Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - "Have a special friend come over for a 'tea' party."

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Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - "Have a special friend come over for a 'tea' party."

Parent Chapter

"...Invite over Emma Frost for a...'tea party'. She's British, she likes that sorta thing."

Jean smirked and swatted at her husband's lingering hands, which were gripping her toned ass suggestively. "You just want to watch us have sex, don't you?"

Steve grinned. "Well, yeah...but, she also called and said she wanted to show you something."

"What?" Jean asked as she pulled on a pencil skirt and heels. Underneath, she had neglected to wear underwear...she was trying to hook a teacher at her kids' school.

"She said she's been playing around with...necromancy." Steve smiled and gave a weak attempt at jazz hands. "Seems kinda cool - maybe she's good at it!"

Jean quirked an eyebrow. "Magic?"

Steve nodded. "Said she found some old book and has been trying to learn some spells. She strikes me as a magical woman...in more than one department..."

Jean thought about it for a moment before slowly nodding. "Well...I guess that's okay. Magic can get kinda out of hand but I guess if we're there too it'll be okay."

Steve laughed. "You worry too much, baby. It'll be fun, I promise."

  1. Emma arrives
  2. Jean goes to Parents Night
  3. something else

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