The remote - Miranda is the maddest at Josh and decides to change him so he understand what she is going through.

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The remote - Miranda is the maddest at Josh and decides to change him so he understand what she is going through.

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"Ok, no, if you're going to act like a dick, forget about it, I'll find someone else to help me." Miranda said, walking off with as much dignity as she could muster after having to put up with the three jerks. She went back to the back of the class, but not before she heard Josh make one last comment.

"Fat bitch is probably just hungry for this dick." He said with a cocky grin, causing snickering from his two chauvinistic companions.

Miranda was about as offended on her behalf as she was angry and disappointed in Josh. How had she not known all this time that the guy was such a scumbag? She looked down at the remote. 'Well, maybe a punishment is in order.'

As Josh continued talking with Mark and Lance, he didn't notice his body going through drastic changes. His stubble began to recede as his facial features softened, and his hair grew out down to his back. His shoulders became less broad as his stature shrank by a few inches. His overall appearance became much more feminine, and climaxed with him, now her, growing breasts and having her male genitals replaced with female ones.

Josh, now Jocelyn, was having a slightly different conversation with the two.

"C'mon Joce, lemme give them a little squeeze." Lance said, motioning his hands while looking right at Jocelyn's bosom. Jocelyn rolled her eyes at the man's crude gesture, scooting closer to Mark.

"Mark, can you please tell your friend to quit being such an ass?" Jocelyn said, wrapping her arm around the young man's shoulders.

"Easy Lance, you know Jocelyn is my girl." Mark said, not really finding anything wrong with Lance's behavior but still wanting to keep good appearances with his hot girlfriend. However, that changed as another change hit Jocelyn. This time, her weight was drastically impacted as it increased dramatically. Her belly took the biggest toll, expanding outwards and rubbing up against the table. Her breasts also grew rapidly, though they sagged on top of her gut. Her ass began to quickly fill up her seat. Her much meatier arm was quickly shoved off by Mark.

"Get off of me, you damn cow." Mark snapped at the now 330 lb Jocelyn. "Why don't you go sit by the other blimp and leave me alone?"

Jocelyn didn't know why she was hanging out with the two perverts in the class, and went to walk away, but not before Lance got a handful of her ass and gave it a squeeze.

"That's if you're still feeling frisky later, sweet cheeks." Lance said.

Jocelyn waddled over to Miranda, red faced and embarrassed.

Miranda, meanwhile, was loving this sense of karma that had been dished out on Josh. Now he, or she, knew what it was like to be in her shoes. Now Miranda just had to figure out how to fix herself and she'd be golden.

  1. Miranda turns awareness on, and makes another change to Jocelyn to see what happens
  2. Miranda decides that Mark needs a change as well
  3. Miranda decides that the girls in college have had enough of Lance's lechery
  4. Miranda tries to change someone else, but ends up hitting the projector which is playing a movie, changing one of the characters
  5. Miranada gets the remote confiscated by the teacher
  6. Jocelyn asks about the remote and takes it to see what it does
  7. Something else

Page created by: Zemajor23 on 2018-05-22 01:16:55.

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