Ms. Frost's School for Gifted Sissies - Jean needs comfort food

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Ms. Frost's School for Gifted Sissies - Jean needs comfort food

Parent Chapter

"I-I can't believe they told me I was too fat for field work!" Jean cried while shoving rocky road into her mouth with a serving spoon. The melted ice cream ran down her chin and into her overstuffed bra but Jean didn't seem to notice.

"Honey, don't take it as an insult! Desk work is better for us anyway. Once the baby is born you'll want to be mommy, won't you?" Emma asked hesitantly. She wiped a few tears from Jean's round cheeks and softly smiled.

"Emma, in our situation you do know I'm the 'dad' and you're the 'mom,' right? I'm not ending up like my mom with ten freakin' kids running around. I'll be there, of course, but I wanna try and get my figure back so I can get on the field again. They need me, Emma," Jean sniffed, looking down into her ice cream. A soft roll of fat sat on her midsection, disgusting her panties. Emma sighed.

"Jean, don't be so...selfish. We're parents now! You're appearance doesn't matter! We have enough money for you to be a damn teacher if you wanted to - the job isn't your main priority! And, for your information, you are going to be the mom, Jean, because you'll be a mom!" Emma said angrily, getting up from the bed.

"It's not selfish, Emma, I just don't want to be my mom, okay? I don't want to become just someone's mom," Jean called back, her voice rising.

Emma stood by the mirror, admiring her maternal figure. It was definitely growing on her...but she still wanted Jean to have the same curve.

"Jean, I'm not saying you should act like Summer. And you'll never be just someone's mom - you're Jean Grey! But the next baby, if we have another, is coming from you. I'm not birthing all of our children like Summer did," Emma said slowly. Jean shook her head.

"Then we will just have the one. I'm never becoming pregnant. My job means more to me than that. How could I be efficient with a big baby bump and raging hormones?" Jean asked sharply.

Emma turned around, hiding the tears building in her eyes. Why was Jean saying these things? Was she trying to make Emma feel bad? The blonde rubbed her belly. She would make Jean understand.

  1. Jean becomes pregnant
  2. Legion appears
  3. Something else

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