No More Men - Emma convinces Bryce to have a baby

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No More Men - Emma convinces Bryce to have a baby

Parent Chapter

"I... I really like my body." Bryce pouted.

"Really? It's so tiny." Emma rubbed Bryce's back. "You clearly like curvy women, why not be one."

"Because I've worked hard for it."

Emma laughed.

"I felt the same way when I was your age. You're gonna get flabby with time, no matter what. Why not enjoy yourself now? You starve yourself, sweetie. Wouldn't you rather pig out and still have someone wanting to fuck your brains out?"

"But..." Bryce whimpered. "But then I won't be the dom."

Emma rested Bryce's tiny head on her lap and laughed.

"Sweetie. You're not a dom. I am." Emma laughed. "I have complete control of our relationship. You do what I want you to do."

"With my control?"

"No!" Emma shook her head. "By making you think you had the power. You're having my baby, end of discussion."

Bryce wanted to punish Emma's she wanted to rebuke the idea of ruining her perfect body for a baby... But Emma was right, she truly was the submissive little bitch.

  1. Lorna at the hospital
  2. Emma knocks up Bryce
  3. Something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2017-03-26 21:31:03.

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