Slutty PokeRus Transformation Virus - Marvel and DC

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Slutty PokeRus Transformation Virus - Marvel and DC

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Lying in a hospital bed trying to recover from the new flu that's been going around. At first it seemed to be just a normal flu then strange things started to happen such as Barbra growing quite the impressive set of tits that just keep growing. Another powerful sneeze and Barbra's tits surge forward growing bigger, but that's not all feeling heavier and fuller are her big fat wobbly asscheeks. If it keeps growing like this she might need her wheel chair again though a much bigger one. Bringing up hand to cover her giggles and a few coughs Barbra sees that her fingers have thinned considerably and growth of a large wing like appendage from her wrist to her elbow. Looks like whatever is happening to her she's becoming some sort of bat creature at least she's on theme. Further examining herself Barbra find her ears have changed and resemble a set of speaker like organs sitting a top of her head.

"How are ya doin' hun? If you need them urges taken care of we've got some mighty fine studs around here." A nurse that seems to be part cow creature asks in a southern accent.

"As well as I can all things considered." Barabra replies.

"I know it can be scary having your bod go and changin' on ya. But don't you worry we'll have you up and at em in no time." The Nurse says encouragingly.

Waving good bye to the strange cow-nurse leave and enticingly sway her gigantic badonkadonk in a very seductive manner. Barbra can hardly pull her eyes away from it's bouncing, swaying, and jiggling god she wants to grope it slap it so badly. Wondering where those thoughts came from Barbra knows the answer this strange sickness is the cause. For now it's time for some real fun plunging her hand into her pussy she hopes to become flexible enough to eat herself. Twitching her ears all around her Barbra can hear the sounds of everyone in the hospital either fucking or masturbating. Making the hospital sound more like a brothel she could set up a temporary streaming set up so everyone can worship the Royal type that she is and people say the Airhead types are dumb. She might even do a reveal stream showing who Bat... Noiverngirl really is.

"Yeah that would really bring in the views and most importantly the money." Pulling out a hidden communicator. "Hey Batman, how are things on your end?"

"Progress has been slow any on your end Noiverngir?" Batman asks.

"None I don't think this hospital is the source of the virus." Barbra replies.

"Alright return to the Batcave we'll find another angle to discover the source of this virus." Batman replies.

* * *

While events at the X-men mansion are usually fairly chaotic it has been more chaotic than normal. After several members of the X-men have been knocked for a loop with this new flu strain. One of the strangest things is that those infected seem to becoming sexier and more fit. The infected no matter their sex have all grown some rather impressive set of tits, and fairly large jiggling phat asses. Those with male reproductive organs still posses them the rest of their bodies are now much more feminine in terms of curves and facial features.

"Ugh. This sucks I can't believe I caught this stupid thing." Kitty Pryde complains sneezing making her breasts grow just a bit larger.

"You're telling me *cough* I don't think I've ever had a flu this bad hope Beast figures this out soon." Rogue adds.

Her eyes drift over to Logan who now looks like an older version of Laura, with much bigger tits and a large and very prominent bulge. Rogue would say something about Logan's new look but she's not sure she's brave enough. Plus with how wiped from this flu she'd rather not pick a fight with him in this state. Feeling a stiffness in her joints Rogue stretches them out unaware to fact that they've gotten a bit longer with her hips shifting and widening to support her incredible ass. Being given some soup to keep up their energy her tongue stretches to scoop it up forgoing any use of a spoon.

* * *

Not even being in space appears to have prevented the spread of this strange virus as most of the Justice League have been infected. Wearing scarves, gloves, and winter coats that struggle to contain their expanding busts the original 7 seemingly being hit the hardest. Using his or is it hers now super speed to quickly get off though a rather noticeable change is her ability to generate electricity at will. Diana seems to have become far more motherly and caring as she takes care of the other members who are sick. Trying to keep things ordered as much as possible is Superman though he's changed much like the rest now having some very large breasts as well as some bovine features. John Stewart the Green Lantern seems to have grown some aquatic features along with some very impressive curves. Barely paying attention and more focused on John's much larger genitals then the actual meeting Hawkgirl's mind is consumed by the thoughts of being a'Basic Bitch' and an 'Airhead'. Feeling strangely detached from everything but still very connected to the physical sensations his body is giving him. Jonn Jonzz's body shudders in orgasm from all the pleasure of his teammates.

"So far Batman has yet to find a source of this sickness." Superman reports. "But he and several others are working on it."

"That's good ugh, but are we any closer to a cure." Flash asks filling another condom as he sneezes electricity.

"I doubt it Flash we don't even know what this virus is let alone what we are becoming." Green Lantern points out.

"I think I'm becoming some sort of electric horse thing if it helps." Flash replies jokingly.

"This sickness is unlike anything I doubt even the Gods of Olympus would be able to assist with this." Diana says in a lovingly and matronly way.

  1. Barbra heads back to the clocktower only instead of hero work she converts it into a streamming set up to make money.
  2. Meanwhile in the Batcave a changed Bruce Wayne is doing his best to stay in control by using a changed Selena.
  3. Things at the X-mansion get worse or better as the members start transforming.
  4. The Justice League conclude their meeting by having a massive orgy.
  5. How are the Avengers dealing with this and how have they changed?
  6. Something else.

Page created by: Drake G. Reaper on 2022-12-13 16:46:16.

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