DC Hero Switch - Batbrat taunts Jo-Jo

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DC Hero Switch - Batbrat taunts Jo-Jo

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"Where's Victoria you fucking..."

"Is that anyway to speak to your big sis?" Bryce laughed.

"Swear to god, you demented slut, if you killed them..."

"Aww... You spoiled my fun!" Bryce pouted. "Your whole team already kicked the bucket. I even got a little ice tongue before that cold bitch ate it!"

"You sick..."

"Listen, Joker!" Bryce said mockingly. "I didn't kill you cause I always wanted a sister. Mommy and Daddy kept you secret from me, the cuntbags! I thought by now you'd see how cool I am. I mean, wasn't your girlfriend's death hilarious?"

"He was my fiance." Jo murmured.

"Yeah, cause guys have snatches!" Bryce giggled. "Whatever, dyke!"

"You're gonna pay." Jo-Jo yelled.

"Come on, Jo..." Bryce whined. "Can't we just be best sisters forever? We'd be the coolest villain team!"

"You're insane." Jo laughed. "You have no hold on reality if you think I'd join the Injustice League!"

"Oh, you will." Bryce smiled. "We're gonna be BSFs, Jo-Jo. We'll do it all! Watch romcoms, torture diplomats, have slumber parties, take over governments around the globe, and do eachother's hair!"
Arianna played with her pasta, awkwardly. Tonight has been very intense.

"Hey... Want to shop after this?" She whispered to Bea.

"Really?" Bea blushed. "After everything you just witnessed."

"Yeah..." Arianna coughed. "I mean, superheroes have problems too. I get that."

Wow, Arianna was so nice. Bea couldn't believe it.
"You're fucking with Fuck Boy all wrong!" Zatanna grunted.

"What do you mean?" Flashy pouted.

"You need to use my special helper." Zatanna pulled out a giant dildo.

  1. Jo cries in the bathroom and an old friend hears her
  2. Arianna and Bea go shopping
  3. Lex gets a special Lap dance
  4. Lois gets dissapointed by her sissies and has to punish them
  5. Something else

Page created by: Kappa Evil Foot on 2016-07-15 14:32:33.

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