Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Rachel doesn't want Jean coming to the concert

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Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Rachel doesn't want Jean coming to the concert

Parent Chapter

When Jean waddled down to the livingroom with a tight fitting t-shirt, sparkled with the word Polaris, that was in no way covering her stretch marked belly, Rachel nearly lost it.

"Mother, you are not wearing that rag to the concert! All my friends are coming!"

"This happens to be the shirt I wore when I met your mom." Jean defended the tattered mess she was sporting.

Lorna crept in and took an intoxicatingly long whiff.

"Still has that ranky koosh scent from Amsterdam back in 98'." Lorna was enamored.

"Mom, please, get Mother another t-shirt! Preferably one that fits and doesn't have a ten year old mustard stain!"

"You don't want me to go, do you?" Jean crossed her arms.

Rache sighed. Polaris, Jubes, Dazzler, and Lauri Howlett were rock goddess. And one of them is her mother!

But Jean, she's just her mom and principal! Her embarrassing, overweight mother that her friends make fun of at Xavier's all the time because of her super gigantic backside!

  1. Rachel and Jean have a fight
  2. Lorna tried to calm the tension
  3. something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2016-09-25 18:32:43.

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