The remote - Eve finds a new target while Miranda remains hidden

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The remote - Eve finds a new target while Miranda remains hidden

Parent Chapter

Miranda already knows how powerful Eve is with the remote and how ruthless should would be if she had turned herself so after a careful bit of deciding, she decides to stay on the downlow, still feeling guilty that she was sacrificing innocent people for her own safety. She runs as fast as can up the various stairs then hides in one of the bathrooms, which had 4 people already in it. Miranda slammed the door shut, sandwiched in between 2 other girls.

While Miranda was cowering in a bathroom stall, Eve laughed as she watched her from the remote. For someone who created the all powerful device, she sure was dumb to forget that there was no escape, especially if she was going to cower like this. However, rather than bring her back to herself, Even had a much more devious plan to keep Miranda suffering since it didn't seem like transforming her friends was enough. First, Eve removed all the males in the school and replaced them with women, essentially turning the campus into a girls only college for a later plan. Next, Eve began to really ramp up the issue in the bathroom. She introduced 5 more girls into the already small room and making Miranda even more nervous in her situation. Pushing a few buttoms, she began to massively increase all their weights to the point where the ones using the toilets were almost stuck in the stalls and the ones outside took up all the walking space. She also made sure they were all sweaty, smelly, and had to use the bathroom very, very badly.

Miranda began to gag as the noxious smell of farts from 9 different people began to fill up the bathroom. She could taste and feel the humid gas waft around the room, paired with thunderous booms from their behinds. Meanwhile the people in the stalls began to grunt harder and harder, causing wet sputters from their cellulite covered asses. Shit began to flow out of the stained bowl and all over the floor, where it slowly covered the floor from all sides, essentially cutting of Miranda from any escape. She tried peeking out but all she could see were rolls of back fat covering the whole door. She felt a buzz in her pocket, and realized Eve could still text her.

"Yikes, the bathrooms are just stuffed today aren't they? Better come out now before you can't get out!" texted Eve.

Eve had to think fast before the smell could knock her out, so after some quick thinking, she decided to...

  1. Attempt to get out and succeed
  2. Attempt to get out and fail
  3. Stay, but something else happens to her
  4. Stay, but the fat slobs turn on her
  5. Something else
  6. Something else
  7. Something else

Page created by: AMagicSandwhich on 2017-10-24 23:53:33.

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