Ms. Frost's School for Gifted Sissies - Jean checks on her daughter

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Ms. Frost's School for Gifted Sissies - Jean checks on her daughter

Parent Chapter

"Summer, baby? Lola said something was wrong. May I come in?" a soft voice asked outside the door.

Scott grumbled a halfhearted, "Sure." He watched the door open, revealing his "mother". With the way he looked, with his long red hair and sizeable breasts, the connection was beginning to become more reasonable, not that Scott wanted to admit that to himself.

He noticed Jean had gained a few more pounds but was looking more radiant than ever. He had never seen her bright hair shine quite so much, or her eyes dance with so much mirth. With the tight dress she was wearing, it was easy to see the not-so-subtle curve of her abdomen, but he knew most of that curve was due to her bad diet and not her assumed pregnancy. After all, she was only a month along.

"Hi, sweetie. How's it going?" Jean asked, sitting down on her daughter's bed. She ran a hand through Scott's hair soothingly, which immediately caused the newly-transformed-girl to pull away.

"Oh, giving me the cold shoulder again, huh? Is it the wedding tonight that's making you upset? Or the baby?"

Scott had the feeling that once again no one would believe him. That he would be stuck in this dimension, hopeless. So he took Jean's advice and tried to live.

"I...I don't want you to marry Emma," Scott said softly.

"And why is that? You love Mommy Emma," Jean reasoned.

Scott looked up at Jean, admiring her softer and older features. She was still strikingly beautiful, especially to him.

"I don't want you to marry Emma because I'm attracted to her."

Jean gasped and quickly stood up, turning her back to her daughter. She was appalled, as any mother would be, but more than that she was confused.

Of course, Scott reasoned, even if he was stuck in this wild world, that didn't mean he couldn't mess with the people around him. And mess with them he would.

  1. Jean becomes turned on by the idea of Scott liking Emma
  2. Scott becomes Emma and Jean's voyeur
  3. Jean doesn't believe Scott and brings in Emma to talk to him
  4. something else

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