The Truth - Amber changes Mishti for the worse with a harmless derogatory comment

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The Truth - Amber changes Mishti for the worse with a harmless derogatory comment

Parent Chapter

As Melody got back to her cubicle, she got on the headset and began talking to another, much more patient customer. An hour or so passed, and Melody was able to keep things civil and productive. She was certain if she just continued to keep things flowing smoothly, the day could end sooner and then she could give her full attention to whatever had caused this crazy change. Just as she got off the phone with another satisfied customer, she heard Amber lean back in her chair.

"Oh man, today has been brutal. Has everything been going better for you since this morning, Mishti?"

Melody found it a little bit more tedious trying to phrase English sentences than she had earlier, but she was still able to respond fairly quickly.

"Yes. It has been going alright. Everything is ah, everything is good."

"Good to hear." Amber said. "So, have you been adjusting well to other parts of living in America?"

Melody decided to play along. "Haan, yes, it has been going well. There are some... differences... but for the most part it has been... ah, going smoothly." Melody found trying to find the right words to say to be pretty annoying at this point.

"What's been one big difference?" Amber asked.

Melody thought for a big and decided to give a throwaway answer. "The food."

"Oh really?"

"Yes." Melody said, and then decided to throw in a joke, but couldn't quite think of how to put it. "It is hard to maintain a thin... what's the word... a thin figure with American food." Well, so much for making a joke.

"Oh sure." Amber said, and unfortunately she also tried going for a joke. "I'm sure you've already gained a hundred pounds just from all the American food, huh?"

Melody was going to respond, but she received another headache first. She felt her body start to inflate, her belly growing a bit, going from a small stomach to a fairly chubby tummy. Her boobs grew a bit, and they rested a little bit lower. Her butt made her rise in the char a bit as it also grew. All in all, Melody didn't look too bad for going into the mid 200's, but she could definitely notice the change.

  1. Melody tries to get Amber to make her skinny again, but it backfires and Amber jokingly makes Melody even fatter
  2. Melody tries to hurridely get Amber to make her skinny again, but Amber jokes that Melody's accent is starting to get in the way again
  3. Sandra walks over and inspects Melody's work, making nitpick comments
  4. Sandra walks over and inspects Melody's work, making some improving comments
  5. A coworker from across the room starts gossiping about Mishti
  6. A coworker from across the room has the hots for Mishti, and brags about how she's totally into her/him
  7. The day ends and Mishti goes home, but gets changed along the way
  8. Something else

Page created by: Zemajor23 on 2018-06-24 04:29:05.

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