floor. Narrowing her eyes, she peered into the gloom and was just able to make out the shadows of an unknown figure standing above them. The only hint of his presence was two small glowing points of light, they must had been from a pair of glasses, which gave her an accurate bead on her target’s face.

“So, you’re She-Cat,” the shadowy man called from above. The voice was deep and a bit rough around the edges, but it wasn’t one that she had heard before.

“I am, but I don’t have the pleasure of your name,” she replied, starting to tense her body, her arms dropping to her side as she readied her to move at a moment’s notice.

The man let out a chuckle. “Yes, I suppose it’s only proper to introduce myself,” he said, then snapped his fingers. In that instant all the lights in the warehouse flared to life, the sudden change blinding her for a moment, but she never took her eyes off where the man was standing. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust and bring him into focus, standing high above her on a metal catwalk.

He wasn’t anything like she had expected. The first and most obvious fact was that he wasn’t simply a man, but some sort of a lion-man, even then he looked nothing like the few others that she had encountered before. He had a wide muzzle, smiling to show off some very sharp looking fangs, and as she had expected, he was wearing glasses. His head was covered in a thick black mane of hair, and a tail was swaying slowly behind him. He was wearing what looked like a lab coat over a black turtle neck and jeans.

Clearly, this man was some sort of mad scientist… or possibly an evil pharmacist. He probably spliced himself with a lion during some sort of botched experiment, because it was always some sort of botched experiment that created his type of supervillain.

He gave her a wide smile, one that was at the same time relaxing and intimidating. “I’m Theo Winters,” he stated.

She rolled her eyes at that. “Really? Don’t you have a code name? Doctor Fang, Tooth and Claw, Lion-o?”

The lion just shrugged his shoulders while a long ropy tail flicked behind him. “I’m sorry Masumi, not all of us can be as cleaver as you are.”

A growl started to bubble up from deep inside of her. This bastard knew her name! How in the hell could a wannabe villain know her name? Not even her allies knew that! She started to say something, but he just snorted and shook his head.

“Don’t deny it, I know exactly who you are. I’ve been watching you for a very long time. You… intrigue me,” he said, with a small flick of his hand, all the while his smile was growing wider and more predatory. “Now that the pleasantries are over, shall we get down to business?”

She-Cat’s hands balled up into fists, pressing against her tights. “And what sort of business did you have in mind?” she snapped.

The lion just shook his head. “Now that is a stupid question,” he said.

Before she could respond in kind a high-pitched noise echoed through the room. It was one of those noises that just felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing her ears with an ice pick, and it was growing louder with every passing second. It broke right through her concentration, and she tried to cover her ears, hoping to block out some of the noise, but it did nothing.

A second later it was accompanied by the smell of raw sewage and methane, and it was soon followed by a dozen other horrible scents. Rotting corpses, old urine, and animals of all sorts. It was layer upon layer of the worst smells she could have imagined. It was thick in the air, so thick she could taste it as it stuck to her tongue and the roof of her mouth, forcing her to fight back having to vomit.

The assault on her senses was soon joined by strobe lights that started to go off in every corner of the warehouse, each one not quite in sync with the other, the flashes washing out her vision and making it hard to see anything at all. It just made her nausea worse, her head spinning as her stomach twisted itself into knots. Her enhance senses were tangled up and confused, everything coming into her mind as a jumbled mess. It made the floor feel like it was rolling under her, making her stager to keep her balance even though the ground was exactly where she had left it.

She-Cat forced herself to focus on one thing, to shut out everything else, to force herself to ignore her overloaded senses. She pulled one hand away from her ear, the noise growing louder the moment she did so, and slammed her claws into her hip. The sharp points cut right through the fabric of her suit, and dug into her skin. The jolt of pain giving her a feeling to focus on, one that she knew intimately.

It was enough to let her focus her attention back on Winters, still standing on the catwalk, watching everything with a look of detachment on his face. He was actually writing in a notebook as he watched, like this was some sort of twisted experiment.

She couldn’t quite jump up to him from the ground, but there was a set of stairs in the back of the warehouse that lead up to where head was, and she could reach those.

Letting out a snarl, she started running forward only have a shotgun blast go off just beside her. Most of the buckshot missed her, but some of it hit her across her side and belly. Most of it bounced off of her uniform, but enough still broke though, digging into her skin and sending searing pain washing across her body.

It only staggered her slightly, causing her to stumble, but she regained her footing and kept moving forward. The warm feeling of blood was seeping into her uniform, but it was already slowing down, her body healing the injury in just a few seconds.

A second blast hit her in the small of the back, followed moments later by two more, one against each shoulder. She was fare enough away from the thugs that the shots weren’t enough to stop her, but it hurt like hell. The pain helped She-Cat focus, to ignore the attack on her sense as she struggled towards the staircase. She was already half way there, and it was only another dozen yards until she could reach it. That was her goal, just to get to the stairs, to hell with the pain and noise, she was going to make it. Though there was the matter of the pair of thugs that were coming down the stairs towards her, one with a baseball bat in his hand, the other with an assault rifle.

She tried to dodge the bullets as the thug opened fired, the sound of the rapid firing of the assault rifle cutting through all the other noise. Thankfully she was fast enough to avoid the majority of the gunfire, but a few rounds still slammed into her arm and side, ripping through the skin. One bullet went right through her side, perforating a few organs as it did so, another slammed into her humerus, the reinforced bone stopping it from going any further.

Unfortunately, trying to move away from the gunman put her within the reach of the other thug, his bat flashing through the air. She had just enough of a warning to try and twist herself to block the hit, but wasn’t able to make it in time. It slammed into the side of her head, causing her ears to ring even more as her words spun around.

Lucky for her, his swing brought him close enough that she could do something about it. Reaching out, she grabbed his by the shirt, her claws tearing through the fabric and into his chest. With a grunt she yanked him forward, pulling him off his feet, and throwing him into his companion. The pair of them went down in a tangle of limbs, giving her just enough of an opening to make it to the stairs.

She pulled herself up them, her body aching from all the attacks. She was still healing the injuries, but there were so many that it was starting to slow down. She could feel the bullet in her arm slowly being pushed outwards, but it was moving slower than she was healing, which meant the slug was tearing its way back out and doing far more damage than when it had gone in.

“I’m going to claw that bastard’s eyes out,” she hissed as she climbed up the stairs. She was nearing the top when a plastic bag was thrown at her face. It hit her right on the nose, bursting as it impacted and sending a heavy red powder into her face. It rushed up her nose and mouth, as well as went right into her eyes, she even inhaled a good amount of it. The burning started instantly, clawing at her eyes, ripping at the back of her throat and making her lungs scream in pain.

That was followed by a point black shotgun blast to her gut, the buckshot perforating her intestines and causing her to cry out in pain. She knew that she could survive it, she had the misfortune to be gutted in the past, so this was only an inconvenience.

She-Cat slammed into the thug who had shot her, forcing him off the catwalk to tumble to the concrete floor below. She could barely see through her burning eyes, but it was enough to spot her target. Standing almost motionless a dozen feet away, not even looking in her direction.

Letting out a cry of anger, she leapt forward, slamming her claws into the feline’s chest as she threw him to the ground, coming down on top of him and pinning him to the metal floor. Except her claws didn’t rip into flesh and blood, but cloth and plastic. It was a mannequin, a decoy.

And a moment later it exploded. It wasn’t a large blast, but it was enough to throw her backwards a dozen feet, hitting back first against the catwalk railing, her uniform smoldering against her skin. She was soaked with her own blood, her body trying hard to heal all her injuries at once, but it just couldn’t keep up.

Even then, she still tried to struggle back to her feet, but the thugs were on her in moments, grabbing her arms and legs, pulling her down onto the rough metal of the catwalk.

“I won’t give you the satisfaction of killing me,” she growled out the words, twisting her body, trying to break free. The blood helped some, making her limbs slick and making it harder for the henchmen to hold her down.

The lion walked up to her and pulled out some fancy looking gun, pressing a bare foot on the center of her chest. The pressure caused thick claws to slide out of his toes and dig into her chest. “Kill you? Why would I ever want to do something like that? It would be such a waste.” He stated as he bent down, and pressed the gun against the side of her neck. There was a feeling of cold on her skin, followed moments later by the world spinning away into darkness as she passed out.

* * *

The next thing She-Cat was aware of was the sudden feeling of falling as her body rolled through the air. Even stunned, drugged, her ear ringing and with a what felt like a sack over her head, she was able to twisted her body around—much like her namesake—in order to land on her hands and knees. It had only been a short drop, not even a foot, and the ground she was on was rough against her hands, small stones digging into the skin.

Moments later she heard the sound of a tires spinning as a vehicle pulled away from her at high speed.

She reached up, grabbing at the bag over her head, struggling to get a grip on it, finally just hooking her claws through the material and ripping it free. It only gave her enough time to get a glimpse of the black van whipping around a corner, the side door open and the damn lion squatting inside.

“Bastard,” she said, throwing the bag to the ground as she slowly pulled herself onto her feet. Her head was still spinning, and it caused her to sway slightly. She pressed a hand to the side of her head, trying to stable it as she took stock of her situation.

Her guns were missing, as was her belt with her radio and phone. Her suit was in tatters, holes were ripping all throughout the material, and the black leather was covered in dried blood. Her body ached all the way down to her bones, making everything throb, and her muscles were cramped and knotted through the whole of her body.

The sun was rising through the buildings around her, casting everything in long shadows. It took a few moments for her to realize that she was standing in the middle of the road, right next to the large plaza in front of the Elm Field Mall. That put her right in the center of town, miles away from where she had been stalking this feline supervillain.

“You look like shit,” someone said from behind her.

She spun around, growling as she saw the bum sitting up from one of the benches that lined the road. He was covered in filth, his clothing looking like he had been wearing them for months, and it had been even longer than that since the last time he bathed. A thick beard covered his face, the hair matted down with gods knows what. He smelled like a cross between a garbage dump and a portable toilet at a music festival.

She-Cat snorted. “You’re one to talk,” she said, turning on her head and starting to stalk away from the man, though she’s still swaying on her feet.

The sound of skidding tires came again as the van suddenly came around one of the buildings on the other side of the plaza, the breaks squalling as is slammed to a stop in the middle of the road. The side door of the van was still open, and the lion was still hanging out of the door.

A growl rose up from the back of her throat, as she started running across the plaza towards the mad-scientist. There was nearly three-thousand feet of plaza in between them, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her. She knew she could cover that faster than anyone would ever expect.

Even from that distance, she could see the grin on the damn lion’s face as he lifted a riffle up to his shoulder, taking a moment to look down the sites before pulling the trigger. She felt the impact of the bullet before she heard it, the slug slamming into her hip, causing her to stumble and nearly fall. Thankfully the bullet had gone right through her muscles, ripping out the back of her leg with a spray of fresh blood. While the wound was bad, it wasn’t anything her healing factor couldn’t deal with.

Her next few steps were unstable as her body healed. The muscles knitted themselves back together, skin regrowing and sealing. It only took a dozen seconds, but her leg was whole again. Even better, then sudden shock of the impact had helped clear her head, allowing her to truly focus on her target.

A target that was still standing just inside the door of the van, the rifle put away, but there was no sign that he was going to even try to get away. A smirk was pulled over his muzzle, and his overly long tail was swishing behind him in anticipation.

It only took two more steps for She-Cat to realize that something was wrong. She could still feel the warm itching that came with her healing factor, but instead of being contained to the area where she had been shot, it was starting to spread out all over her body. Her skin felt hot and tight, the itching growing stronger by the moment. It was made worse by the way her body jiggled with each step.

Except she didn’t jiggle! She prided herself on keeping fit and trim, and while she had nice breasts, the sports bra built into her uniform kept everything in place. Yet when her foot hit the ground, she felt her whole-body jiggle and shake.

The next step was even worse. Every part of her seemed moved at once as her damaged uniform was pulled tight over her body, starting to cut into her skin.

She took a moment to glance down, gasping as she saw the gut that was now bouncing in front of her, and it was growing larger with every passing moment. That wasn’t the only part of her that was growing, her breasts were swelling as well, rising like dough under her top. Her tights were starting to rub together, forcing her to swing her legs wider on the next step, making her stumble. It caused her growing fat to shake, her uniform starting to creak and pop, the rips growing wider by the moment as the seams began to pop.

With a snap, her uniform tore open, causing her belly to spill out and fall against her thighs, the back splitting apart around her widening ass. The itch of her healing factor was still growing stronger even as the fat piled onto her body. She managed two more steps before the last of her uniform burst apart. Her belly was slapping against her legs as she ran, legs rubbing together even as they were pushed further apart, making her run more of a waddle.

It felt like she was gaining fifty pounds with every step she took, her ass spreading out behind her, her cheeks puffing out as thick rolls of fat starting to form around her neck, giving her second chin that started to push up under her jaw.

She never took her eyes off the lion, glaring at him as she forced herself forward, starting to gasp for air as the weight piled onto her body. The fat on her legs soon started to fold around her knees, making it harder to bend her legs even as her boots began to tear apart as even her feet were putting on weight. Her belly was sagging lower by the moment, and she could feel her navel stretching, becoming ever deeper as her gut grew. Sweat was starting to collect over her expanding body, coating the skin in a dirty looking sheen.

The few people that were around had pulled out their phones to record what was happening to She-Cat, but none of them were doing anything to help her.

Letting out a grunt as she struggled for air, yet still pushed herself towards the damnable cat, though her run had turned into a slow waddle. Her whole body was swaying from side to side from the effort it took to move one trunk like leg around the other. Every part of her body was moving, her belly slapping against her legs, her breasts had grown to match size of her head, but were now sagging down over the top of her belly and moving like they had a mind of their own. Her ass was taking on the most of the motion, the huge shelf of flesh that jutted out behind her rolling like waves in the storm.

“God, what did she do to herself,” one of the civilians asked, talking to her friend in a slightly too loud voice.

The other woman snorted and shook her head. “I don’t know, but it seems to suit her.”

She-Cat shot the woman a glare, but the shifting on her body was enough to finally cause her to lose her footing. She could feel her foot twisting and slipping outwards, causing her to swing her arms around to try and stay upright, but it wasn’t enough to stop the momentum of twelve hundred pounds of fat.

Letting out a cry, she tumbled down, landing belly first with a huge thud that cause the ground to shake around her. It knocked the wind out of her, making her gasp as she sprawled out on the hard pavement, at the same time it caused a huge fart to escape her ass, the cheeks shaking as it bubbled free. She felt like a beached whale, a whale with an ass that was nearly as tall as most normal women.

She started to rock her body, trying to get back onto her feet. It wasn’t easy, and every motion her fat flesh slap against itself as the sweat rolled down over her. Finally, with a gasp of air, she was somehow able to heave herself back onto her feet, her super strength allowing herself to hold her bloated body upright, her legs forced apart by her titanic thighs.

With a grunt, she tried to swing one leg forward, but it was too much for her. Her shifting balance moved her weight backwards, favoring her massive ass, pulling her back to the ground, landing on the cellulite filled ass cheeks.

“Damn it,” she grunted, trying to pull herself back up to her feet, but much to her own shock she couldn’t lift herself off the ground. She was pinned to the ground by fifteen-hundred pounds of her own fat. Letting out a cry, she tried to moving anything, twisting her body, hoping that maybe she could roll her massive body to the side, enough that she could get back to her feet, or even do anything other than just lay there!

Even worse, she was still itching all over as her natural healing tried desperately to undo whatever the bastard had done to her. It was a losing battle, as she could feel her belly growing out in front of her, pushing her legs apart even as her ass lifted her higher off the ground. She could feet the fat pilling up around her face, her cheeks looking like they were stuffed with food. Roles of fat were starting to form around the wrists and ankles, making them harder to move.

“You won’t get away with this!” she screamed out towards the lion.

More civilians were surrounding her now, many of them recoding her humiliation, while others were taking pictures. Her declaration only caused a round of laugher from the crowd. She tried to yell at them to call for help, but all that came out was a deep belch that shook her many chins.

That brought another round of laughter from the civilians, along with a number of jeers. “She’s a completely fat ass!” “Look at those tits, they are as big as my van!” “Can you believe she’s supposed to be a hero?” “What a joke.” “Why would she do this to herself?” “How disgusting!”

Across the plaza, She-Cat saw the feline step down out of the van, walking towards her with a smirk on his muzzle, his lab coat pillowing out behind him. “Well, this is an unqualified success,” he declared, as he grew nearer to her.

“When I get my hands on you—” she started to say, but found herself running out of breath half way through the threat.

That made the mad scientist laugh and shake his head. “What? You will sit on me? Crush me under your…” he paused and pulled out an odd-looking phone, pressing a few buttons on it. “Ton and a half of fat?”

She-Cat glared at him, her hands curling into fists, the fat fingers making them look like a bundle of sausages. Her belly was slowly creeping forward, starting to press up against the feline’s foot. Her breasts were spilling out on each side of her belly, the growing mass forcing them upwards towards her face.

His smile grew even wider as his tail flicked from side to side as he lifted his foot to press it down on her gut. “Two tons already. Oh my, I think I may have underestimated how effective the treatment would be. I wonder just how big you’re going to get?”

“This won’t…last forever…and when…I’m free…I will…end you,” she snapped, having to gasp for air between every other world. Even moving her jaw took effort, having to push against the growing number of chins and moving her stretching out cheeks.

Slowly the lion shook his head as he took a step back. “Are you hoping that your body will heal itself? Undo this horrible change that I’ve perpetuated on your perfect form? I’m sorry to tell you, that will not be happening. Ever. You see, you have this wonderful healing factor that can repair almost anything wrong with your body, but it has to know what your body is supposed to be first. So, I just… rewrote the template of your body. It’s your own power that is turning you this into an immobile blob of fat, and there is nothing that can be done to undo it. It’s who you are now, down to your very genes.”

He was lying, he had to be lying. There was no way he could have done something like that. That he could have turned her own body against herself like that. Yet she could feel her healing ability still working overtime, trying desperately to ‘fix’ her, but it wasn’t what was making her fatter, it couldn’t have been.

She started struggling again, as it that would do anything to move her fat body, her feet kicked at her belly even as they grew fatter, becoming harder to tell them apart from her legs. Her fat fingers made it hard to move her hands, though they were quickly being lost under the folds of fat rolling down her arms. It would possible to tell she had limbs, but they were quickly vanishing under the fat.

The feline took another step back, her belly growing even as she watched, her breasts each sinking down, the stretching out nipples toughing the ground on each side of her. Everywhere she looked, the only thing she could see was more fat. She couldn’t even see the ground in front of her anymore, though she could feel it as her belly continued to push forward. Her ass was pushing out behind her just as fast, taking up all the space around her.

“Three and a half tons, and still showing no signs of stopping. I have to admit, this is far more then I could have ever hopped for. I will have to try a few more tests to get tune the formula to have the exact right amount of gain.”

One of the civilians snorted before saying: “She’s was always a bit of joke.” Other voices joined in, agreeing with the comment. The crowd around her had grown to be at least a hundred people, all of them gawking at her humiliation.

It was more than she could take, it was more than anyone could take. “Please. Stop this,” she begged, hoping that the feline had any sort of heart.

The lion just shook his head, taking a step backwards to keep ahead of her sprawling fat. “I couldn’t, even if I wanted to, and I really don’t want to. This isn’t going to stop Masumi, not for quite a while. This is all that you are now, just fat, that’s all anyone will ever see when they look you, the only way they will even think of you. You are fat, now and forever.”

She tried to say something in protest, but she couldn’t get the words out, the rolls of her hundreds of chins muffling anything she could say. The only thing she managed was a whimpering that was lost in the laughter of the crowd.

With one last smirk, the lion checked his phone again. “Congratulations, you just hit six tones,” he said, prodding her belly with one of his feet. “Thank you for being a part of my experiments, I look forward to doing it again on the next She-Cat I encounter,” he added, then tuned and starting walking away. The crowd simply parted to let him go, which only gave room for a news team from the local TV station set up their camera to broadcast her defeat to the whole city.

The last anyone saw of the lion, he was climbing back into the van. He paused to give her a little wave before pulling the door closed before driving away.

As the sun rose over the city, so did her body, her belly spreading out like melting butter, even ass her ass somehow managed to keep pace. The crowds grew larger by the moment, soon thousands of people were pressed around, watching as She-Cat continued to grow.

It was still possible to tell that she was supposed to be a human, even with her hands and feet buried under the fat, and her face almost surrounded by it. She only knew that the gain had finally stopped when the itching of her healing faded away, but by then nearly filled the whole of the plaza with her fat body.

Her final weight was estimated to be twenty-six tons, making her too big for even the other super heroes to move. Though based on the laugher she heard from them, she suspected none of them even wanted to. It was just easier to leave her there, a huge mass of fat in the middle of town.

It didn’t take long for people to forget about the hero she once was. The only She-Cat they remembered was the mountain of fat in the center of town.


Editing by evilguyv20

This story was written and copyright 2021 by Theo Winters writing as Winter Quill, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed. This story cannot be published without permission of the author. Violators will be experimented on.
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