No More Men - Emma and Jean get into a fight and Wanda watches them

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No More Men - Emma and Jean get into a fight and Wanda watches them

Parent Chapter

"You know that kid is mine!" Emma shouted in her bedroom, packing her bags.

Jean didn't like this argument, it wasn't going where she wanted.

Tonight, she should be telling her wife she wants her to cut back on work, spend more time with her children, spend more time with her; Jean didn't think Emma was a problem. In no way did she think that!

But there she was, about to leave.

Wanda was secretly watching behind the door, upset at the sight. She's spent more time with Emma than she ever had Scottie.


"No!" Emma sighed. "It's been fun. You're very kinky in bed, didn't think I'd like bondage, it was a fantastic experience, yet I can only handle so much humiliation!I'm not going to waste my life as your affair! What happens when you get bored of me?"


"No!" Emma shoved the redhead out of the way and stormed off, ignoring the sobbing child staring at her.

"Pretty sad, huh?" The Masked Man lowered himself to Wanda's height and shook his head. "For the part of you that can understand, this world won't last long if you're not happy. A version of you did this once. Everything goes south when you're upset. Try to think happy thoughts this time, kay?"

  1. Wanda created another world
  2. Wanda makes a slight tweek for this one
  3. Something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2017-04-15 23:58:31.

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