Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Jean and the Scot find a lead

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Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Jean and the Scot find a lead

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"How am I supposed to get out of here?" the Scot asked, shifting uneasily as Jean simply climbed out of the box. She reached down and grabbed his hand, helping him up.

"Just like that," Jean said, smiling. The Scot stood up on the edge of the box and stretched his arms, grinning.

"Man! That sure feels good! Didn't think I'd ever get out of there! So, where to now, Ms. Grey?" The Scot asked after hopping down to the ground.

Jean smiled softly and said, "It's Mrs. Dane-Grey and...I'm not really sure. I was hoping the feeling would simply come to me at the right time. That Lorna would somehow be able to tell me it's her."

The Scot rolled his eyes and began walking. "I see. All lovey dovey and stuff. You sure aren't like the Jean Grey I know. She definitely wouldn't be rummaging around in the afterlife looking for her girlfriend."

"My wife. We're married," Jean corrected, struggling to keep pace with the fit, young man.

The Scot waved his hand, nodding. "Right, right. Well, everyone's box here is personalized a little, whether by appearance or personality of the deceased. It's not always easy to notice, but it might help us find yer wife's box," he explained.

Jean thought for a moment before blurting out, "She has green hair! Uh, natural green hair. She was born with green hair."

The Scot raised his eyebrows and whistled. "Red and green, I'm sure that's interesting," he said, laughing snidely. Jean blushed.

"Maybe that has som-" Jean started, before the boy suddenly grabbed her arm and pointed to the far right side of the warehouse, almost out of sight. There, on one of the highest stacks, was a green box with candy-cane-like stripes around it.

"She did make jokes about how the two of us made Christmastime," Jean said, grinning. "I think that might be it. I have a good feeling."

"Well, I'm dead so I don't really have anything better to do," the Scot said, shrugging. "Let's find yer wifey."

  1. Jean and the Scot encounter a demon along the way
  2. Jean and the Scot make it to the box
  3. something else

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