10 Story Ideas (Global Changes)

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10 Story Ideas (Global Changes)

Postby awschmidt » Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:25 am

Idea # 1: All young women around the world are first getting curvier and then pregnant.
Idea # 2: All young women around the world are slowly losing their IQ as their feminine curves grow proportionally.
Idea # 3: The breasts of all young women around the world grow by one cup size every night.
Idea # 4: All young women around the world wake up one day heavily pregnant but completely ignore the pregnancy.
Idea # 5: All young women around the world are becoming more fertile every day due to extraterrestrial influence, while men are becoming more and more potent.
Idea # 6: All young women around the world will wake up one day with broad, plump hips, big butts and big breasts. Nobody likes to wear clothes anymore and everyone has sex where they want.
Idea # 7: All young women around the world wake up one day with big hips, big bums and big breasts.
But only want to wear men's clothes without a bra. The women also wear men's hairstyles and behave like men.
Idea # 8: All young women around the world keep getting orgasms while they go about their normal activities.
Idea # 9: All young women around the world wake up one day with wide hips, big bums and breasts to find that they have orgasms while walking.
Idea # 10: A man is cursed that all young women who come near him or whom he looks at become heavily pregnant but completely ignore it.

If someone is willing to write one of these ideas I can describe it in detail.

(By young I mean between 20 and 45 years of age)
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Joined: Thu Dec 24, 2020 6:47 am

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