Political Power - Helen Goes To The Shoot

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Political Power - Helen Goes To The Shoot

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She was told to arrive early in the morning. Apparently this was going to be an all day thing. Helen was regretting this already. She already had to work so hard as a woman in politics, now she was going to throw it all away for a fashion, shoot. At least that's how it felt. He suit was pinching at her, her stubbornness in changing sizes was not helping her comfort or image.

"It's so good to meet you face to face." A muscular man in a white crew neck came in, and kissed Helen on the cheek. "My name's Pablo I'll be your artist for today."

"Nice to meet you Pablo." Helen smiled, and gave a polite nod.

"You know I voted for you."

She nodded ackwardly. "Thanks for that."

"Oh it was my pleasure, we've been trying to get a girl as governor for ages." He said vaguely. Helen was somewhat intrigued by that, but didn't say anything. "Now let's get you into hair and makeup." He paused. "Have you eaten yet?"

Helen blushed. "Uh, no." Her stomach then growled. "I skipped it, I didn't want to look too bloated for the camera."

Pablo shook his head and waved her away. "Oh that won't do, that simply won't do. We're here to celebrate your pregnancy, bloated is the look. Lucky for I picked out a beautiful spread for you to snack on today. I need you to gorge on that until you can't move! Your still a ways from showing, so we're going to need a food baby!"

Helen tilted her head, it was kind of refreshing to hear that from the fashion industy. She did want to feel good about her body. On the other hand, her weight was getting out of control, and she needed to do a better job dealing with that.

Still this was Pablo's dominion, so she did everything she was instructed to do. She sat in a chair while a small army of attendants made her beautiful. All the whine she was stuffing her face to pasty, after pasty, until she felt like jelly filling was leaking out her nose.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your Governor and mine Helen Cao!

Helen blushed as she walked on to the set. There was wooping, and whistling, and even a few vulgar words thrown her way. Her hair and make up were exquisite, and she'd never felt so beautiful before. She was wearing a soft looking beige sweater, and sleeping shorts, with a pair of ankle socks. The set was made to look like a living room, and a steaming up of coffee was waiting for her.

Pablo smiled from behind the camera, and gave her a thumbs up. "Shall we begin?"

What's the shoot like?

  1. Elegant and Tasteful, Helen's image is saved.
  2. Pablo Keeps It Classy For The Public, but Dirty For A Select Clientele.
  3. It Quickly Devolves Into Softcore Porn.
  4. Something Else

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