No More Men - The departure ceremony

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No More Men - The departure ceremony

Parent Chapter

The girls leaving were at the exit with Ms Freeze and her daughter.

It wasn't an elaborate ceremony. It was really just a bunch of girls hugging their friends goodbye.

Vision was a tad nervous, where was Wanda? She was suppose to be front and center.

When she finally saw the girl, she was in the corner, with tears running down her face.


"I'm not going." Wanda whimpered.

"Why not?"


Vision sighed. She had always know about the societal structure of the bunker. She knew Wanda was a subbie, and probably was told not to leave by her dom.

"Wanda, don't let people tell you what you can and can't do." Vision smiled. "If you want to come, come. I know you do... and I want you to."

  1. Wanda is convinced
  2. Pietra buds in and forces Wanda to stay
  3. Wanda's head hurts, again
  4. Something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2017-04-09 19:16:16.

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