Ex-Men - Kitty Pryde has been corrupted

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Ex-Men - Kitty Pryde has been corrupted

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"Uhhh! UHHHH!"

Kitty Pryde writhed in her bed, her mind dominated by a host of bizarre and monstrous dreams. The X-Men had defeated the Shadow King, banished him, but somehow a piece of the monster's dark essence had gotten inside Kitty and was slowly corrupting her soul.

Her dreams were filled with all sorts of bizarre fantasies of her dominating and toying with her friends -- leashing Storm and fucking her like a bitch, feminizing Wolverine and making him squeal as she reamed the little sissy with a giant strap-on, burning out Colossus' free will so that he was just a walking, humping metal dildo. Making Emma Frost suck her boot, admit that Kitty was the true queen.


As Kitty writhed in bed, she thrust her fingers into her dripping snatch, imagining all the ways she could break her friends.


  1. Kitty awakens utterly corrupt, eager to start working
  2. She awakens, trying to repress these monstrous feelings
  3. Her body starts to change
  4. Someone else is also tainted
  5. Something else

Page created by: Anzaleth on 2019-02-11 19:11:35.

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