SCP Containment Breach - "I'm still thirsty."

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SCP Containment Breach - "I'm still thirsty."

Parent Chapter

"I'm still thirsty."

With another chug she emptied the carton, tossing it aside the container fell.

"So good, I wish there was more. Mmph!"

Rubbing her tits they lactated more as an orange skin tone crept up from head to toe; blond hair shifted to a leafy green. Her belly began to swollen as her thighs became voluptuous forcing a restricted, ever growing backside to rip the seems. Soon the woman found herself naked in her panties and bra as she grew fat. Folds appeared on the chubby frame as chipmunk cheeks began to swole up. Rubbing her own skin Claire realized it was as rough as an orange.

"Am I becoming an orange?"


  1. Claire becomes an orange! (The end).
  2. Claire's belly begins to get firmer.
  3. Claire squeezes her belly as more juice begins to pour out from her.
  4. More options.

Page created by: WhatUp98 on 2022-09-27 06:34:44.

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