The remote - Miranda likes the changes and wants more. They slowly inflate her ass until it's a spectacle.

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The remote - Miranda likes the changes and wants more. They slowly inflate her ass until it's a spectacle.

Parent Chapter

Abby suggested the girls head to the food court and Tina eagerly agreed. Miranda, meanwhile, was stunned. As the trio headed toward the delicious aroma of food, she couldn't take her eyes off her little sister's ass, which she could see bounce and sway with every step, and she even thought she could make out the ripples of cellulite under the thin fabric. Tina and Miranda sat down, having become sweaty and out of breath from the walk.

"Hey, you girls sit here, I'll grab us some grub," Abby said.

"Isn't this great?" Tina beamed, as the two obese young women watched as she sashayed towards the food vendors.

"Y-yeah, actually," Miranda said, coming out of her trance. "She's so much nicer now!"

"Hey, if this made her nice, I wonder what would happen if we made it really huge..." Tina added with glee.

Miranda was reluctant. Even though she had been a bully, she loved her sister, and now that she was nicer she was eager to see what their relationship was like. Still, imagining with an ass even bigger than her own made her giggle. Besides, they could always change her back...

"Ok, let's do it!" Miranda said after a moment of thought.

Tina smiled. She knew the two of them were best friends for a reason...

The two peaked over the dividing wall and located Abby waiting in line. They held hands and Tina pressed the button, deciding to have the change happen gradually so they could watch.

They began noticing Abby absentmindedly adjusting her waistband. The adjustments became more frequent and more intense as they watched her ass cheeks inflate and press against the sides of her sweatpants. A belly roll began rising and pushing out over the wasitband, eventually revealing several inches over her waistband.

They watched as Abby relaxed a little as her outfit transformed. Apparently she had been forced to abandon sweatpants, as her massive hips were now clad in shear black leggings, which hugged every inch of her ample backside. Miranda quickly estimated that her ass must be at least 3 feet wide, and she giggled at the thought of her trying to fit through doorways. Her top had changed as well, to a loose, billowy blouse that covered her growing belly. It was also sleeveless, and Miranda could see that her arms looked thick and flabby as well.

As soon as she was done ordering, the girls popped back down, not wanting to get caught staring. Abby arrived with a tray overflowing with food.

"Hope you girls are hungry," she smiled.

Tina and Miranda had to suppress a giggle as they watched Abby try to squeeze in at their table. She had to turn completely sideways and gingerly lower her massive derriere on the small plastic chair, which proceeded to spill over the sides. Once she got settled, she dug in voraciously, eating almost as fast as the two obese girls next to her. In fact, even though her upper body looked only slightly chubby, she weighed nearly as much as the two nearly spherical young women next to her, due to her oversized rear.

The three girls slumped down in their chairs after their big meal, hands on their overstuffed bellies. After taking a moment to recover, Tina and Miranda stood up, eager to get on with shopping. Abby, meanwhile, remained seated.

"Um, girls, mind giving me a hand up?" Abby asked, extending her plump arms with a red-faced look of embarrassment.

  1. The girls aren't done embarrassing Abby, and decide to do something to bring attention to her ass. Like, say, uncontrollable gas.
  2. They decide to draw attention to her ass by giving her a more... provocative fashion sense.
  3. They decide to leave Abby alone, but make themselves into perfect young hotties so she'd know what it's like to have an attractive sister.
  4. Miranda actually finds herself liking the changes, and asks if Tina will do the same thing for her boobs.
  5. Abby wants to leave but the girls still want to check out the card shop, so they turn Abby into an even bigger nerd than them.
  6. Something else.

Page created by: trunkkeyfitz on 2014-12-23 13:54:47.

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