Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Time skip

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Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Time skip

Parent Chapter

A few months later:

Willow thoroughly enjoyed working at Storm's deli, even as her belly grew larger and larger, making her daily activities more difficult. She was eight and a half months along now and bigger than most women overdue. But, thanks to Junior's constant assistance, it wasn't too bad.

Willow and Junior had been secretly dating for the past few months, though, in reality, it wasn't much of a secret. Emma and Jean, thanks to their telepathy, knew immediately and Lorna was quick to guess. They were all pleased with Willow's latest boyfriend, though. Junior was a kind, humble kid who wanted Willow for Willow, which was a breath of fresh air compared to her baby's father.

"So, how did work go?" Jean asked as she reclined on the couch. She was watching the younger kids run around the living room while Emma and Lorna were out shopping. This late in her pregnancy, shopping wasn't really an option for Jean.

"It went really well," Willow said, arching her back and pulling her jacket off. Her uniform shirt rode up her taunt belly, revealing a large slice of pale skin as well as her inverted navel. Although Willow was not half as lazy as she had been before her pregnancy, she hadn't really bothered to lotion her belly as she grew. This, of course, resulted in a mass of stretch marks all across her tummy, most of them concentrated around her heavy hips and waist. Jean eyed them, shaking her head.

"Honey, I told you to put lotion on. You'll never get rid of those after giving birth," Jean warned as her daughter sat down beside her. Willow's belly, free of any obtrusions, sat in her lap, taking up almost all the available space. She rubbed the skin and sighed.

"Yeah, I know. But, Junior and I were talking and...once I have little Marcus we want to move in together. He makes a lot of money fighting crime on the weekends with the Black Panther...I think we could do it," Willow said sweetly.

Jean smiled. "Well, if that's what you want honey. But, that doesn't explain the stretchmarks."

"Hopefully, there won't be a break between Marcus and the next baby. Junior and I want to get started on a bigger family pretty quickly," Willow explained.

Jean's eyes widened. "Wow, that's quite the decision! I hope you're ready for it!"

Willow nodded. "I think I am."

  1. Epilogue: Willow's life
  2. something else
  3. something else

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