The remote - Eve decides to change them more for the hell of it

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The remote - Eve decides to change them more for the hell of it

Parent Chapter

While Eve liked the direction the girls were heading, she was worried about how well things were working out for them. They had gone home with guys their first night out (desperate losers, but still...) and she figured as they became more confident and learned the ins and outs of partying, their slutty ways might actually let them steal guys she would be interested in. Well, she'd fix that.

Eve began fiddling with the remote, then pointed it at the three fat young women. As she pressed the button, a rumbling appeared in all three girls' stomachs.

"Um, are you girls still hungry?" Donna asked hesitantly. Despite having just eaten the biggest, greasiest breakfast of her life, Donna suddenly felt insatiably hungry.

"Um, yeah, a little..." Kathryn lied. She was also hungrier than she'd ever felt.

"Well, let's grab a few snacks to tide us over," Miranda decided as she hefted her massive frame and jiggled her way back to the food line. The other two girls followed suit, ignoring the snickers of the other students at the three, hungry fat sluts.

Unbeknownst to them, Eve had decided that while they weren't partying, their top priority would be eating. They'd want to eat every hour of the day, and while they might be able to sit through a class period without having a meal, they'd need to shove at least a few candy bars in their mouth.

  1. A couple months later and the girls have put on over 100 pounds each. Now nobody is willing to go home with them.
  2. Despite having put on over 100 pounds, the girls have also learned how to flaunt their assets. There are still a couple guys willing to use their services.
  3. By the end of the year, the girls have more than doubled their weight. They can barely walk, and now they're getting kicked out of school.
  4. Something Else.

Page created by: trunkkeyfitz on 2014-04-03 12:42:55.

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