The remote - Eve expells Miranda

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The remote - Eve expells Miranda

Parent Chapter

"I... I just wanted to meet a guy, no one pays any attention to me, but they love me on online." Miranda began weeping, tears rolling down her multiple chins. Her face became puffier and mucus came out, Eve was pleased with how ugly a crier Miranda was.

"Please don't expel me Mrs. Saunders it won't happen again I am sorry." Miranda said, she cried even more her whole body jiggling.

"Well I am sorry Miranda, but rules are rules and your time was limited here anyway with your grades, I simply can't have you be a student at this school anymore, I am sorry, but you are expelled.” Eve said with a wicked grin no remorse in her eyes watching Miranda's humiliation was great and even better she would release this video and the whole town would see it heck with the remote she could make sure everyone in the world sees it. Eve was loving her life and relishing in her victory.

But then it hit her with Miranda expelled she would no longer be around to mess with and Eve was still having fun at her expense, she could not make Miranda a student again that would be no fun there had to be something else and that is when it came to her. She saw Miranda struggling to get up ready to leave the school for good without ever being with a guy and with no job prospects.

"Hey Miranda I am sorry I had to expel you, but it was out of my hands I can do something for you though I can give you a job as a maid at my mansion." Eve grinned it would be fun to humiliate Miranda at her leisure and there is no way the idiot would say no.

"You would do that for me Mrs. Saunders, oh thank you when can I start?" Miranda said.

"How about tomorrow get to the house at 8 a.m. and I will show you around." Eve said

"Don't you have to be at work?" Miranda said.

Eve giggled "No Miranda I choose what days I come in that is what it means to succeed in life maybe if you tried harder you could have been in my position."

Eve was loving this already, the idea of Miranda struggling to clean toilets and watch in envy of Eve was too good.

"Ok Mrs. Saunders thank you, I will do my best." Miranda said as she lumbered out of Eve's office she was still upset about being expelled but her ditzy brain brought up thoughts of a rich man at one of Eve's parties swooping her away, and at least she had a job

  1. Eve shows Miranda around and gives her a humiliating uniform
  2. Eve makes Miranda's job hard by making changes to her while she cleans
  3. Eve throws a party where many rich people mock Miranda
  4. Eve decides to change someone else
  5. While cleaning Miranda gets the remote
  6. Miranda can't help herself and throws a cam show in Eve's mansion
  7. something else
  8. something else

Page created by: colt361 on 2014-09-12 21:34:40.

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