The remote - Made a subtle change only she noticed. She makes an excuse to leave and takes the remote with her.

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The remote - Made a subtle change only she noticed. She makes an excuse to leave and takes the remote with her.

Parent Chapter

With a firm smack, the remote went off. Instantly blue coloring flashed into Ben's hair!

Amy took a step back, stunned. The slob's hair looked bizarre, blight blue gelled into points.

"What the hell just happened?" Amy thought. Neither Liam or Ben seemed to notice the change.

Ben looked at her in confusion, then relief that she had ended her assault. Liam kept up his verbal barrage.

"Get out of here you Creep!" he barked.

Ben slunk away out the door. Liam relaxed.

"Hey, that jerk made me feel gross. I'm going to go use the bathroom and freshen up," said Amy. She had hidden the remote behind her.

"Sure thing," replied Liam. "Take as long as you need. But don't let that a**hole ruin our good time."

The large man took off his shirt to reveal his massive paunch. Amy bit her lip. She had quite the fetish for fat men.

Resisting her impulses, Amy replied, "Be right back," before dashing into the bathroom.

Immediately she began to examine the remote. It had an endless list of options. Finding a tame one she zapped herself. Her fingernails grew and became perfectly manicured with a bright shade of pink polish. Amy could scarcely believe her eyes.

"What can't this thing do?" she thought.

Looking outside she noticed a robin sitting in a tree in it's nest. With the press of a button the robin became a cat. All the eggs got crushed.

"Oh crap!"

With another press the robin returned to normal and the eggs were restored.

"Wow, I can do anything with this! Where did it come from?" Amy thought.

It dawned on her that Liam had it out earlier. She wondered what he had being doing with it.

Looking down at herself she made another change. Her somewhat chubby body melted away into a firm extremely toned physique. Her chest shrank and then rose and her bum firmed up.

"Liam knows I've been working out for months trying to lose those last 20 pounds. If he had this why didn't he use it to help me?" she wondered, "unless he likes me being chubby."

Frustrated, Amy looked over the remote a bit more before deciding what to do next.

  1. Amy decides to fatten up Liam as payback.
  2. Amy buffs herself up and heads back to have fun with Liam.
  3. Amy makes herself fatter than before, to see if she likes it.
  4. Amy uses the remote to see what changes Liam made.
  5. Amy asks Liam directly about the remote.
  6. Smething else
  7. Something Else.

Page created by: beatlemaster on 2018-02-01 11:59:33.

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