The Truth - At work, Sandra begins nitpicking her performance, and Melody blows up at her, revealing her powers.

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The Truth - At work, Sandra begins nitpicking her performance, and Melody blows up at her, revealing her powers.

Parent Chapter

Melody was in an excellent mood when she returned to work, she had her youth, she had her man, and she even had her baby.

She soon settled into the long familiar work routine with a new spring in her step and a song in her heart. She was enjoying herself, enjoying how impressed everyone was at how the intern seemed to have the skills and knowledge of an old pro.

Everyone was so impressed for her except for Sandra that is.

"Is that what they teach you in high-school these days? I don't know..." Sandra said, dismissively of something Melody knew full well was not even a real issue, because it had never been a problem in all the years she had worked there. But Sandra was really laying into her, which caused Melody's anxiety to spike, what if this would be the catalyst for another round of changes to her? Why can't this bitch just let someone be happy for once!?

  1. Sandra you're just a miserable old hag!
  2. Sandra you're acting like a little child!
  3. Sandra don't ever speak again!
  4. Sandra I'm so good you're my assistant!
  5. Fuck off Sandra!
  6. Something else

Page created by: Lady Nicotine on 2020-05-18 21:31:59.

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