Portly Poker (wg, hairy, gambling)

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Portly Poker (wg, hairy, gambling)

Postby Foogo » Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:26 pm

Gambling can have heavy consequences. Commissioned by foogo and written by http://mytransformations.weebly.com/ (great guy to work with)

Chapter One:

When Frank and Jenny got married in the summer of 2008, they believed their future couldn’t be brighter. Frank had a promising career as an electrician for a construction firm and Jenny was a Kindergarten teacher.

Sadly, in only a few months, that future lay in tatters. The housing bust meant nearly all new home construction had ceased and Frank was out of a job. Jenny’s salary wouldn’t quite pay the bills, but if they dipped into their savings, they would almost get by.

The financial crash led to a state budget crisis, and soon this meant cuts to everything from police to education. A larger class size in public schools meant fewer teachers, and since Jenny was the most recently hired, she was let go. Since every school in the state was undergoing the same problems, Jenny had few prospects. The stress on them both was so bad that they even stopped having sex, much to Frank’s frustration.

Frank and Jenny looked outside Roanoke, but in the surrounding areas had prospects that were just as bleak. When their money was almost all gone, they started to look out of state for prospects. Frank found a company in a rural West Virginia town that needed an electrician to retrofit and maintain a series of coal plants. It wasn’t the most glamorous work, and it represented a cut in pay compared to his previous work, but with the lower cost of living, they could get by. Neither of them wanted to go, and Frank called a dozen companies one last time to see if they had any openings before he accepted the position.

When they arrived in the small town of River Pines, they were in for a bit of a shock. The city skylines and scenic, historical buildings of Roanoke were absent. Most of the town consisted of trees blackened by the coal plants and a few dozen shabby, run down mobile homes and several small looking farm plots.

“I can’t believe this,” Frank complained, as he surveyed the soot saturated shantytown.

“We love each other, that’s all that matters,” Jenny said, trying to console her husband. “I’m sure in a year or two, we’ll be back in Roanoke. This will all be a memory before you know it.”

“I hope so,” Frank said. “I don’t want to spend enough time to adjust to a place like this!”

“What will you do during the day in a place like this?” Frank asked her.

“I’ll be online,” Jenny said. “I found a web site where I can do remote tutoring or helping ghost-write term papers for struggling students. It’s just a few bucks, but it’s something,” she said.

Frank’s job turned out to be no more glamorous than Jenny’s. Working at the coal plant was monotonous and frustrating. On the plus side, his fellow workers were fairly friendly, and quickly invited him to what was the most important social event of the town: poker night.

Frank, who wore thick glasses and was a bit of a science fiction aficionado, didn’t expect to fit in so quickly, so he relished the chance to play even though he had relatively little experience playing cards.

Three of his co-workers who were regular players worked part time, also running small, family farms. Bobby was a pig farmer along with his brother, Billy. The latter was fat and sported a big, hairy belly while the former was even larger than his brother. He was also quite slovenly, and had a fair about of bad gas. Cletus was a tall, thin man with a long face, and ran a family dairy farm.

Ed, the fourth member of the card game, worked at the plant as a security guard. Before that, he boasted he had worked as a bouncer for a great many seedy strip clubs. His eyes were perpetually squinty and his face was in a perpetual scowl from injuries he had received in a brawl years ago. He claimed he the injury was an asset – it gave him a better ‘poker face.’

All of them wore trucker hats, suspenders, stained plaid shirts, and other articles of clothing that Frank would have perceived as white trash or hillbilly gear a few months ago, and would likely have used that as a reason not to associate with these people. Now, on the eve of his first game, he was just happy to have something to do in this boring town. They had all gathered at Ed’s place, a mobile home very similar to the one that Frank and Jenny were currently renting – except Ed’s place was littered with upscale porn magazines laying around in the open.

“The buy in is $5,” Ed announced in his deep voice. Frank was surprised that the buy-in was so small, but didn’t mention it. If he was going to lose, perhaps it was best that he lose a small amount of money, he reasoned. “The game is Texas Hold ‘Em,” Bobby continued. “No limit to amount of chips per round. Winner takes the whole pot.”

Frank’s first hole cards were a pair of sixes. Feeling confident, he reached for a handful of chips and placed them onto the table, calling out his bet. To his surprise, all four of his opponents immediately and without hesitation folded.

Throughout the night his luck ebbed and flowed, but whenever he placed a big bet his opponents folded quickly. As soon as he recognized the pattern, he started to bluff, even on bad hands. In a short while, he won the pot, and with it, $25. He received a great many slaps on the back and congratulations for his great skill.

It wasn’t much money, but he when he told Jenny, it did lead to some good sex. Frank was eagerly anticipating the next poker night, which this time was held at Cletus’s farm. The place had a dank smell and was slightly dilapidated, but Frank didn’t man. The situation was bad, but endurable.

“Want to make it a bit more interesting?” Cletus asked the crowd. “Let’s up the buy in to $20,” he said. Once again, Frank prevailed over the other gamblers, who played their hands with remarkable timidity. This time, he took home $100, and this time the sex with Jenny was even better. After his recent dry spell, Frank appreciated ‘nookie’ on a whole new level.

The third game was at Billy and Bob’s pig farm, which stank to high heaven. At this point, though, Frank would have played the game in the pits of Hell if that’s where they wanted to hold it. He remembered and episode of ‘Fraiser’ from a few years back, in which Martin said how all poker players dream of playing with a group of the least skilled players on Earth. Perhaps this was going to be a goldmine, Frank thought.

“The buy in is $300,” Billy announced casually in his twangy voice as he reached under his shirt to scratch his hairy belly. Frank was a bit surprised, but he didn’t voice an objection. If he played his cards right, he’d be bringing home over a grand, and he’d probably get whatever sexual fantasy he could ever want from his wife. Besides, he thought, this was a table of amateurs.

“Three hundred? I’m in,” Frank said. He played aggressively and won the first few hands, but then Billy brought out a large tan jar with three black X’s written across it with a black marker.

“Anyone up for a drink?” he asked suggestively.

“What is it?” Frank asked.

“What do you think?” Bobby answered. “Home made moonshine. Me and Billy made it last week.”

“I don’t know,” Frank demurred.

“Come on, it’s not fair to play as the only one sober,” Ed countered. “Besides, you’re already winning,” he added.

“What the hell,” Frank conceded, and was poured a generous helping of yellow liquid into a cracked coffee mug.

As soon as his lips touched the stuff, Frank found his head spinning. Worse still, the other players stopped falling for his bluffs. He was the first person out of the game, which ended up going to Bobby.

When he staggered home, Jenny was waiting for him.

“How much did you win this time?” she asked eagerly.

“I didn’t win,” Frank said, his words slurred.

“Oh, well I guess you can’t win them all,” Jenny said. “How much did you lose?”

“Three hundred,” Frank admitted, not willing to look his wife in the eye.

“Are you serious? We can’t afford that!” Jenny said. “And why are you talking that way? Have you been drinking?”

“Yeah,” Frank said, “but everybody was.”

“They’re probably all alcoholics! You’re a lightweight. That’s why you lost. No more drinking,” she insisted. Then she turned around to the bedroom and slammed the door shut. Frank slept on the couch.

The next day at work, the guys taunted Frank for his loss, which made him only more eager to win the money back.

“Host the game at your place next time,” Bobby insisted. “It’s your turn.”

“I don’t know if the wife will go for it,” Frank hedged. “She was steamed at me for losing.”

“She’s the wife – you’re the breadwinner. What you say should go,” Ed barked. “Don’t let your wife pussy whip you.”

After some pleading, Jenny acquiesced and agreed to hold the game at their mobile home.

“The buy in is $400,” Frank boldly announced.

“Honey, isn’t that a lot?” Jenny asked.

“I’m going to win it all back, and then some,” Frank boasted. In his mind, his wife was right on – the moonshine was obviously to blame for his loss – somehow, it must have ruined his poker face. Without it, he felt sure he was going to emerge as a winner.

Frank got a pair of 3s for his hole cards on the first hand. He bet big, but to his surprise, Billy, Ed, and Cletus all called him, and Billy even raised. He stuck with the hand, and lost. The next few hands went no better – the playing skills of his opponents seemed to have shot up dramatically. In less than an hour, he was out chips, the first at the table to bow out.

“You said $400,” Ed said. “I don’t see your cash on the table.”

“I don’t have it,” Frank admitted, sweating profusely. “You have to give me until next payday.”

“Did we wait to give you your winnings?” Ed asked.

“No, but I didn’t win hundreds of dollars,” Frank countered.

“If you weren’t ready to lose four hundred, you shouldn’t have set the buy so high,” Bobby said. “Pay up.”

“Yeah. Or else,” Ed said threateningly as he clenched his fist.

“Wait,” Ed said. “Look, does he have to pay in money? Hes got something of value to offer.”

“Oh?” Billy asked.

“How about this?” he said, and pointed at Jenny.

“Frank, can I speak to you privately?” Jenny said in a pointed tone.

“Sure, excuse me fellas,” he said as he left the table.

“What do you think they want with me?” Jenny asked sounding horrified. “You said you’d win the money back!”

“I know, I know. But look, our only options are do what they say, or be out another $400,” Frank said. “I don’t want this any more than you do, but we have to think about the future.”

“What will I have to do?” Jenny asked, her face flushed.

“Just do a little sexy dance, you know,” Frank replied. “I’m sure they won’t ask for more.”

“You’re sure?” Jenny asked.

“Yes, they aren’t bad guys,” Frank said, and walked with her back to the table.

As she climbed on top of the poker table and slowly undid the buttons of her top. Jenny, with her flowing brown hair, her lithe frame, and her naturally tan skin, was a traditional knockout. Her striptease was greeted with enthusiastic hooting and applause.

“Alright, Frank, that buys you back into the game,” Billy said. “Here’s a few chips, make them count.” Jenny remained on the table during play, while the guys ogled her and glanced up her skirt. She was wearing a pink thong.

Frank went all in with those chips the first chance he got. He lost.

“Do you need more?” she asked in a sultry tone.

“Yeah, more,” Ed said, and she removed her bra, causing her smallish, pert breasts to bounce free. In spite of herself, she was enjoying the attention.

“Are we paid up?” Jenny asked.

“Sure,” Cletus said. “Frank, we’ll give you another second chance to get back into the game.”

This time, Frank held his chips cautiously, betting sparingly even with good hands. He couldn’t bear to see his wife lose more clothing if he busted out. But the blinds slowly ate away at his pile and before long, he was forced to go all in on a substandard hand, losing again.

“Guess I have to keep going,” Jenny said with a giggle and a shrug. She slowly undulated her frame as she removed her skirt.

“Honey, you don’t have to…” Frank began, but was interrupted by Ed’s hand on his shoulder.

“Yes, she does,” he said. She removed her thong, revealing her shaved pussy. She shook and shimmied her thin body at the hillbillies with a look of glee on her face.

“Alright, you’re good, Frank,” Bobby said, and Jenny hoped off the table and went to the bathroom to put on her clothes. “You’re out, but we’ll let the buy in slide this time.”

“But if that’s how you plan on paying your debts in the future, we’re going to have to make some changes,” he said, when he was sure she was out of earshot.

“Changes?” Frank asked. “What changes?”

“We’ll get into that – next game,” Cletus said with a wink.
Posts: 43
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:40 pm

Re: Portly Poker (wg, hairy, gambling)

Postby Foogo » Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:27 pm

Chapter Two:

“I’ve got to play again,” Frank said. “I’ve just got to.”

“Why are you so committed to more gambling?” Jenny asked.

“We’ve got to get out of this town. And we’re still down $200. I want to win that back, and then some, and start saving for a way out of here,” he said.

“Don’t you think it’s possible, Frank, that you just got played for a sucker? They let you win the games with the small buys at first, to let you think you had a shot. Then, once you felt confident, they took you – took us both, really,” Jenny said wistfully.

“That’s exactly why I have to win my money back next time,” Frank explained. “I’m not letting a bunch of inbred rednecks think they’ve pulled one over on me.”

The next week there was an air of tension in the household of Frank and Jenny. The tension over what Jenny had to do to cover Frank’s losses did not put them in the mood for sex, and they slept in separate rooms.

Frank bought several books on poker strategies, and even played poker online a few times to test them out. When game night arrived, he felt he was ready for anything.

While at work, he was told to invite Jenny to watch the game. “She might be needed again,” Belly cracked.

“Not this time,” Frank said confidently.

Jenny accompanied him to Billy’s farm. She sat in a chain in the adjoining room, nervously biting her nails.

“Before we begin,” Bobby started, “I think we need to discuss our thoughts on alternative payment methods,” he said, casting eyes in Jenny’s direction.

“No need,” Frank said. “I know I’ll win,” he boasted.

“The buy-in is $900,” Billy said as he shuffled. This time, Frank had some luck – his winning hands quickly knocked out Bobby, Cletus, and Ed. But Billy hung on for over and hour, despite his shortage of chips.

With defeat seeming inevitable, Billy announced he would bet the remainder of his small pile of chips on the next hand – no matter what cards were dealt. Frank matched the bet, but he lost. Billy quickly announced again that he’d bet his whole stack – now twice as large, of course – on the outcome of the next game without seeing his whole cards. Again, he was victorious. Within five minutes, the game had turned, and in five more, Frank had lost.

“I assume you have cash,” Billy said through squinted eyes.

“No…” Frank said, feeling horrified.

“And we never discussed alternative payments, what a pity,” he said.

“What, I can just have Jenny do a dance again, can’t I?” Frank pleaded. Jenny had entered the room now, and was looking quite agitated.

“No, I don’t think so,” Billy said. “We’ve seen her, and frankly, we’re not impressed.”

“She might be on the cover of a magazine, but not what we’d read, if you get what I’m saying,” Bobby said through a chuckle that ended in a foul smelly fart.

“Not I certainly do not, my wife is a beautiful woman,” Frank exclaimed.

“Everyone has their own tastes, and we are no exception,” Cletus said. “Just…let us fix her up, you know.”

“Fix me up?” Jenny said.

“Haven’t you ever had a makeover?” Billy said with a smile. “Don’t worry about it.”

“So that’s all you want, then, to change my looks?” Jenny asked.

“Well…Billy said. “There is the matter the size of your husband’s debt to me. Nine hundred is a lot of money. For that, I also want – a week of your life.”

“A week of my life? Are you insane?” Jenny said, her hands on her hips.

“We’ve got to take something from you two,” Ed growled menacingly.

“We’re not thieves,” Bobby began.

“Yeah, we’re just jealous,” Billy finished for his brother. “You know, we’re all single. My brother and I have never married,” he said.

“Divorced,” Cletus volunteered.

“And you?” Jenny asked Ed.

“Widower,” he said after a long, uncomfortable pause.

“We all want a taste of married life. Live with me, pretend to be my wife for just one little week, and I’ll forget the nine hundred your hubby owes me,” Billy proposed.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Frank said. “You’re out of your mind if you think I’ll agree to that.”

“Some provider you are,” Billy shot back. “I know the plant – you don’t even make $900 a week in your salary, much less your take home pay. You’re gambling away more money than you can take in, and you want to step in and stop your wife from saving your ass?”

“Frank, I don’t like this, but he’s right. You’ve put us in quite a spot. This is our only option,” she said. “I’ll be your wife for a week,” she said to Billy.

“No!” Frank shouted out.

“Too late. The bargain is made,” Billy said as he rubbed his hands together. “She’s mine, for one week. And your debt is forgiven.”

“Let me at least go back to Frank’s to get some clothes,” Jen said. Frank didn’t like that he called his house ‘Frank’s,’ as if they were no longer a couple.

“You may, but our bargain is not completely finished. The game is not over. I have one more card to play,” Billy said. He placed a card on the table, one that did not resemble any used for the card games. It looked like an illustration of a voluptuous statue was on the face of it.

Jenny thought nothing of it, but then her skin tingled and her clothes started to feel tighter. She looked down, and saw her figure expanding before her eyes.

Her tiny tube top stretched and her bra strained as her bust increased a cup size, giving her substantial looking breasts. Her skirt was changing shape as well as her small butt changed. It flared wider and further out, giving her a massive bubble booty. It made her skirt rise and caused it to look like a miniskirt. This in turn exposed her underwear, which looked like a thong thanks to the fact that her expanded booty no longer fit comfortably within in.

“How is this possible?” Jenny asked. “Do you have any idea how much work goes into my diet regimen?”

“Don’t worry,” Billy said. “If Frank wins the game next time, he can win back your figure!”

Frank was upset but didn’t say anything during the short drive back. Once they arrived and she approached her closet, Jenny received another unwelcome surprise: all her clothes looked different.

Her sensible white blouses were gone, replaced with mesh and see through-stripe tube tops. Her sensible jeans and lettings had been somehow swapped for fishnet stockings. Even her tasteful imitation pearl jewelry had been changed into big hopes and roses, which looked trashy.

“How could this have happened?” she asked. “It was fine when we left, and none of the guys left the whole time. Besides, where would they even find clothes this slutty in this town?”

“I don’t know,” Frank said. “I feel like the whole world has gone crazy.”

“Hey, you get off easy. You don’t have to be the wife of mister crazy fat farmer,” she spat. “All because you got involved in cards, it’s so pathetic.”

“I didn’t see you complaining when I won!” he shot back.

“Well I never imagined there’d be these type of consequences,” she said as she used her hands to shake her enlarged breasts at him. “Look at this,” she complained as she wriggled her big booty in his face.

Frank reluctantly drove her back to Billy’s and dropped her off. They didn’t exchange a parting kiss or even wish each other good luck with their respective weeks.

“Welcome home, my wife,” Billy said as he looked her up and down. “You’re much more pleasing to the eye as woman with curves, don’t you agree?”

“No,” Jenny said. “And I’m not your wife. I’ll act like your wife, but were aren’t actually married. So don’t get any ideas.”

“Don’t you worry, I’ll be the perfect gentleman,” Billy said. “Now – make me a sandwich.”

“What?” Jenny asked. “Can’t you make it yourself? I don’t even know where food is in your kitchen or how you like it.”

“You’re my wife – you figure it out. I’m not asking for a blowjob, I’m asking for a sandwich,” he said. In spite of herself, she felt herself getting a little aroused at the word ‘blowjob.’

Jenny entered the kitchen and after rooting around in the place for a while, eventually made him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Billy was drinking moonshine and watching a TV show ‘American’s Dumbest Home Videos.’

“Where’s the bacon?” Billy said when she brought it out. “I like bacon,” he added as he scratched his fat belly.

“You didn’t ask for bacon,” she said.

“Does a fat man have to ask for bacon from his own wife?” Billy asked. “Make it again!”

Jenny did.

“Is this bacon microwaved?” he said as he lifted the bread.

“Yeah,” Jenny said.

“Ugh, it’s ruined. Throw it away. I worked hard for that bacon. Raised and slaughtered that pig myself. I can’t believe you’d cook it in such an undignified manner,” he said.

“I’m not a gourmet chef,” Jenny said.

“You’re not much a wife either. You can’t fix a decent meal and you complain when I tell you what to do,” Billy said.

“What do you want from me?” Jenny asked, feeling panicked and defeated.

“I…could use a hand,” Billy said, looking down at his crotch.

“I’m not doing that,” Jenny said. “No way.”

“Look – we can argue all night about what you’re doing. You can make me food, clean this smelly pigsty, wash and iron my shirts, or you can give me a hand and I’ll leave you alone. For the rest of the night. Deal?” he offered.

When he put it like that, she realized it was the lesser of two evils. She undid his suspenders and pulled down his pants, and reached into his sweat drenched boxer shorts until she felt his dick. Billy spanked the fat ass he gave her as she pumped and pulled him till he came, all over his fat belly and her exposed shoulder, enlarged cleavage, and hair. True to his word, he didn’t bug her for the rest of the night. She slept on the couch and was not bothered.

“I’m upping the stakes a little bit,” Billy said the next morning. “I want a decent breakfast and a decent meal, no deals about that. But you can work with me in the field and with the pigs for ten hours, or you can give me a blowjob.”

She didn’t want to, but Jenny could already feel her resistance weakening. Last night wasn’t so bad, was it? This was just one little step beyond that, she reasoned. And she hated the idea of working for him like a farmhand. If she was going to be his wife, then she’d be his wife. Before long, his cock was between her lips, and soon thereafter, he was moaning and causing her cheeks to bulge from a massive influx of cum. He knew his diet would make his come quite high in calories, which further added to the excitement of watching her swallow it down.

After, she properly fried up some bacon and eggs, making a huge platter of a breakfast for him as instructed.

“Since you were nice to me this morning, I’ll be nice to you,” Billy said through a mouth full of fried, fattening food. “Go ahead and fry yourself up some of that.”

“No thanks,” Jenny said. This type of food certainly wasn’t on her diet, which she counted on to maintain her lithe figure. With her recent weight gain, she knew she’d have to redouble her efforts to cut calories. “I’m on a diet, you know, to stay skinny and all.”

“Nonsense,” Billy said through a small burp. “No wife of mine is going to waste away. Besides, you’re on a farm. How can you resist the allure of home grown food?”

When Jenny had arrived, she found the place to be a smelly, uninviting mess. But she had to admit that her stomach growled when she fried up the bacon. She hadn’t even anything that sinful in quite a while. One little bite wouldn’t hurt, would it?

“Mmm…” Jenny said as she took a bite. “That is quite good. But you understand, I can’t make a habit of it if I hope to maintain my figure.”

“Well, what’s one week worth of eating well going to do? Besides, who are you trying to stay in shape for? Your pathetic husband, who has to sell out his own wife to pay off his debts?”

Jenny felt like slapping him, but thought better of it. He did have a point – there was nothing forcing her to stay in shape for Frank. He’d certainly forgive her for not being skinny, given the circumstances. Besides, maybe she could blame the card if she gained any more weight.

Over the next week, Jenny mainly cooked and did light cleaning, avoiding any of the heavy work with a timely blowjob or handjob. She learned to enjoy cooking and consuming the artery clogging, fattening farm faire. Even Billy became easier to deal with over time. When the week was over, Jenny wasn’t sure what to think of the experience.
Posts: 43
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:40 pm

Re: Portly Poker (wg, hairy, gambling)

Postby Foogo » Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:29 pm

Chapter Three:

Jenny prepared snacks for the gang on the next poker night – potato skins loaded with cheese, sour cream, chives, and of course, lots of greasy bacon. Everyone, save Frank, raved about them.

“It’s good to see you,” Frank said, the moment he got Jenny alone.

“You don’t have to do this,” Jenny said. “We can just go home, right now, and cut our losses.”

“Are you crazy?” Frank said. “Look at yourself in the mirror. Your ass is practically falling out of your shorts. And it looks like you’re started to put on a few pounds elsewhere, too,” he said as she jabbed her midsection, which had grown a little softer looking, though Jenny hadn’t noticed.

“What of it? I’ll just watch what I eat for a while,” Jenny said. “It’s no big deal.”

“It’s a big deal to me,” Frank said. “They said if I win, they’ll undo the spell they put on you, in addition to the money I’ll win back. What if that’s the only way to make you skinny again?”

“Are you willing to risk losing me again?” Jenny asked.

“Life is all about taking risks baby,” he replied, and sat down at the table.

“Want to make it interesting?” Bobby asked. “How about a cool one grand?”

“I don’t have it,” Frank confessed.

“Oh, well I figured that,” Bobby replied. “But I’m assuming you’re prepared to give collateral, am I right?” he said, glancing in Jenny’s direction.

For a moment, Jenny thought about screaming no, she wasn’t about to risk her body in a game of cards. And she certainly didn’t feel like she’d prefer to be ‘married’ to whomever happened to win a poker game! Especially given that her husband was probably not the best player at the table. If she just got up and ran, would anybody stop her? For whatever reason, she stayed.

At least, she felt, there was a good chance she’d be leaving this farm. Billy was just one of five players, after all. Right?

In just under an hour, Bobby managed to clear out all the other players, including Frank. Jenny realized she hadn’t thought about him winning. A fatter, sloppier, smellier version of his brother, Bobby horrified her.

“Pay up, Frank…” Bobby said with a chuckle and a fart.

“No….” Frank moaned. “You can’t have her,” he protested.

“Well, you’re in luck!” Bobby said. “I don’t want her!”

“You don’t?” Frank asked, feeling as though a large weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

“Well…let me correct that,” Bobby said, enjoying deflating Frank’s hope. “I don’t want her as is. My brother got to make a change, and I think I ought to as well.”

“Like giving her bigger boobs or something?” Frank asked hopefully.

“Well, that’d be a good start…” Bobby said, running his hands through his oily hair.

“Your brother didn’t make any big changes,” Frank reminded him.

“And you owed him less money, didn’t you?” Bobby said. Frank remembered it was Bobby who suggested the high buy in from the start. Had he planned this the whole time?

“Presto,” Bobby said, as he produced another ornate card on the table.

“What have you done?” Jenny said, as her body started tingling.

“I’m sure that will become obvious shortly,” Bobby replied.

“Leave my wife alone!” Frank angrily insisted.

“First of all,” Bobby said, “She’s my wife for the next week. Second, if you want her back to normal, you’ll have to win that game. You’ve lost, for now. And to the victor go the spoils.”

Before their eyes, Jenny’s body become coated with a layer of fat. Her diamond cheeks became round and puffy looking, and her chin became slightly doubled. Her already engorged breasts went up another cup size, straining against her top. Her tummy, which was already looking a tad puffy, expanded further still, giving her a ‘muffin top’ look. Jenny’s already big behind grew fatter and rounder. Its expanded girth completely gave up the illusion that she was trying to wear clothes – now, just her two wide ass cheeks hung out, plane for all to see. Her hips widened a bit and her legs grew juicer as well.

What’s more, those legs became peppered with little dots of hair.

“Hey,” Jenny cried out. “I work hard to keep my legs shaved.

“Ever consider that some guys prefer an all natural look?” Bobby asked. Under her arms, little plumes of dark hair were also sprouting.

“Much better, don’t you think?” Bobby asked.

“I’ll win the next game, don’t worry Jenny,” Frank promised, but Jenny wasn’t so sure. Her confidence in her husband was waning fast.

The game cleared out, and Jenny said goodbye to Billy. She walked out of his shack of a home, walked to the right about 30 feet, and then entered Bobby’s place.

It looked remarkably similar structurally, but Bobby’s home was considerably messier and stinkier than his brother’s.

“I’m so glad I won,” Bobby said. “I don’t know how my brother was treating you, but you’re going to be one happy wife over here.”

“I’m assuming you want me to make you dinner,” Jenny deadpanned.

“Not at the moment. Those potato skins you made earlier really hit the spot. I have a different hunger in mind for you to satisfy…” he said, as he eyed her up and down.

Jenny had been expecting this, fearfully anticipating it as soon as she knew Bobby had won the game of poker. She knew that, like his brother before him, he’d find a way to get with her sexually. At the time, the possibility was horrifying. But now, she felt only indifference. She was turning into a fat, hairy hic of a woman, why shouldn’t she have a husband that matched?

“Sit,” he said, gesturing to a coach covered in candy bar wrappers, pizza boxes, and other food related garbage. She pushed the refuse to the side and sat next to him. Bobby turned on a reality TV show about weight loss. He laughed at how hard the poor fat slobs on the show tried to exercise, frequently farting as he did so. At first the smell was bothersome to Jenny, but she quickly got used to it and found herself no longer noticing.

With time, his hand crept over to her. Bobby’s hand, with its fat stubby fingers, dirty fingernails and rough skin, started slowly caressing her softening midsection. Each time they showed a character on the screen pathetically jumping rope or looking ridiculous riding a bike, he gave her fat a gentle squeeze.

Soon his fingers crept south. To her horror, Jenny realized that her pubic hair had grown back, and with a vengeance. “I guess he really does like natural girls,” Jenny thought to herself as his fingers sunk under her panties, which were getting wet. Even though she still thought Bobby was gross, she found herself enjoying his touch. She started moaning and his filthy fingers started playing with her faster. She came while watching a fat woman’s belly get stuck in a hula hoop. Would she be that fat one day, she wondered.

“You can say a lot of things about Bobby,” the farmer began, “But you can’t say he’s not a gentleman. Ladies first, that’s what I always say.”

Unlike with his brother, there were no threats. No bargains. He demanded nothing from her, asked nothing of her explicitly. Yet Jenny already felt her instincts taking over. She found herself wanting touch him, to repay the favor.

Jenny ran her fingers down his the happy trail of his fat belly. “Oh yeah,” Bobby said. “You’ll have a hairy trail yourself soon,” he promised. Jenny didn’t say anything as she penetrated his boxers and stroked his swollen cock with one hand and started playing with his hairy, foul smelling balls with the other.

What was she doing, she asked herself? But she no longer felt in control of her own feelings. She wanted to please Bobby. That was all that mattered, she thought, as she put her mouth on the tip of his cock.

Bobby moaned, grunted, and flatulated as she filleted him, but she didn’t stop until he came in her mouth. She swallowed every last drop. It tasted sickeningly sweet.

Later that night, Jenny had access to a bathroom, which contained a razor. She knew she could use it to shave her pits, legs, and pussy, but didn’t see why she ought to bother. Bobby liked it, and he was her husband for the week, so why should she care?

The next day for breakfast, Bobby requested a meal similar to that of his brother, but with more bacon. Jenny dug in with gusto, not caring if it caused her to get any fatter.

“Mm…a woman with a healthy appetite, what a turn on. Your figure will get even riper at this pace,” Bobby said.

“Me eating bacon was a turn on?” Jenny said. “Let me help with that,” she added, and then crawled under the table. She pushed aside beer cans and mountains of crumbs to slink between his legs and start to suck him off.

Over the next week, Jenny’s appetite continued to increase, and her behavior grew increasingly slutty. At the mere mention of sex, she’d be on her hands and knees for her hubby of the week. She didn’t know why, but increasingly, she found it hard to care why. As she ate more fatty, greasy farm food, her skin became oily and her body grew even softer, which made her remaining clothes look ridiculously too small. Most garments she owned now were torn and stained by food.
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Re: Portly Poker (wg, hairy, gambling)

Postby Foogo » Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:30 pm

Chapter Four:

The next week flew by. When she got into Bobby’s pickup truck and they drove to Cletus’s dairy farm, she could hardly believe it was time for another poker match.

When Frank saw her, he had a burning look in his eye, and his nose wrinkled. He quickly pulled her off to the side to have it out with her.

“What’s wrong with you?” he asked. “You stink.”

“I smell like the shame of you losing,” she said. “It was your fault I slept there seven nights.”

“You did more than slept!” Frank shouted. “I drove by, I saw you on your knees for that fat bastard!”

“I was his wife,” Jenny said, trying to defend herself.

“You’re my wife,” Frank said. “Just because Bobby borrowed you doesn’t meant you had to give away the farm, so to speak.”

“We didn’t actually have sex, so keep your shirt on,” Jenny said. “If you are so upset about all this, just win this time.”

“Are we cool for fifteen hundred?” Cletus asked the bunch, once Jenny and Frank rejoined them.

“You mean am I cool with winning six grand from you four hillbillies, plus getting my wife and her body back? Sure I’m cool,” Frank insisted.

“Alright, as long as you know the consequences…” Cletus reminded him.

“Consequences, schomsequences, how much worse can it get?” Frank asked.

“I don’t know if I’d ask that if I were you,” Ed warned.

Frank tried to bluff the other players with a series of large opening bets. The gambit succeeded with Bobby, Billy and Ed, but Cletus held his cards, forcing Frank to play out bad hands.

Soon, Frank’s pile of chips was shrinking. His hands started to shake and sweat dripped from his brow, but no matter what desperate ploy he tried at the table, his chances for winning dipped lower and lower.

Cletus had started the game by training his eyes on Frank, as if to read his face for any telltale signs of bluffing. But as the game progressed, Frank noticed his gaze shifting away from his own face to that of his wife. Cletus lustily looked Jenny up and down, licking his lips, the chance to have her for a week becoming more and more likely by the minute.

Before long the game was over, and Cletus had emerged victorious.

“She’s really all that to you, huh?” Frank said resignedly.

“Not quite…” Cletus replied. “I’ve got another card to play today,” he said, as he slapped down a card that looked like a big cow.

Jenny’s breasts, which had already increased in size from Billy’s card and the weight she had put on during two weeks at the pig farm, began to grow again. Even her new, larger wardrobe was no longer enough to hold them, and the soft flew jutted out obscenely. Her nipples began to grow longer, darker, and more sensitive. They became visible through her trashy looking bra and white tank top, and in addition to their indentations Jenny could see little moisture patches. Her massive, vein laced breasts were starting to lactate milk.

Her hips widened slightly, giving her a more womanly gait, and her swelling, bulging potbelly started to grow little curly hairs leading up to her bellybutton.

“Do you want a woman or an animal?” Jenny asked, as she glanced down at her changed body in disbelief.

“Human beings, including women, are animals,” Cletus reminded her. “Don’t try to deny your heritage,” he added.

“I’ll win next time,” Frank declared, but the statement was perceived as hollow by everyone in the room.

“Clear out,” Cletus asked. “We’ve got business to get to.”

“Just remember whose wife that is,” Frank tried to warn him.

“Of course I know – she’s mine,” Cletus retorted. “And my wife and I would like to be alone.”

“She wants no such thing!” Frank shouted, but Jenny already felt her pussy growing damp at the thought what this man might do to her.

“Frank, just go, for my sake” she begged. She tried to make it sound like she was looking to avoid a confrontation, and not the truth – that she was anxious to get him out of her hair so she could start fooling around with another man.

“Fine,” he said. “But mark my words, I’ll be watching.”

“I’ll be sure to put on a good show for you, in that case,” Cletus declared. Frank, Billy, Bobby, and Ed finally departed a few moments later.

“Now that we are alone, can I get you anything to drink? Milk, perhaps?” Cletus asked her.

“Sounds lovely,” she said as she flopped down on the sofa. The smell of a diary farm was nearly as pungent as a pig farm. It was different and her nose wasn’t used to it, but on an instinctual level she knew she’d have fun here.

“This is fresh from this morning. Unfiltered, unpasteurized. Just as nature intended it,” Cletus boasted as he gave her a frothy glass.

A few months ago, before she moved to River Pines, Jenny would have scoffed at the idea of drinking something as unhygienic as raw milk from a small farm. She also would have thought Cletus cut a grim figure, a spectral, tall man. He was smiling now, but often he wore a dark, brooding expression which only served to make him creepier. She couldn’t have imagined shaking hands with such a man, but now she was prepared to eat and drink whatever he grew here and was eagerly fantasizing about so much more.

When she brought the glass of creamy, fattening liquid to her lips, she felt like she was drinking the nectar of the gods. Her tummy rumbled and seemed to grow a little rounder and plumper as she noisily gulped it down. Tiny amounts of milk dribbled onto her rounding chin and impossibly round breasts. And as if to say that they were full, her milky boobs seemed to increase their own discharge of milk as she drank.

Jenny burped and farted as she finished the glass, then rested her hands on her exposed belly, absentmindedly scratching at her itchy, hairy happy trail.

“Heavenly,” she mused, the full feeling leaving her in a daze.

“I can’t wait to try some of yours,” Cletus said suggestively.

“What of mine?” Jenny asked, her breathing shallow.

“Your milk, of course,” Cletus replied.

“Oh, go ahead,” she said. She felt so content she would have agreed to almost anything. With minimal effort, she pulled her giant, udder of a breast from her too small bra, exposing the dark, swollen, milk drenched nipple for her new hubby.

Cletus gingerly pinched the areola, causing milk to squirt near his face. He licked his lips lustily, moaning with pleasure. He then leaned over her nipple with his face and gulped down her sweet milk, while his bony hands rooted around in her slutty underwear.

Jenny sighed with pleasure as Cletus drained her of milk and finger fucked her. She passed out from the force of the orgasm.

When she awoke, she felt like an animal in heat. Her breasts seemed to burn with sensation, her pussy felt on fire with desire, and all she could think about was Cletus touching her again.

He didn’t touch her right away. Instead, he offered to show her how he milked his cows.

“By hand is best, but these days, that takes too long, so I use these suction tubes,” he said as he hooked one up to his cow.

“Would those work on a human?” Jenny asked aloud.

“I was just thinking the same thing,” Cletus said. He hooked the next set up suction tubes up to Jenny, and as he extracted her milk, she shuddered with pleasure. As sweet as it was, it did not sate her desire.

When her milking was done, she and Cletus went inside. He was about to start baking, but found Jenny rubbing and nuzzling up against her like an animal.

“I need you,” Jenny said. She could see the flicker of lights from the front window. When she turned her head, she knew that Frank’s car was pulling up. But she didn’t have the willpower to try to delay sex with him even another minute.

Jenny wrapped her arms around Cletus’s tall neck and pulled him in for a kiss. She tore off her stained, smelly, stretched tank top and her bra, and Cletus eagerly started caressing her blubbery, fat torso. Soon she was pulling off his hic pants and boots and her own trashy hooker-like panties. She grinded up against him, her hairy belly pressing up against his crotch. Soon, they were both naked, and she was on top of him, fucking him as hard as she could, all the while aware that she was under the jealous eye of her real husband. With each buck of her hips, her newly fattened body rippled, causing her breasts to flop around and squirt small amounts of milk and making her hairy tummy quiver. Frank was boiling with rage but in spite of himself, he had a raging hard on.

When they were done, they lay of the floor, naked and breathing hard. Cletus’s hands alternated from squeezing her soft, milky boobs and gently running his fingers up and down her hairy lower belly. He enjoyed fondling and jiggling her belly, putting his finger into her newly deep belly button. Jenny, meanwhile, couldn’t get enough of caressing and cuddling her chubby body up against Cletus’s tall frame.

Frank could only seethe in rage and impotently grit his teeth as he saw his wife affectionately cuddling with another man. He felt jealous – not just because she was with someone else, but he had never been ridden with that intensity. Nor had he ever acted as physically affectionate afterwards. Was Cletus as better lover, or had the changes in Jenny somehow awakened something new within her? Frank needed to find out.

Every morning, Jenny drank a glass of fresh farm milk, which caused her to grow just slightly softer and fatter with each gulp. And, for the next week, she couldn’t get enough sex with Cletus. They were together in his bed, on the sofa, in his truck, and even in the barn.

That time, Cletus had suggested doing her doggy style while the milk suction tubes were on. With each trust, her moans become louder and more animalistic. She could feel pleasure and instinct invade her mind, displacing any thoughts of loyalty, duty, or shame. When she came, she let out a long, bestial sound that almost resembled a moo.
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Re: Portly Poker (wg, hairy, gambling)

Postby Foogo » Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:32 pm

Chapter Five:

“Are we going to play cards or what?” Frank asked, pacing the interior of Ed’s mobile home.

“Sure, eventually,” Ed said. “But there’s no rush to get the game started. I have something much, much more interesting to focus on,” he said, eyeing Jenny up and down.

“Careful, Ed, that’s my wife you’re staring at,” Frank growled. Ed turned his gaze toward Frank, a stony, angry expression etched into his leathery skin, and Frank softly muttered “…sorry.”

“When was the last time you were my husband?” Jenny asked. “Can you even remember?”

“Low blow for a slut,” Frank shot back. “You’re just giving it away to anybody who wins a hand of cards, now, huh?”

“You aren’t much of a man if all you’re packing is words,” she said.

“You’ve got to admit,” Bobby began, “she’s got a good point.”

“You barely recognize her now,” Billy added. “What good would she even be to you, even if you won?”

“Even if you won and changed her back physically, she’ll never forget what’s happened. She’s a changed woman – permanently,” Cletus pointed out.

“Wanna just give up? The door is right there,” Jenny said. “I’m only going to be with a real man, and I doubt that’s you.”

“Let’s just play the game and find out,” Frank said, and Ed said the buy in was two grand.

The game itself quickly swung in Ed’s favor. Over and over, he and he alone would be the one to get the cards he needed on the flop and on the river. When he emerged victorious, Frank looked like a beaten, broken, shell of a man.

“I guess you’re coming full circle,” he said as he looked at Jenny.

“Well, at least you can’t do anything else to her,” Frank remarked. “How could she be any worse?”

“Wrong question to ask, my friend,” Ed remarked. “You’re about to find out.”

“I’m sure he’ll complete my transformation into a real woman – something you could never handle, Frank,” Jenny teased. “I’m ready, Ed – hit me with your best shot.”

Ed flipped over a card from the bottom of the deck. The design looked like a large figure 8 with lots of squiggly lines on all sides.

Jenny’s body rapidly started expanding. During her first couple of ‘marriages,’ she had transitioned from skinny to average, and then to chubby. Now she was becoming a full fledged fat woman. She grew a doughy second chin under the first one, her arms became flabby and saggy, and her pendulously large breasts leaned down on her tummy. Her gut was now an incredibly large apron of adipose, hanging down over her hips. It was two large, bulging folds of fat. Her hips widened, and her ass grew wider, longer, and softer. Her thighs were so fat that they jiggled even as she stood still. The fat caused all her clothes to stretch, snap, break, and fall free from her body.

Small hairs curled from her underarms, her legs, and from her groin, which wasn’t visible due to her enlarged belly covering it. But her ass crack was visible, and the advancing wave of new hairs did not spare this part of her body.

“Much better,” Ed said. “The perfect look for a wife.”

“Show some restraint this week, Jenny,” Frank spat at her.

“Restraint?” she replied with a scoff. “I’ll do what I please, when I please, and with whoever I want. Unless you think you’re a big enough man to stop me,” she taunted.

Frank rose to his feet. But Ed also rose, and the tall, menacing security guard wasn’t about to surrender his spoils.

“Think carefully before you get hurt,” Ed growled.

“This isn’t the end,” Frank promised. “Next week – my place.”

“Sure, sure,” Ed said. “Now, scram.”

When Frank and the rest of them departed, Ed was left in the dingy trailer park style home with his new wife for a week, Jenny.

“So, you said you’re a security guard?” Jenny asked him.

“I protect valuable objects,” Ed cryptically replied. “The entrance to a factory, or, in your case, a beautiful woman.”

“You don’t really think Frank or one of the other card players will try to steal me away from you, right?” Jenny asked.

“They’ll all expect to have a turn with you, eventually” Ed said. “But I have the last turn. Despite the fact that they’re farmers and I’m not, I was the one who realized you have to pluck the peach when it is the ripest. I’m going to have you at your best, and I fully intend defend my prize, though a card game, a fist fight, or anything else they throw at me. I don’t care what kind of deal I made – who says I have to be a man of my word? I’d rather be a liar with a warm bed to come home to than an honest fool,” he elaborated.

Jenny was so consumed with sex that she didn’t bother to ask about what kind of deal had been struck between the men, or what her role in it might be. She gazed around the room, looking at the empty beer cans and upscale spank magazines. She started to waddle around the room, gathering them up.

“Hey! No cleaning without my permission,” Ed barked. “I like ‘em lying around.”

“I’m sure you do,” Jenny said. “But have you ever read the articles?”

“What do I look like?” Ed replied with a laugh graffaw.

“Well, I’d like you to read them all,” Jenny said.

“What purpose would that serve?” Ed asked, his eyebrow raised skeptically.

“Read them and pick your favorite scenarios, stories, depraved sex acts, and we’ll re-create them together,” Jenny promised.

Ed grinned. “What a lovely idea. You certainly are quite a wife,” he said.

“I am to you. I would never have offered such a treat to Frank.”

“You don’t know what I’m like, I’m a perverted bastard,” Ed said, his statement sounding halfway between a confession and a boast.

“Whatever you like I can handle,” Jenny said with a wink.

Frank later selected three stories to act out: “Milked like a Bull,” “Mamma’s Boy,” and “Public Restroom Pizzazz.”


The first recreation happened that night. Ed was lying on his giant, plush chair naked while the TV blared. Meanwhile, Jenny strutted into view wearing a nurse uniform. It wasn’t easy for her to find one that fit her ample form, but she was dedicated to making the fantasy as realistic as possible.

“I’m going to require a semen sample,” she said. Ed, following his story, kept his focus on the TV. Jenny placed rubber gloves on one hand, and then the other, each hand making that distinctive snapping sound as the glove was pulled tightly.

“Don’t worry,” Jenny pretended to assure him, “the extraction will be done with minimal inconvenience. I’ve worked on a ranch. I know how to make a bull come in under a minute. No matter how much stamina you think you have, I’ll make short work of it,” she promised, as she produced a big bottle of lube and greased up her gloved fingers.

She placed a little paper cup over the head of Ed’s exposed, giant cock, and started to work the base with her right hand. With her left she massaged and splayed his hairy nuts. As her pumping grew faster, her lubed up left hand drifted further south, until it penetrated his hairy ass and rubbed his prostate. A few moments and a firm squeeze later, he was moaning and cumming.


The second story happened the following day. Ed awoke to smell cinnamon muffins baking, his favorite treat as a child.

“I thought I’d make a wonderful breakfast for my special boy,” Jenny said when Ed roused himself out of bed. She was wearing nothing but an apron, which barely covered her big belly. Her large breasts flopped over the edge of it. She leaned over to where he sat at the table and gave him a big kiss on the forehead.

Ed closed his eyes and felt the worries of modern life, and his tough guy persona, melt away as he allowed himself to fall into the fantasy.

“Good morning, Momma,” he said. Even his unusually deep voice seemed a little higher.

When the muffins were ready, they ate them together on the sofa while watching cartoons. Ed rested his head on Jenny’s massive, soft lap, while she fed him muffins by hand and gently stroked his greasy hair.

Later they took a bath together. Aside from his obvious erection, he displayed none of the signs of adulthood. Ed only looked at Jenny’s body with curiosity and fascination. And he loved as his Momma gently rubbed a sponge all over him.

When it was bedtime, she gently tucked him in, whispering in his ear how she’d always be there to care for him, to chase the monsters away, and make him happy and safe.

“You’re such a good boy, little Eddie,” she said, kissing his forehead, then his face, then his chin, neck, chest, nipples, tummy, belly button, and then the bulge in his pants. “Want a treat from Mommy?”

“Yes, oh yes. Please, Momma,” he cried out as she started sucking his cock. She swallowed him eagerly, and then curled into bed with her little big man.


Ed’s final fantasy required a bit more risk than the first two. He wanted to have her in the rest room of his workplace. Sneaking her around anywhere was a bit of a problem – she was so fat she couldn’t exactly hide. Besides, what if Frank saw them?

Ed decided to check the men’s room himself, and then if the coast was clear, he’d text Jenny to join him, which she did around lunch time. He wasted no time in corralling her into one of the stalls. She made it, but given her expanded girth, it was a tight fit – like he hoped her ass would be to his cock.

“Don’t worry about going too hard, I can take it,” Jenny said. “If you want to shove my head in the toilet, or pull my hair, or smack my ass, or call me a whore, whatever – just do whatever you need to do to get off,” she instructed. Ed imagined he’d try them all.

Just as he managed to pull down his pants and get to work, though, he heard the door open. He was too fired up to stop, and started huffing and pumping. Jenny cried out, too.

Frank could recognize the moans as his wife’s and pulled open the stall door, which Ed had not locked shut.

“How dare you! Both of you! At the office? What further humiliation is there?” Frank asked as he saw his wife bent over and Ed pumping himself up her butt.

“This!” Ed said, as he smashed the stall door with his bare ass. The metallic barrier swung in the opposite direction, hitting Frank in the nose and knocking him backwards. He was knocked unconscious when his head hit the tile floor.

“Hahahaha,” Jenny said when she heard him fall. “When we wipe up, let’s leave the spooge drenched bits of tissue paper on him.” The suggestion quickly brought life back to Ed’s cock, and resumed fucking her with wanton abandon.

When Frank awoke, he found smelly, most tissue paper burying his face. He felt a rage and fury course through his veins greater than anything he had ever felt before. He knew his path was revenge, and he quickly started formulating a plan…
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Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:40 pm

Re: Portly Poker (wg, hairy, gambling)

Postby Foogo » Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:34 pm

Chapter Six:

“Are you losers ready to play?” Frank asked, when the group arrived at his small place.

“Given your track record, I wouldn’t boast,” Bobby said.

“Let’s just see,” Frank said as he sat at the table.

“Why bother with a buy in? We all know what we’re playing for,” Ed said. Billy shot him a scowl.

“We do indeed,” Frank replied, a smile on his face. “But why spoil tradition? Twenty thousand ought to do it.”

“Twenty grand, eh?” Cletus asked. “You’re in a confident mood today.”

“Come off it, Frank,” Jenny said. “Why are you even bothering to try to scare anyone? You know you’re going to lose again.”

“What’s the matter, wifey? Afraid of what I’d do if I got you back?” he said.

“With that busted nose and black eye, how could I fear you? You weren’t even a match for Ed’s ass,” she said with a chuckle.

“Still, twenty grand…” Bobby began.

“That’s quite a lot. Perhaps we could up your share to your wife for three weeks, if you lose, of course,” Billy offered.

“How about to the winner, my wife for nine months?” Frank said.

“Why nine months?” Cletus asked.

“You’ll see. You’ll all see,” Frank muttered. “Anyway, if we are in agreement, let’s play.

When the cards were dealt, Frank immediately decided to go all-in with his hand.

“You’d risk twenty grand on a single hand of poker?” Bobby asked, incredulous.

“He’s not the one risking twenty grand, he’s risking nearly a year of time with his wife,” Cletus said. “I’m not going to let the braggart’s boast scare me away. I’m in, too.” Not wanting to back down in front of their friends, the other players also joined in.

The flop cards were a three, a five, and a jack. The turn was a queen, and the flop was a king.

Bobby revealed his cards first – a king and a five. Next was Cletus, who had two threes. Billy went next, triumphantly displaying his two cards – both queens.

“Guess I win,” he said, before the others had even played their cards. He turned to Jenny, a greedy look in his eye. “What I’m going to do to you…” he began, but Ed cleared his throat.

“I’ve got two kings,” Ed said, as he flipped over his cards.

“You bastard!” Billy shouted. “We had a deal!”

“Deals don’t matter, cards do, and I won her fair and square.” Ed said, grasping for the pile of chips at the center of the table.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Frank asked, his own cards untouched.

“What have you got, loser?” Jenny asked.

“A two and a seven,” Frank admitted.

“You went all in on the worst hand in poker?” Cletus shouted. “Are you crazy?

“Not quite the worst hand,” Frank said. “You didn’t let me finish. A two and a seven of clubs. That means I have a flush, and I’ve won.”

“You can’t have won,” Billy said, his face growing red.

“Why? Because you stacked the deck when you pretended to shuffle?” Frank shot back. Billy didn’t reply. “And Ed, you brought cards to hide under the table?” Ed only looked at his feet.

“I played my best, but after I was ‘hooked’ by you charlatans, I always lost. But I finally figured it out. You’ve been cheating this whole time. How else did you know a magic transformation card was always at the bottom of the deck?” Frank said. “You’ve been stacking it.”

“And that bastard broke the rules,” Billy said, jerking his thumb in Ed’s direction. “We are supposed to take turns on who wins, and it was my turn.”

“When is my turn? Just at the beginning, when we were playing for peanuts? No thanks. When you were distracted, staring at my wife lustily, I added a few cards of my own to the mix. If cheating is the game I’ve won. I’ve out-cheated the lot of you,” he said.

“Well, I suppose we can let you have your wife back…for now,” Cletus conceded.

“He doesn’t speak for all of us,” Cletus said, his hands bunching into fists menacingly.

Frank responded with a loud laugh.

“I’m a man who can count his winnings. Getting my wife ‘back’ wasn’t part of this hand,” Frank said. “I gave up my wife for a week to Cletus. That ended today. If I lost again, I might have surrendered her to one of you – but I didn’t win her. I already have her. But I did win two other items of great value,” Frank added.

“And what might those be?” Billy asked.

“Well, for one, I’ve won twenty grand from each of you,” Frank said.

“We don’t have that in cash,” Bobby replied nervously.

“Nor do we have hot wives to rent,” Cletus mumbled.

“Not to worry, I’ve already thought of an arrangement there,” Frank said. “And that brings me to the second item of value I’ve won from you. Billy, you told me if I ever won, I’d win back my wife’s figure. I’m presuming that means I get to have one card from that magic deck you have.”

“That’s right,” Billy said. “I’ll give you the card that turns her back to normal.”

“No!” Ed shouted. “Don’t let him have it. I like her the way she is, and I’m not giving her up.”

“Relax, Cletus,” Frank began. “I don’t intend to take that card as my part of my winnings. I intend to take another. You see…” Frank said, his voice trailing off as he walked up to Jenny. “At first, I was angry and horrified at what was happening to my wife. I thought you freaky hics were ruining by beautiful woman. But in spite of myself, I couldn’t help recognize how sexy she’s really become now. All I was mad about was the fact that you all got to have her and I was left out in the cold. Once I realized that, the solution became obvious.”

“What…solution?” Billy said, looking confused. Frank reached down for the deck of cards Billy was nervously flipping through.

“It doesn’t matter what card you pick, I’m taking Jenny with me right now,” Ed said, rising to his feet defiantly.

At that moment, though, Frank slapped down his card. It was a figure of a hulking man with a straw hat.

Off in the distance, a sound like thunder could be heard. Then, Frank started to change. He was always a man who was slightly below average in height, but he quickly shot up, towering over even Ed and Cletus. His unremarkable, underdeveloped physique radically shifted, as his toothpick arms grew into massive, muscular limbs and his chest widened. His shoulders grew, from a slender feminine look, to average sized, to wide and manly, before finally settling on hulk-sized, outclassing even Ed. His jaw widened as well as his features distorted and contorted into a new look. Finally, some fat was added to his body, giving him a wide belly, a thicker neck, and large fat fingers.

“What were you saying, little man?” Frank asked Ed, as he stared down at the now smaller man. Frank’s voice was both deeper and more ‘twang-y,’ and startled the gathering.

“Jenny is mine now, we are the perfect couple,” he said, wrapping his meaty arm around his porcine wife.

“Yeah, sure,” Ed said, knowing for the first time in his life, he was out of his league. Billy, Cletus, and Bobby rose to their feet and started to head to the door.

“Wait!” Frank called out in a booming voice. “I never got to finish my thought. Don’t anyone dare leave,” he said, as he cleared his throat with a husky, gross sound, and absentmindedly scratched at his itchy, fat ass. “You’ve all got some assets. I’d imagine about five grand each. You can pay me that, and combined with the rest of my savings, I can make a down payment on a nice little piece of land by the edge of town.”

“What do you want land for?” Bobby asked.

“Why do you think? I’m going to be a farmer, like you,” Frank replied.

“You don’t know the first thing about farming!” Billy proclaimed.

“Right,” Frank agreed. “Which is why, to pay the rest of what you owe me, you’ll come and work for me. I already did the math. At minimum wage, working twenty hours a week, you’ll pay off your debt to me in two years.”

“Two years!” Cletus exclaimed. “You want us to be your slaves for two years?”

“What about me?” Ed said. “I’m no farmer.”

“No, but you are a good security guard,” Frank said. “You can watch over the farm. Fight off any stray animals with your bare hands, if need be. And, if you’re not busy, be my personal bodyguard.”

“Bodyguard?” Ed asked.

“Oh, all right, I’ll just spell it out for you – you’ll be around me, watching me. Watching me fuck the brains of out Jenny, and having to sit there and do nothing about it. Maybe you can even be my butler! You can get us towels when we need them, extra lube, butter, whatever we need,” Frank said, a twinkle in his eye.

“That’s crazy, I’ll never work for you,” Ed shouted.

“Nor will I, I’ve got my own farm to worry about,” Cletus replied.

“What are you going to do if we refuse?” Billy asked.

“You don’t have a contract on us. You have a crooked card game,” Bobby pointed out. “We aren’t legally obligated to do what you say,” he added, as he let out a small, whiny fart.

“Big words from a gassy little man,” Frank shot back. “It’s true that if you took me to court, I’d have nothing on you. But I can promise you this. You’ll pay your debt or…” he said, and then he balled up his fists. “OR I’LL BASH YOUR EMPTY SULLS IN!” Frank thundered, as he punched a whole in his wall.

“One thing I don’t understand – why did you offer nine months for Jenny?” Billy asked, after a long moment of silence. “I was going to agree to just three weeks.”

“Jenny is pregnant,” he said.

“I am?” Jenny asked excitedly.

“I raided that bathroom and found a urine sample, and did a test. You’re pregnant, all right,” he proclaimed.

“I wonder who the father is,” Jenny mused, glancing from man to man.

“I think that’s easy to figure out,” Frank answered. “I am.”

“You are?” Jenny asked. “How do you know?”

“Who’s the biggest, baddest man here?” Frank asked.

“You are, of course,” Jenny said as she gazed up at him with admiration.

“I want to hear it from all of you,” Frank spat as he raised his fist again.

“You are,” the four hics mumbled in terror.

“Then of course it’s mine,” Frank said. “Unless anyone else wants to contradict me.”

“No, no, I’m sure it’s yours,” Bobby said.

“Good, it’s settled,” Frank said. “Now, you four can go. But don’t even think about trying to skip town on me. I’ve got GPS trackers on your cars. I’ve got a trace on your phones if you try to call for help. I won’t hesitate to destroy you resist my will.”

One year later…

Frank stood on his front porch admiring his property. Billy and Bobby pulled a plow on their shoulders like a pair of pack animals, while Cletus had nearly rubbed the skin off his palms milking so many cows.

Frank, wearing suspenders and a tweed hat, lumbered inside. He found his fat, hirsute wife nursing their big baby boy on the sofa. He joined her, the sofa creaking as he flopped his massive, heavy body on top of it, and then put his mouth to her other hairy nipple, drinking up her sweet milk.

When he was finished, he let out a wet belch, which elicited a giggle from both Jenny and the baby. He then ordered Ed to bring him a footstool while he watched TV and ate barbecue wings. As they laughed at a monster truck rally, both Frank and Jenny absentmindedly tossed their used napkins in Ed’s direction. Frank even used some of the napkins to dab at his hairy ass for good measure before tossing them Ed’s way.

For the first few months, Ed had alternated between tears of humiliation and empty, pent up rage at such treatment. Now, he felt nothing at all, his inner psyche a broken, impotent shell of a man.

When the baby was asleep, Frank picked him up and put in him a basket beside the sofa. Then he tore off his wife’s clothes, with the remaining sticky barbecue sauce serving as lube between their two hairy, large bodies.

As much as he wanted to help it, Ed couldn’t avoid getting an erection as he saw Jenny getting nailed – by a man bigger and stronger than he’d ever be.

“Life on the farm sure is grand,” Frank said, before falling asleep and snoring atop his wife’s large, milk soaked breast.
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Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:40 pm

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