Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Scott is still in love with Jean

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Heroes Wishes Granted (Marvel Version) - Scott is still in love with Jean

Parent Chapter

Emma couldn't stop laughing.

"You do realize she used you, right?"

It was true, Jean only got knocked up with Kitty, Jean's oldest, because she was obsessed with Emma at the time and truly believed being pregnant by the same man would lead to a romantic connection.

Jean argued it worked, but Emma hates when she brings that up.

"We had something special." Scott sighed.

"Please. Everytime you get dumped, you look back to Jean in her prime. Well, you know what? That Jean got old and fat with me and is getting older with me and fatter, so you should quit your fantasing about her... I won Red, period!"

"Until I see a ring." Scott laughed.

"Jean doesn't believe in that crap." Emma sighed, checking out her tits with the tattoo of Jean.

  1. Jean telepathically has a chat with her girlfriend, and so astral hanky panky
  2. Summer visits her half-sister, Kitty
  3. Mephisto reveals himself
  4. Charlie flirts with Toni
  5. something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2016-09-02 01:11:32.

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