Marvel Alignment - "Yuan-ti Pureblood"

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Marvel Alignment - "Yuan-ti Pureblood"

Parent Chapter

Taking off her gorgeously green dress, revealing the blue tinted scales on her arms, Emma's eyes lit up lustfully. She'd never been with a Yuan-ti before!

Nori, sitting on the bed, only wearing a pair of purple panties, rolled her eyes. Loki loved roleplay, especially Dungeons and Dragons, she was surprisingly nerdy and was bound to create a whole life around being a Yuan-ti.

After what felt like hours of sweaty, rough sex with a hairy dwarf, her flabby body crushing Nori's petite frame, with hair in places Nori couldn't believe were so untamed, Emma was petting Nori like a cat, watching a Drow Pop Band's music video on the tv in their bedroom, as Loki, her eyes yellow like a snake, nibbled on her meaty doughnut.

"That tongue of yours, Loki." Emma commented. "By the Founders, are you two new to the city or could I have had Ra booty for months now?"

Nori waited for her wife's backstory, hoping it wouldn't be too embarrassing.

"We're from River City."

"Doesn't exist." Nori pointed at.

"Yes, it does." Loki giggled. Now.

Emma raised an eyebrow, of course River City was a real place. It's a very Yuan-ti dominated City-State.

"Nori, too?"

Loki nodded.

"Her parents were Snake Worshiping priest from South Pyramid, who built a temple near my neighborhood."

Nori glared. She's the daughter of Snake Worshipping Priest who ended up married to a Snake Woman?

"We moved here for my light novelist career." Loki explained.

"What about Nori?" Emma asked.

"Nori? Oh, she's actually..."

  1. "Trying to get a secretary job at your company."
  2. "Pregnant with our first child." Loki giggled
  3. "A match maker, she's really good at setting up dates. And since you've been such a good lover, you can have a free set up."
  4. Something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2018-03-04 19:07:43.

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