Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Scotti works with her team

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Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Scotti works with her team

Parent Chapter

Scotti's powers were fantastic, as well her physical prowess.

Her one flaw, she was a prissy brat.

"Ughh, it's so hot!" Scotti complained about the sweat under her breasts. "Can't we go inside?"

"Listen, Alaska Girl..." Madrox crossed his arms while leaning on a wall. "How about we focus on our stamina training?"

"Whatever..." Scotti frowned at the duplicating jerk. "Kitty, get me a water!"
Jean watched from her office as Scotti skipped around the field in her tight short shorts.

"Still banging Student?" Emma laughed from the door.

  1. Emma is a thirty-something, overweight professor
  2. Emma is a fiesta cougar
  3. Emma is Jean's Hippy Mom
  4. Emma is Jean's Biker Chick Sister
  5. something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2016-09-10 19:53:13.

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