Fat magic - Mind space.

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Fat magic - Mind space.

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Closing her eyes she was met with darkness as she tried to imagine the female form. Then Skia's face appeared in all it's glory. Her body, so fit and perfect Candida wanted to mold it so badly. Lips parted as words escape them.

"Janis, goddess of fat, patron of flesh, I desire to change Skia so that I can have Matt. Hear me!"

The wind picked up her room as the pages of the book fluttered.

A sultry voice echoed in the ear.

"Ahh my little one, so you wish to change this one for personal jealousy?"


"Oh wonderful! I do so envy the affairs of mortals! How I long to eat again!"

"Janis, what must I do?"

"Ahh, simple. In order to change her there comes a price. You must gain weight for me my one and only apostle."

"Anything for my love!"

"Ahh yes and should you get exactly what you wanted there is one final condition."

"What is it?"

"Should this man love you back and decides to procreate with you I desire to be born again. Is that understood?"

"Y-You want me to give birth to you?!"

"You are my only priestess, my only true champion..."

"Then.... Yes!"

"Excellent, so then how do you desire to change her?"


  1. I want her to gain weight and have most of it go to her ass!
  2. I want her curves to get impossibly bigger each day!
  3. I want her cursed with pregnancy and weight gain!
  4. Make her fat each day!
  5. More options.

Page created by: WhatUp98 on 2021-10-08 12:46:49.

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