Mythological Transformations - Dustin reaches James at the same moment Amber exits the bathroom. As a result of the curse James becomes a cross between Dustin and Amber's desires...

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Mythological Transformations - Dustin reaches James at the same moment Amber exits the bathroom. As a result of the curse James becomes a cross between Dustin and Amber's desires...

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Dustin wandered aimlessly towards the obese blonde woman. He knew his shift wasn't over, and he'd never seen that dark haired woman in his life, and yet he somehow felt it was ok to abandon his post. And while he'd never been attracted to women as big as James was now, he somehow felt drawn to her. He had a strange feeling that she might know something about the gorgeous mother-to-be he'd seen earlier...

James shifted awkwardly, waiting for Amber to exit the bathroom.

"Knowing my sister, she's probably destroying that toilet in there," he sighed to himself, rolling his eyes. Wait, how did he know that, he wondered as new memories of his sister's unfortunate dining and digestive habits entered his mind.

He was quickly distracted from that, however, when he saw that persistent cashier from earlier walking towards him.

"Oh no..." he groaned as he and Dustin locked eyes.

At that exact moment, a customer magically bumped into Dustin and, when he recovered, he felt a rush of excitement as he saw the pregnant woman from earlier standing there. She was even more perfect than he remembered, her large breasts and thick thighs his ideal of what a woman should be. Before he could reach her, however, the obese redhead from earlier waddled out.

"Ooh Jamie, I would not go in there if I were you..." Amber cackled, waving her hand for dramatic effect. "Jamie?" she asked, then followed her gaze to the approaching cashier.

For a moment, Jamie looked away from Dustin, locking eyes with Amber with a look of pleading helplessness in her face. Just before he could reach her, Dustin once again was jostled by a customer and when he looked up the woman looked... different.

For one, she was a good deal heavier. Her already thick thighs had more than doubled in size to fat, billowy tree trunks that flared out from her hips and pressed together down to her knees. Her pretty, freckled face was now surrounded by a thick double chin, and her pregnant belly was a bit harder to discern under the flabby spare tire that had formed. More surprising was she was wearing a different outfit than he remembered. Her trendy jacket and yoga pants were now a basic t-shirt and sweats that, despite their size, were stretched tight over her massive posterior. Even her hair looked different -- while the haircut was the same, it was now a greasy, matted dirty blonde rather than the silky dark brown he remembered.

"Maybe... maybe I was confusing her with Chloe?" he wondered to himself. "Either way, she's still a goddess!"

"Miss, you... left your pen?" Dustin said breathlessly, quickly thinking up an excuse to speak with her.

"I... er..." James stuttered, reeling from the fact that he was now stuck being both fat and pregnant. "My, er, sister and I need to go..." he said, glaring at Amber.

  1. Amber plays along, and helps James escape. James is relieved to no longer be pregnant.
  2. Amber plays along, and helps James escape. Unfortunately, he's shocked to find he's stuck looking like this for now.
  3. Amber tries to help James escape, but Dustin insists on coming along to help.
  4. Amber thinks James' predicament is hilarious, and leaves him with Dustin while she goes off to do more research.
  5. Something else.
  6. Something else.

Page created by: threebearmoon on 2022-02-23 14:07:01.

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