The remote - The girls trust Wyatt and go with him to see Eve

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The remote - The girls trust Wyatt and go with him to see Eve

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As Wyatt said this the front gates opened and a rather round woman came out. She had short ugly red hair, a body as big as a whale and a face only a mother could love.

"Hi my name is Miranda um Mistress Eve wanted me to show you to her office." Miranda said leading trio into the building.

The girls tried to ask Miranda about the Michelle and Eve as they walked down the hall but the maid was rather tight lipped insisting that they should not keep the Mistress waiting and that she really had to get back to her cam show for her adoring fans. Hence to say all three of them were creeped out by the dense woman.

It did not take them long as Miranda opened the office door and announced the arrivals. Allie, Jazz and Wyatt saw a sprawling office as they walked in filled with awards and achievements that Eve had made for herself.

"Yes come now have a seat." Eve said trying to hide her blood lust. Michelle was a big enough headache and to deal with this was a wrench in her comfortable life. "Now according to Mr. Denver you two having something to ask me?"

Jazz knew Eve was playing coy but did not take the bait unfortunately the same could not be said for Allie.

"What did you do to our friend Michelle?!" Allie said at the top of her voice as Eve continued to pretend. "She came here to investigate you and now she is missing some people don't even remember her anymore."

"Huh Michelle I do have a worker with that name, but I doubt it is the girl you are looking for. She is not the roving reporter type." Eve said with a grin as she flipped on a nearby camera.

Allie and Jazz had hoped that it was their friend as the camera came into focus they were at the very least disgusted. The woman was huge several times the size of Michelle. Her body was hairy and dirty and exposed for all to see as she masturbated to what appeared to be Hentai. Feeling like they understood Eve flipped off the camera.

"No that is not her, our Michelle is a much more put together person." Allie said dejected. Eve loved the irony that they could not even recognize Michelle and in fact insulted her, it was a delicious feeling.

"Well then we are down here." Eve said dismissive but both of the girls began to go off again saying that their Michelle did come here and that she must have down something with her.

Eve was getting quite mad and was wondering if she should stick to her original plan of coming to a compromise or just ruin all three of them right now. She knew the remote still needed to recharge more but she just might be able to pull it off.

  1. Eve is fed up with them and decides to change all three
  2. Eve decides to change one of the girls
  3. Eve changes Wyatt
  4. Eventually all three are forced to leave
  5. Since they are not convinced Eve takes them on a tour of her place
  6. Eve reveals the remote and forces the trio into a game
  7. something else
  8. something else
  9. something else
  10. something else

Page created by: Kingmeep on 2017-09-21 08:30:09.

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