Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Skip to Jean and Emma's vacation

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Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Skip to Jean and Emma's vacation

Parent Chapter

Jean always wore bikinis, despite how pregnant or out of shape she may be. She love showing off her curves, especially her massive booty. She loved how it felt in the sand and by the cold ocean water.

Emma, despite being much thinner than Jean, wore a one-piece, which made Jean giggled.

"Remember when you were obsseded with your body? It always had to be flawless? I'll never forget who you were pregnant with Phoebe, you were so determined to lose every pound of baby weight."

Emma blushed and meekly responded.


Like always, Jean was humiliating her. Making her feel fat, old, and small.

Jean was happy, but then she realized this was mean.

"Hey, um, do you like this?"

Emma raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Our relationship. I kinda just realized, I'm sorta pretty... well, very intense with you. Do you like that?"

Emma didn't know what to say, she was replay caught off guard.

"Look, I know I've done stuff like, make you call me three times a day when you're on business trips, or even when you're just working... and I'm in charge of the finances, and I gave you a weekly allowance, and punish if you spend half... wow, I'm pretty crazy, aren't I?"

Emma nodded, not even realizing.

"I just wanna know, do you, um, I mean, am I worth the crazy?

  1. Emma says "of course! Jesus, I let you give me several nipple piercing! The fact I stayed should mean a lot, sweetie."
  2. Emma says "well, maybe if you relaxed a little." Which Jean doesn't take well.
  3. Mephisto appears and decides to fuck with Emma
  4. Something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2017-09-25 01:13:39.

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