Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Betsy

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Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Betsy

Parent Chapter


"Babe, I know it's our anniversary... But do I really have to wear a dress?"

An elderly Jean smiled in bed while her wife tried on a modest black gown for older women.

"I'd really like a forty year's later photo." Jean laughed. "It'd be great for my scrapbook."

Betsy waddled in, feeling ridiculous. Her arms felt fat and exposed, and she hated the idea of not wearing pants.

"Should we really drop off Rebecca at the school? The semester won't start till next month."

"That's in a week, honey." Jean pointed out. "I know you love Rebecca around the house, but she needs to be around kids her own age."

"I know..."

Jean grabbed her cane and wabbled over to her wife for a light peck on the cheek.

"When we're done with our trip to Manhatten, we'll pop by the school to make sure Becca is adjusting okay. Alright?"

That made Betsy very happy. She loved her grandaughter and was overly concerned about her like a father would.

"Honey, I was thinking... I know we retired because of me."

"That's not true." Betsy said sternly.

"Betsy, if it wasn't for this cane, I'd still be at the school. I love being a teacher and I know you do too."

"It was a great chapter of my life, but I'm happy just being with you." Betsy passionately kissed her wife.

"Look, you don't have to be retired. I know it's necessary for me, but you're as energized as ever."

Betsy sat down, with a look of worry on her wrinkled, pale face.

"Are you sure?"

"You don't like being here." Jean sat down next to her slowly. The whole time, Betsy was concerned Jean would trip. "I want my British Bell to be happy."

"We'll do a trial basis. If you can't handle being around a bunch of fiesty teenagers, you tell me. What's best for you is what I care about."

"I feel the same way." Jean said with the upmost sincerity.
(Emma and Logan)

"I don't know..." Jean said hesitantly.

"Why not?" Logan pouted. "Mistress Emma wants a baby and I do too! I'll even be the nursing mom! I've always wanted titties!"

Jean liked the idea of Logan with tits and moaned at the image in her head.

"Mistress Emma wants me to have a baby!" Jean sighed. "I'd rather just adopt."

"But we both wanna see that booty of yours get all enormous and juicy!" Logan rubbed his nipples with his slender hands.

"Logan, corner!" Emma barked.

Logan obeyed like the submissive bitch he was.

"I'm sorry." Emma told her girlfriend honestly as they cleaned up their little bar for the lunch rush.

"You, sorry?" Jean laughed.

"Maybe I want a kid. But I didn't ask if you did."

"Of course I do!" Jean laughed. "I'd rather just adopt. I'm fat enough!"

"This again..." Emma sighed. "You were pretty slim, but you're gorgeous full bodied!"

"That's just a nice way of saying fat." Jean smirked.

"No, it's the best way. And besides, I want a little you fumbling around the bar."

"About that. If we're having a kid, we need to calm down a tad. No more nightly binges and orgies."

"What about Logan?"

"Oh, no, Logan's find. He's our permanent boyfriend. That won't change."

"Thank God!" Emma said relieved.

"But we'll have to treat him nice around our daughter. We don't want to set a bad example."

"That just means I'll be twice as ruthless in the bedroom!" Emma smiled, thinking of all the shit she'll do to her little pet.

"It's no necessary." Charles assured his wife.

"But you want it." Jean smiled. "It's fine, I have no problem with it. Charles, if you want a sex change it won't change our relationship."

Charles rubbed his neck and tried to keep eye contact.

"You sure? We have kids, how are they gonna feel?"

"We'll tell them Daddy Charles is being her true self and will be your Second Mom. Who loves you both just as much as she ever has."

Charles smiled.

"I'm so lucky to have you." Charles smiled. "But... Will this..."

Jean stopped him there.

"Honey, I'm Pan. Man or Woman, Cis or Trans, Gender fluid... Doesn't matter to me, I love you!"

Charles did his best no to cry.

"I look ridiculous." Jean sighed in her old spandex.

"Yeah." Alex smiled at tha massive ass bursting out in front of him.

"Really?" Jean crossed her arms.

"Well... That was made for a twenty-something year old you. Pre-kid."

"So, why'd you tell me to try it on?"

"Maybe I wanted a little role play? First time we banged ring a bell?"

"In Canada..." Jean smirked.

"Searching for a feral Lola..."

"Who was being hunted by Magenta..."

"And we spent that night in a barn..."

"And we made love till the sun came up!" Jean's awwed. "You're such a romantic!"

Jean finally got out of bed to a kitchen filled with family and friends. Some much older, some she wouldn't have recognized.

"How ya doing, Red?" A gray-haired Logan with a beer gut said kindly.

"I'm..." Jean could barley speak. "I'm... Doing the best I can."

"Everyone came to check up on ya. Kitty made some sort of casserole. Your daughters like it. Bobby and Kurt are busy in the Savage Land, but they'll be stopping by as soon as they can. Hank is taking control of the funeral arrangements. And Betsy and I will stay at the house for as long as you need it."

"We'll take Jamie to school." A Middle Aged Betsy chimed in.

"You have a school to run." Jean frowned. "That's so nice of you two, but I can't let you put a hold on your lives for me."

Betsy grabbed Jean's shoulders firmly.

"We're family. You don't have to ask and you don't shouldn't feel bad about it, we want to be there for you."
As Jean went to bed, dealing with a long night of friends comforting her, Mephisto appeared.

"So, what's it gonna be, Red?"

  1. Betsy
  2. Emma and Logan
  3. Alex
  4. Charles
  5. Lorna, with an edit

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