Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Madrox tries talking to Scotti

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Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Madrox tries talking to Scotti

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After a week, Scotti had to admit, Maddy was a pretty good girlfriend. She was so considerate and always took into account Scotti's needs. And it was strange, considering what a brat she is, but Scotti felt compelled to do the same.

People were noticing, having a steady girlfriend was really helping Scotti's attitude problem.

"Can we talk?" Madrox knocked on Scotti's door.

"I'm kinda waiting for Maddy." Scotti shooed her teammate and jumped on her bed. "Close the door, will ya?"

Jamie walked in at sat on the chair by Scotti's computer.

"Look, I just... I just I need your advice." Jamie grabbed his head. "I know we aren't friends, we don't have anything in common, But I need your opinion. Is being gay a choice?"

"Really?" Scottie crossed her arms in anger. "Let me guess, Doug made a move and now you're creeped out? Typical. I'm glad I don't like guys. Men like you are so..."

"I feel terrible, Scottie." Jamie sighed. "He won't talk to me. He's... I don't have a problem with gays, I just don't understand. I don't think that's wrong, It's just not something I get. But I'm not agains it and I feel awful my best friend likes me that way and I don't feel the same way. I just... I'm like girls, I've never been attracted to guys, that's who I am. Can I change that or I being stupid?"

"Wow..." Scottie raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, that's pretty stupid."

But she went over and hugged Jamie.

"But you're coming from a good place. Hey, Maddy and I going into town tonight. You're welcome to come."

  1. Madrox becomes a girl
  2. Scottie and her friends at the mall
  3. Jean gets a surprise visit from her mother
  4. something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2016-09-13 16:27:10.

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