The remote - massively fat... hideously ugly.... a total slob.... a horny desperate slut..... or a total nerd.... Hmm, or a combination of all those, a grossly ugly, obese, horny desperate nerdy slob!"

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The remote - massively fat... hideously ugly.... a total slob.... a horny desperate slut..... or a total nerd.... Hmm, or a combination of all those, a grossly ugly, obese, horny desperate nerdy slob!"

Parent Chapter

Eve turned back to Miranda with shock and amazement. "What the fuck? This thing does work..." she glared at Miranda. "And you were going to use it on me? What if I use it on you, huh?" She now grinned evilly. "What if I make you.... massively fat... hideously ugly.... a total slob.... a horny desperate slut..... or a total nerd.... Hmm, or a combination of all those, a grossly ugly, obese, horny desperate nerdy slob!"
Miranda could not believe the situation she was in, it was her luck that the fattest girl in school Kathryn had bumped into her with the force of 500 pounds causing her to drop the remote. How could she not hear her walking behind her?

But the worst part now was that the remote had fallen into Eve's hands, this device was meant to do good, but if someone like Eve had that kind of power it would be a disaster she had to stop her before she used the remote and realized the power she now possessed.

"What the fuck? This thing does work..."

Uh oh What did Eve change it must have been something drastic to get that kind of reaction out of Eve.

Miranda inspected her body everything seemed normal she was still smart and she was still gorgeous, of course Miranda knew this was all in vain unless Eve allowed her to know she would be unable to tell what had changed unless she took back possession of the remote. But then she heard Eve talking some more.

"And you were going to use it on me? What if I use it on you, huh?" She now grinned evilly. "What if I make you.... massively fat... hideously ugly.... a total slob.... a horny desperate slut..... or a total nerd.... Hmm, or a combination of all those, a grossly ugly, obese, horny desperate nerdy slob!"

This was bad Miranda had to get the remote back otherwise her life would be ruined.

"I don't know what you thought you saw Eve, but this whole thing is just a prank, devices that can change reality come on, those types of things don't actually exist."

  1. Eve believes Miranda
  2. Eve does not believe Miranda
  3. Miranda runs away
  4. Eve changes Miranda on the spot
  5. Miranda fights to get the remote
  6. Eve is about to change Miranda, but tests out some more of the remote on other people
  7. Eve tests the remote on other people and changes Miranda
  8. Something else
  9. Something Else
  10. Something Else

Page created by: Colt361 on 2014-03-01 16:29:01.

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