The Truth - "Alright, I believe you. You won't have any more people over here."

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The Truth - "Alright, I believe you. You won't have any more people over here."

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Mishti felt her temples throb one more, disguising her panic with a smile. Why did Jeanne have to speak so generally? Not just lovers, but people, Would this mean that she would never have any more people to her apartment ever? Or at least outside of Jeanne? And how would reality twist to make that true?

  1. She is moving and her friend Jeanne has come to help.
  2. She is moving into her friend and new roommate Jeanne's unit.
  3. Same as 2, but now Mishti and Jeanne are lovers.
  4. She is now Jeanne's shy, submissive girlfriend with no friends. Jeanne has people over, but she doesn't.
  5. Suddenly, the apartment catches on fire, and they both run out as it burns down.
  6. Something Else.
  7. Something Else.

Page created by: BulbousBouffant on 2019-01-06 18:12:12.

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