The remote - Josh does a dare

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The remote - Josh does a dare

Parent Chapter

Eve already had a pretty good idea of who she wanted her first victim to be.

"Josh, you're first. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare, I guess." Josh didn't bother giving the question much thought. He was only half paying attention to the game anyways.

This was just what Eve had hoped for. If Josh still had any lingering attraction to Miranda, she needed to find out now. If some part of Josh still did find the bloated, dirty, skank that Miranda had become attrative, than she could spend the rest of the night using that crush to mutually torture the both of them. If, however, he proved to be just as disgusted with the new Miranda as everyone else apparently was, than there was still a way to make things interesting.

"I dare you to... start making out with Miranda. And not just a little kiss. Make it wet and passionate, with lots of tongue."

The other three sat dumbfounded for a moment, struggling to catch up with how quickly Eve had escalated their game.

Of course, it didn't take Miranda very long to snap out of it. She hastily swallowed the massive fistful of chips she had just stuffed in her mouth before wiping her face clean with her sleeve. Catching on to what Josh had been just asked to do, Miranda wasted no time in getting into Josh's personal space. She placed her hands on his arms and positioned her body so that her oily gut was now rested on Josh's lap. "Well, it looks like you got to go through with this Joshy," she said, flipping her hair back in a move that was likely intended to be sexy. "I'll try to make it as good for you as it is for me."

Josh groaned. "Ugh, lets just get it over with quickly." Josh leaned in. Miranda, true to form, acted just a little too fast, using her meaty arms to pull him into a tight embrace he was clearly not prepared for. After a few seconds of squirming, Miranda relaxed her grip a little and Josh finally became... somewhat more comfortable. Eager to finish his turn, Josh moved in close to Miranda's lips and...

And received a belch right in his face. Josh broke away and jumped up off of the couch. Eve was beside herself laughing. Even Dave was having to suppress a snicker.

"You disgusting bitch!"

"Hey, I can't control when it happens. Its not like I could have asked for permission. You think I wanted it to happen then," Miranda added defiantly. Eve could not be more pleased. Miranda had just belched in another person's face and yet would not apologize. The concept of shame seemed totally alien to her.

"You better get back to sucking face, Josh," Eve added. "The dare is not over yet. If you don't finish, you are going to get the penalty."

"Screw that. I am not making out with that cow. At least not until she takes a breath mint." Miranda's face indicated that the last part of his comment had stung a little. "Give me whatever penalty you want for this stupid game."

This was too perfect. "Alright," Eve said. "But just remember, you brought this on yourself."

  1. Josh sucks it up and starts kissing Miranda
  2. Eve changes Josh to be like Dave
  3. Eve changes Josh to be like Miranda
  4. Eve turns Josh into a busty bimbo
  5. Josh gets turned into a five year old girl still dreaming about getting her first kiss
  6. Josh is going to wish his new face was capable of kissing Miranda
  7. Something Else
  8. Something Else

Page created by: pinkhippo99 on 2018-02-20 09:34:29.

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