Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Wanda talks to Nat about their relationship

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Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Wanda talks to Nat about their relationship

Parent Chapter

Natasha started doing this fun thing where she cooked her girlfriend elaborate meals, completely nude, and the dessert was alone whipped creamed and strawberry smothered in chocolate sauce on her pussy.

As Natasha cut up carrots for her broth, Wanda came inside with bag filled with clothes.

"Hey, hun." Nat coped while shaking her bare hips to a popular Russian pop song from the Mid 90's. "Do you want biscuits or galric bread?"

Wanda smiled as she sat down at a good angle to watch her girlfriend dance.

"Either's good." Wanda said honestly.

"What's with the sour look?" Natasha asked, stopping her cooking to sit on top of her lover's lap. She smelled like coconut oil, Wanda loved her scent.

"Things go bad with your mom?"

Wanda laughed.

"I was crazy this morning. My parents are the most progressive people on the east coast! Of course they're okay with us."

Natasha shook her head.

"You know, this wasn't about you're parents."

Wanda shrugged.


Natasha shushed her girlfriend with her finger and giggled.

"Sweetie, I'll ask again. Be honest with me, okay?"

Wanda nodded.

"Wanda, will you..."

  1. "Move to Moscow will me?" Natasha wants to settle down in her homeland
  2. "Marry me?"
  3. "Have my child?" Natasha asks with a saddened smiled. She was castrated at a young age... and she's always wanted a baby
  4. Something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2017-09-10 19:41:13.

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