The remote - Eve gets distracted

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The remote - Eve gets distracted

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"What did you do to her? How is this possible?" Allie cried as she watched Jazz's new cumbersome form move around the kitchen.

"If I were you I'd be more worried about myself. What makes you think something couldn't happen to you? If you honestly still think it could help I'll give you a moment to talk to Jazz. Just don't interfere with her work." Eve sneered. She had all the power here, knowing she could change Allie at a moments notice. She was cautious however, still trying to discover how these two still knew of Michelle's previous life. There was no need to be hasty when she could get some clues.

"Jazz, this isn't you. You know you're my friend, and we've been writing articles together for years now. Are you really okay being this fat? You have to fight back." Allie was desperate for any sign her friend was still in this person who wore her face.

"Of course this is me Allie. In my line of work it's easy to pack on the pounds, but I'm proud of every all 580 of them." Jazz laughed, slapping her gut, causing it to ripple and shake. "We may be friends, but I really need to get dinner ready. You should go home for the night. Maybe Mistress will be willing to give you your interview later."

Tears began falling down Allie's face, and Eve was loving it. There was a problem with this situation though. She had programmed the remote for Jazz to have no idea who Allie was, just like Michelle had forgotten her old friends. She had expected Jazz to ask her who Allie was, and to order the reporter out of the kitchen, not to be friendly but stern with the girl.

"Michelle! What have I told you about sneaking down here and taking the food? Mistress Eve eats before any of us servants, you know that." The large Black woman yelled at the tubby tech geek. Eve turned her attention there, the attitude exactly what she had expected based on her changes. She wanted no interruptions with meals coming out immaculate and delicious for her and any guests she had.

"B-But Jazz, Mistress told me I could have a snack before dinner." Michelle whined in a nasal tone.

"It's true Jazz." Eve said to end the fight and focus on the more important matters at hand.

"If you allow it Mistress. Just don't make a habit of it Michelle." Jazz gave a stern eye to her coworker.

"Now then, where were we?" Eve said as she turned back to face Allie. Nothing but empty space greeted her. She could understand terror overtaking the girl. When faced with a fate like Michelle or Jazz's self preservation made sense. She laughed again at the thought Allie abandoned her friends, but even more so that Allie thought she could escape.

  1. Eve had set a trap to change either girl if they left the room before her
  2. Allie makes her escape, swearing to get her friends back
  3. Allie is stopped by the maids and brought back to Eve
  4. Allie is stopped, but managed to get a distress message out
  5. Allie is unable to find her way out
  6. Allie lies in wait to ambush Eve
  7. Something else
  8. Something else

Page created by: Nobody14 on 2017-09-23 01:47:10.

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