Malediction - Alana Steals the Muscles From the Jocks, Becoming Very Amazon-Like, While the Jocks Become Lanky and Weak

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Malediction - Alana Steals the Muscles From the Jocks, Becoming Very Amazon-Like, While the Jocks Become Lanky and Weak

Parent Chapter

Meanwhile, Alana's day was going much better. At first, she assumed the popular girls were being nice to her because she stood up to that fat, deluded cow Sarah. But, as the day wore on, she noticed other changes as well.

For example, after stopping to use the restroom, she checked in the mirror and was shocked to find her reflection looking... well, hotter than usual. It wasn't like she looked like a different person, but rather her nose was a little slimmer, her cheeks fuller, her lips plumper and poutier. Emerging from the restroom, she asked to borrow Erika's makeup and, with knowledge that she'd lacked earlier that day, found herself applying it perfectly, accentuating her already impressive natural beauty. The girls all crowed their approval, assuring her she was one of the hottest girls in school.

"So like, why haven't we seen you at any of the pep rallies this year?" Alexis inquired. "Aren't you like, on the basketball team?"

"Huh? Me? No..." Alana said with a chuckle. In her previous life, she'd never been much for sports, and even with her recent... growth spurt, she hadn't suddenly acquired athletic ability.

"What?!" Caty gasped. "You like, totally should! Girl, with a body like that you'll be an all-star!"

"Oh, I doubt it," Alana smiled. "I'm not particularly coordinated..."

"Oh shut up," Erika interrupted. "The team is practicing right now, we're totally taking you."

Reluctantly, Alana allowed the girls to drag her to the gym where the girls' basketball team was warming up. Sure enough, as soon as the coach spotted the lanky girl approaching, her eyes lit up.

"And just who do we have here?" she inquired.

"This is Alana Somers," Erika said before Alana could speak. "We thought she should try out for the team."

"Absolutely," the coach agreed. "I can't believe I've never seen you down here before. Why don't you practice taking some free throws?"

Alana glanced at the girls nervously. She couldn't remember the last time she'd touched a basketball. Maybe in PE? Hesitantly, she stepped up to the free throw line, gave the ball a couple halting dribbles and unathletically hucked the ball at the net. The ball sailed under the net, much to the amusement of the rest of the team.

"Here," a cute blonde girl a couple inches taller than Alana interrupted, grabbing a ball and stepping up next to her. "The key is it's all in your wrists," she said, taking a more elegant setup, then releasing the ball, only to have it clatter off the rim. "Well... something like that," she said, grinning embarrassedly.

"Hmm," Alana mused, suddenly feeling a surge of confidence. "You mean like this?" she asked, before releasing the ball with a perfect swish. The team went wild.

The coach grinned as well.

"Ok Somers, suit up, we're just getting started."

Alana quickly ran to the locker room to change into a uniform. Almost instantly, she seemed to grasp the fundamentals, passing, dribbling, and shooting like she'd been playing for years. Meanwhile, the rest of the team struggled more than usual, missing shots, throwing lazy passes, and dribbling the ball off their feet. The coach was increasingly frustrated, but thanked her lucky stars that an all-star like Alana mysteriously showed up...


"Great practice, Somers!" the other girls congratulated her as they got changed back in the locker room.

Indeed, Alana seemed to be the most popular girl in the locker room right now. What's more, she realized, she also appeared to be the tallest. Throughout practice, she'd felt relatively average compared to the other girls but now, standing shoulder to shoulder with them in the locker room, she realized she was nearly a head taller than all of them.

Similarly, as she got undressed she was shocked to find herself looking, well... ripped. Even without flexing her arms showed swollen biceps, and her abs were shredded and well defined. Even her calves were looking thick and muscular, practically filling out the holes of her baggy gym shorts.

"Thanks girls, this was fun," she said, surprised to find her voice sounding deeper than usual.

"With you," the blonde girl who had shown her how to shoot said. "We might just win the championship!"

  1. Alana meets a guy on the basketball team who thinks she's cute. They go out on a date, only for her to steal his strength as well.
  2. Alana goes home to study, only to find out that her gains came at a price: her intelligence has diminished greatly.
  3. Catch up with Sarah and Lacey, who are undergoing transformations of their own.
  4. Something else.
  5. Something else.

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