The remote - Carlotta asks how the girls are enjoying the pizza

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The remote - Carlotta asks how the girls are enjoying the pizza

Parent Chapter

Carlotta ate her slice, savoring the taste of the rich sauce. The moment she finished she stood and gave her husband a passionate kiss, the fire of their love as strong as ever.

"Mom, Dad, you guys can be so embarrassing." Alessandra blushed at her parents display of affection.

"Oh hush baby, we are just having a little fun." Carlotta teased her daughter as she gave her husband another quick peck on the cheek. She looked over to Claire's group and smiled. "Anaya, I am so happy you brought such healthy young girls to our restaurant. What do you think of our pizza?"

"It's so delicious. I don't know how I've never had it before, but I don't know if I can go back to any other." Isabella declared as she scarfed down another slice.

"You make an old woman very happy." Carlotta laughed proudly, her Italian accent still thick after all these years. Then her tone turned a little sadder. "I wish you girls were a little younger. My sweet Alessandra is a beauty, but the girls at her school are so unkind. She could use friends who understand her."

Claire thought about this. It had seemed Alessandra had been fairly popular as Alexis. She at least had Carly as a friend. While it seemed Carly was much happier in her new life Alessandra had not adjusted so well. The remote told her that Alessandra was bullied for her size and greasy skin in school. Though Sal's pizzeria was in the growing district that embraced fat the family lived elsewhere in the city, and Alessandra went to a school with old fashioned feelings toward full figured people. Claire didn't want to leave the girl feeling lonely or dejected. There had to be something she could do.

  1. Claire makes herself and her friends younger to give Alessandra friends her size and age
  2. Claire makes Alessandra a little older. She is more confident now that she is out of school and learning the family business
  3. Claire makes Alessandra a little older. It fails as Alessandra is still a wallflower with confidence issues
  4. Claire changes a tired looking older woman into a friend for Alessandra
  5. Claire changes a tired looking older woman into a friend for Alessandra with unforeseen consequences
  6. Claire decides to keep changing the people in the neighborhood until it is more rare to see a skinny person than fat people
  7. Something else
  8. Something else

Page created by: Nobody14 on 2018-03-04 14:40:49.

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