The Phoenix Reborn - Emma shrugs. "Who knows. They say the ritual often worked the best when the woman seeking to become a futa was pregnant."

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The Phoenix Reborn - Emma shrugs. "Who knows. They say the ritual often worked the best when the woman seeking to become a futa was pregnant."

Parent Chapter

"Oh," Jean murmured anxiously, glancing at her bulging belly. "I...then..."

"Come on, let's go get your kids," Emma said suddenly. She grabbed Jean's hand and guided her back to the front of the building. Under the watchful eye of a rotund brunette, Jean's kids were happily playing with museum-themed toys with a few other tots.

"How far are you traveling?" Emma asked as she scribbled down a number on a slip of paper and handed it to Jean. "I can fly you to the city whenever you want to come back."

Jean looked at the slip and saw that it was Emma's phone number and email. "Um, I actually live in Westchester. So just a train ride."

"Even better." Emma grinned. "Could you come next week? I'd love to take your kids to a few sightseeing spots. And...maybe take you out to dinner."

Jean blushed and held up her hand. "I'm married..."

"I know," Emma replied quickly. "Just as...close friends."

Jean bit her lip. She couldn't deny the weird attraction she felt to the wealthy woman. She felt warmer then Scott ever made her feel. Was it possible that she had a bit of a crush on a woman? Jean rubbed her belly and sighed. She was acting like a child.

"Okay. Maybe," Jean replied hesitantly. She offered one last goodbye and thank you before grabbing her kids and leaving.

  1. That night, Jean starts to feel something growing between her legs...
  2. Skip a week to Jean and Emma's second meeting
  3. Jean finally leaves Scott
  4. Something else

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