The remote - She sees how much fun Miranda is having and decides to make herself exactly like her. Now they're two 400 pound disgusting butterballs.

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The remote - She sees how much fun Miranda is having and decides to make herself exactly like her. Now they're two 400 pound disgusting butterballs.

Parent Chapter

Eve looked closely at the remote for a few moments, before looking up at Miranda.

Though she was undeniably repulsive, she also clearly didn't give a shit. She was shovelling food into her mouth with one fat hand while the other compulsively massaged her swollen gut. And when two burly jocks walking past made some dumbass joke and began guffawing to themselves at the obese loser, she only stopped stuffing herself long enough to give them a cheerful wave and a smile. Granted, gravy was dribbling down her chin as she did so... But there was just something so liberating, so free about her gluttony. Eve almost... Almost envied it.

"What'sh up, shweetie? You haven't touched any of thish food yet!" Miranda teased, reaching across to skim the back of Eve's hand with her own. "You're gonna washte away to nothing, you shtick!"

Eve had to smile. Years of dieting, of rigorous exercise, of practically torturing herself... And had it really made her happy? As she thought back to all the abuse she'd put people through - both with and without the remote - she had to conclude no. The fat, geeky Miranda she'd created was happier by far.

"What the hell... I can always change myself back later," Eve mumbled. Levelling the remote at her own face, she keyed in the necessary commands.

Instantly, she began to inflate with fat, her outstretched arm blowing up with flab. Her big tummy sagged downwards even as it pulsated outwards, becoming a gut so massive that it rivalled Miranda's. Her chubby cheeks became even chubbier, merging with her erupting jowls to, together, erase her neck from view entirely in sagging folds of chin-dimples. Most startling of all, her massive tits finally succumbed to gravity, both bloating and lengthening until they drooped down her belly and almost to her hips.

As she expanded, her clothes changed, morphing from the sensible-yet-demure clothes that the chubby Eve apparently favoured to the outfit of a sheer slut: a black leather corset with nothing underneath, revealing a silver navel ring in her deep, sweaty belly button, coupled with a pair of hot-pants that clung lovingly to her super-sized ass.

And for the finishing touch, her skin became greasy and pale, gaining a fair smattering of acne across her sweaty forehead and cheeks. A wispy tuft of hair could be seen peering out from the folds of her armpit, while her hair became lank and unwashed, with dandruffy flakes of dead skin hidden in the dirty blonde mess.

Mess - that was the right word for her. She was a sweaty, spotty, stinking, unwashed hairy mess. And as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, Eve couldn't help but smile.

"You shay shomething, shweetie?" Miranda grunted around a mouthful of food.

"I said I'm just going to get another tray, my little piggy," Eve responded with a coy smile.

  1. Someone trips Eve on her way to get food, and she decides to take revenge
  2. Eve leaves the remote at the table and Miranda discovers it
  3. Eve leaves the remote at the table and someone else discovers it
  4. Eve decides she and Miranda aren't disgusting enough just yet...
  5. Something Else
  6. Something Else

Page created by: jizanthapus on 2015-04-13 17:55:16.

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