The remote - Alica got Penny's beauty now it was time for her brains

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The remote - Alica got Penny's beauty now it was time for her brains

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Alicia giggled at the sight of Howard and Penny on the couch. Howard would have loved Penny acting this way towards him at one point. But now, "Aww, what a cute couple of lovebirds you make," Alicia teased.

The rest of the guys laughed along with her, and even Howard, who looked so uncomfortable crushed up against this huge disgusting whale, laughed nervously, mainly to please Alicia, who was hotter than ever.

Penny struggled to open her unfashionable purse, with her thick, fat, sausage-like fingers. But before she could open it to pay Leonard, Alicia changed the channel again. This time, it was some political show. Some guy was on it, ranting about how the lower classes had no chance to get a proper education these days, and so they couldn't hope to get a proper job or any real money. And again, this triggered Penny's next change.

The original nerdy changes to Penny had made her quite intelligent, even extremely so. But now she could feel her brain being drained, before long, she was merely smart, rather than a genius. But it kept going within seconds, she was back to her original intelligence and further, and further.

Penny was now a complete idiot. This may sound harsh, but it was the most polite, and frankly the most accurate way it could be said. Even her original, somewhat stereotypical blonde self was a certifiable genius compared to this. It was a wonder she'd even made it as far through high school as she had. And now, she'd dropped out halfway through! She could read and write and such but only just! She wasn't just uneducated, but out and out stupid!

And so, as Penny finally managed to get the purse open there was no money at all there! It was completely empty! And worse she could remember being unemployed ever since she dropped out of high school.

And before Penny could begin to explain to Leonard, the weight gain kicked in again. She'd gone from slim and hot, to fat and overweight, to obese and now she was past that! She was a massive 420 pounds! As a result, her elephantine body took up almost all of the couch now, really pressing up against Howard! She was enormous!

Penny could feel the disgust of the guys looking at her. And it turned her on so BADLY! As much as Penny tried to fight it she liked it no, wanted it, no, CRAVED feeling so gross and disgusting to other people! She loved the idea of it and her humiliation only made her even hornier.

On the other side, Alicia had also received the opposite effect. She'd never really put much stock into intelligence before, and with her new incredible beauty, and fit body, she could probably do anything she wanted. But now she REALLY could! The guys' intelligence was boosting further, but nothing in comparison to this! Alicia was now far beyond a genius, into simply an intellectual prodigy!

  1. The guys no longer respect Penny
  2. Penny tries to make out with Howard
  3. Penny gets kicked out
  4. Penny begs Alicia again to stop
  5. Penny old personality disappears leaving the dimwitted Penny
  6. something else
  7. something else
  8. something else

Page created by: Colt361 on 2015-10-04 15:13:58.

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