The remote - Make ourselves hot and make those around us bigger slobs than we ever were

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The remote - Make ourselves hot and make those around us bigger slobs than we ever were

Parent Chapter

"That sounds delightful," Cathy grinned, flashing her gross yellow teeth. "We can change ourselves back after, right?"

"Of course," Jessica smiled back, absentmindedly scratching her moist, hairy pussy with her plump fingers. "But what say we become the hottest bitches on campus for an afternoon?"

"Sounds lovely," Cathy smiled back, struggling to pull up her worn out, food-stained sweatpants. "But how about we take it slow?"

"Oh, I wouldn't have it any other way..."

The two girls waddled out of their damp, pigsty of a room like it was any other morning. Cathy led the way, keeping an eye out for who she wanted to change first. Instantly, she spotted the first target: Diana Kent. Diana was a pretty little blonde girl. While she wasn't the biggest bitch on campus, Cathy always laughed at how much attention she paid to her appearance. Currently, even though she was lounging around the dorms in her pajamas, her hair was still painstakingly styled, and her face was clearly, though tastefully made up. Well, not for long, Cathy smiled.

"Oops," she grinned through yellowed teeth, as she bumped into the petite blonde.

"Hey watch it, I don't want to get your stink on me," Diana replied, brushing off the spot Cathy had touched.

Before the girls had left, they set the remote to swap attributes with anyone they bumped into. In Cathy's case, her matted, sweaty tangle of curls suddenly bounced to life, looking as shiny and radiant as ever. Her severe acne was also hidden now, due to a fine dusting of makeup on her pudgy face.

Diana, meanwhile, looked like a mess. Her meticulously styled hair was now a ball of frizz around her face. Speaking of her face, it looked pale and washed out, and showed a few minor spots of acne that she normally kept hidden.

"Hey, at least some of us take time on our appearance," Cathy shot back, giving her red locks an exaggerated toss.

Diana fumed silently. Even though Cathy was a gross disgusting whale, she had to admit her hair and skin looked radiant. She could probably look that good if she tried, she comforted herself before slinking back into her room.

"My turn, my turn!" Jessica shouted, edging her way in front of her friend.

The two were nearly at the elevator, when she saw the perfect target: Lindseu Hodgkins. Lindsey was known around campus as a bit of a slut, though you wouldn't know it to look at her. Indeed, she looked nearly angelic, with a tall, slender frame, glowing olive skin, and piercing emerald eyes. She currently looked even more radiant in a short, yet tasteful white dress.

"Ugh, are you two getting on the elevator?" Lindsey asked, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" Jessica asked putting her greasy hand on the girl's shoulder.

As Lindsey ducked away from the fat girl's grip, Cathy figured out what had happened. "Lindsey's just being polite. She doesn't want us stuck on that elevator with that BO of hers..."

Jessica cackled loudly, realizing that for once the smell in the room wasn't coming from her. Lindsey blushed in embarrassment. It's true, in addition for having a reputation as a skank, she was also infamous for her terrible body odor. For some reason, even after showering and dousing herself in perfume, Lindsey still smelled like an obese woman who hadn't showered in months. She quickly turned and sped away. "Whatever, maybe you should use the stairs more often, maybe you'd lose some weight..." she muttered.

  1. Cathy bumps into a nearly-anorexic cheerleader. Suddenly, Cathy is only moderately plump, while the cheerleader's ass is so fat she can barely fit through doors.
  2. Jessica bumps into a shy, nerdy girl who'd always been nice to Cathy and Jessica. Jessica is now supermodel skinny, and the girl is a plump but buxom nerd queen.
  3. It turns out the changes to Diana and Lindsey are continuing. Soon, Diana is a lazy shut-in who never changes out of her sweats and Lindsey is a sweaty, acne-covered skank.
  4. Cathy and Jessica decide to make some wider scale changes.
  5. Something else.
  6. Something else.

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