The remote - Amy makes herself fatter than before, to see if she likes it.

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The remote - Amy makes herself fatter than before, to see if she likes it.

Parent Chapter

Amy looked down at the way her skintight jean shorts dug into her chunky thighs. Liam knew how much she struggled with dieting and exercise, and he had something that could've helped her in an instant? Was he testing her? Was it some sort of sick power play? Amy started to get upset, then it dawned on her: he must like fat women.

She almost laughed, it was so obvious. She was into bigger guys, why shouldn't her boyfriend be into bigger women? It was kind of funny that he never mentioned it, but she figured he must just be shy about his desires. She certainly knew it had been hard for her to come out about it... To be honest, she never thought about being fat herself. Even though she'd always been on the chunkier side, she had always been super active growing up, and the freshman 15 she put on in college was quite the unwelcome addition. But now she had this remote and could take it back any time she wanted... maybe it might be fun to make her boyfriend's fantasy come true.

She began thinking about how big she'd want to be. Her first thought was to start with her goal weight for Liam: 400 pounds. She was practically drooling at the thought of him waddling around campus, struggling to breathe, massive sagging belly popping out of an XXL shirt he bought 50 pounds ago... She smiled and shook her head. There'd be plenty of time for that later, she thought, fingering the remote. For now, it was time to whip up a little treat for Liam...

She decided to set the remote at the 400 pounds she imagined for Liam, along with the same level of physical activity and a preference for too-small clothing. She cringed at the thought of no longer being active enough for sports, but took a deep breath and reminded herself that it was only temporary. She aimed the remote at herself and fired.

She felt an intense heat pass through her body, then in an instant it vanished, replaced by an unfamiliar, draining heaviness. She looked down and gasped, barely able to see beyond her mammoth breasts. What she saw, however, horrified her. Her belly was absolutely massive, a wall of soft, squishy flab that hung down almost to her knees. She wore a skintight white shirt that was stretched almost to transparency, and still revealed a sliver of belly fat before it disappeared into the waistband of her enormous khakis. She studied her arms which now sported sagging waddles of fat and felt unusually weak and powerless.

She was scared, and eager to return to her boyfriend's room where she could at least sit down, but her first step nearly sent her toppling, and she began to walk slowly as she adjusted to her new equilibrium. Even still, she couldn't help feel winded and slightly sweaty by the time she made it back down the hall and to Liam's room. She took a moment to compose herself and threw on her most confident, sexy smile, before opening the door and walking in.

"Hey there cutie," she growled at him, slightly taken aback by her deeper, throatier voice.

"Haha, hey yourself," Liam laughed, looking mildly confused.

It was so funny that Liam didn't notice anything unusual, Amy laughed to herself.

"Mind if I make myself comfortable?" she rumbled.

"Uh, sure, of course," Liam replied, gesturing to the empty chair next to the bed.

"You're so silly," Amy laughed, carefully lowering her bulk next to Liam on the bed. The bed immediately sagged inward, groaning and creaking in protest. Despite being a fairly large bed, Amy's ass took up nearly half of it, and the outside of her soft, dimpled thighs squished into Liam's chubby but muscular legs.

Liam blushed and tried to scoot away, but tumbled back into Amy's soft bulk. After awkwardly righting himself, he continued.

"L-look, Amy, I-" But before he could continue, a knock at the door interrupted him. The girl who opened the door was cute. She was by no means a knockout, but was pretty enough with straight blonde hair, pale skin, and modest breasts.

"Sara!" Liam said, practically leaping off the bed, wrapping the girl in a hug and giving her a passionate kiss.

Amy was both confused and devastated, and struggled to get off the bed.

"Oh Amy, don't bother getting up!" the girl laughed. "I know how hard it is for you. Liam and I are heading out on our date night, you just take your time!"

In an instant, it dawned on Amy that Liam wasn't actually into fat girls, and she had turned herself into this fat blob for nothing. The two of them were heading out the door, and she had an instant to decide what to do.

  1. Amy uses the remote to transfer her extra weight to Liam, hoping Sara will be turned off by him.
  2. She transfers her extra weight to Liam, but other unexpected changes occur.
  3. Amy uses the remote to transfer her extra weight to Sara, hoping Liam will be turned off by her
  4. Amy transfers her weight to Sara, but other unexpected changes occur
  5. Amy uses the remote to give Liam a fat fetish like hers
  6. Amy uses the remote to transfer her fat fetish to Liam
  7. Amy uses the remote to give Liam a fat fetish, and unexpected changes occur
  8. Something else

Page created by: threebearmoon on 2018-02-05 23:31:31.

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