Found something on YouTube or elsewhere on the Internet that has a transformative element to it? Let your fellow members know about it here!


Postby pinkhippo99 » Wed Apr 12, 2023 4:51 am

Found this on reddit. Given the number of Nerd TF and TG fans I this site, I figured someone here might enjoy.
Transformation Grand Master
Posts: 276
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2016 1:02 pm


Postby SaoirseCook » Sun Apr 16, 2023 12:11 am

Antisocial Contagion
by /u/BeTheGirlAnon

Introduction: The streets are dead at this time of night. Only the very brave or very foolish would risk being out this late. They rarely venture out in the daylight, but after dark is another story. You hurry home, cursing yourself for leaving it so late, glancing suspiciously at every passerby, looking for the telltale signs: the anime pins on the oversized, fading hoodie, the mop of greasy, unbrushed hair, the faint musty odor. You give every stranger a wide berth regardless; once you're close enough to realize it's one of them, it's often too late.

It took the world a while to realize what was happening. Too long. Inexplicable spikes in unemployment rates and a significant shift in gender ratios puzzled experts for months before the cause was identified. They're calling it a "reality virus", a contagion that warps not only its unfortunate victims' minds and bodies, but reality itself. The victim knows they've changed, but as far as the rest of the universe is concerned, they've always been just as they appear now. Historical records and the memories of everyone they ever knew shifting to seamlessly accommodate their new persona.

Where it came from or how it works no one is quite sure, but what is quite clear is it's highly contagious. The infected can only pass it on for a day or two after their own exposure, but it takes no more than a moment in their presence for it to make the leap. There is no cure. As soon as the first symptoms begin to show, your fate is sealed. Only the infected's natural inclination for solitude has prevented it from ravaging the planet.

Even so, people live their lives on high alert. It's frighteningly difficult to avoid; you could be in the middle of an outbreak and, with your memories shifting every time a friend or family member succumbs to the infection, you may not even realize it. It's a terrifying new world you now live in, but in all the media frenzy and panicked speculation, there's one question that never seems to get brought up. One that has always bugged you.

Why NEET girls, anyway?

The experts are using more flowery language for it, of course, but any fool can see that's what they are. It doesn't matter who you were originally, how much your current self would hate to live like that. When it's done with you, you'll be nerdy, awkward, lazy and female. How the virus manifests differs from victim to victim; some end up squealing fangirls obsessed with their favorite anime or video game to the detriment of their studies and sleep cycle, others cynical misanthropes who are far busy having very important arguments with strangers on the internet to bother with "normie bullshit" like a job. Although many try, acting the part as best their new body and mind are capable of, there are no reported cases of an infected individual successfully reverting to their previous lifestyle on a long term basis.

The walk to your apartment building is, thankfully, uneventful. You breathe a sigh of relief as you enter the lobby. While it's true these girls tend not to venture outside very often, you were taking a very real risk staying out so late. They do need to stock up on energy drinks and ramen sometimes, and most of them prefer to do it after dark. 24/7 convenience stores can barely keep their doors open, what with employees constantly joining the ranks of these new late night regulars.

You duck into the elevator and hit the button for your floor, then freeze in horror as a short, dark haired girl steps in just as the doors close. As the lift judders and begins to move she looks at you, then looks at her feet and mumbles something you can't quite make out. It takes you a few seconds to realize she's asking you to hit her floor too.

You're frozen for a moment before you get a good look at her face and breathe a sigh of relief. It's just Leah, the girl from the apartment below yours. You've known her for a couple of years now. Doesn't talk much but she seems like a nice enough girl. Ha, you actually thought it was one of them! You push the button for her and she mumbles something else to the floor that you take for a 'thank you'.

The door opens and she departs without another word, and a moment later you reach your own floor and, fishing in your pockets for your keys, enter your apartment.

Catching a glimpse of yourself in the hallway mirror you make a mental note to stop in for a haircut tomorrow; it's looking a little unkempt. It's not until you spot the pile of dirty laundry, none of it your own, sitting in the middle of your living room floor that you start to panic. Oh no.

You rush to the mirror, straining to detect every minor change that has already started to creep across your now undeniably changing form, and realize it's too late. You're infected. But how?! You didn't...

It hits you too late. Leah! Damn it! You must have known whoever she used to be! Friends and family are always the most dangerous carriers. A stranger giving off all the telltale signs is one thing, but it's another to look at a girl you've known for years acting just like you've always known her to act and to still realize something is wrong!

Rummaging through various junk mail and praying the changes to your apartment haven't reached it yet, you find what you were looking for. A government issued booklet, a set of cheery infographics explaining what to do if you've been exposed to this virus. It's mostly platitudes about how many victims go on to quite enjoy their new lives and stern warnings not to go outside until two full weeks has passed and you're no longer contagious, but you there must be something useful here!

Flipping to a section that explains the process it states that your body will be the first to change, and as you brush a rapidly lengthening hair out of your face and turn to the mirror, you wonder just how you're going to look when it's through with you...



You stare at your rapidly changing form in the mirror. The most bizarre part is you don't actually feel it shifting. Even as you see your features replaced with those of a stranger there is no sensation to accompany it. This is not your flesh warping into the form of another, it is a more fundamental shift than that. No "transformation" has taken place. Your old self exists only in your memories; memories which by any observable metric are now demonstrably false. You blink, and another part of the old you is gone, along with all evidence that face ever existed. In a frighteningly short amount of time, there is a shocked looking girl staring back at you. The only 'you' this universe has ever known.

Select or roll a Body Type.

Subsection 01 Forever Carded: God, you look like a kid! It's only on closer inspection you spot the subtle differences that separate someone who looks young from someone who is young, but it's cold comfort. Anyone else who looks at the very short, very flat, girl you've become will assume you're a child. You're the sort of girl who needs ID to buy a violent video game, never mind booze.

Subsection 02 String Bean: Wait, shouldn't you be... shorter? There's no way this new form is an inch under 5' 10"! You look at the skinny, gangly girl before you. She's tall and slim, sure, but this isn't a model's body. Your chest is too small, your figure too boney and narrow. A body that radiates awkwardness; the sort of person who looks like they're about to trip over their own feet even while standing still.

Subsection 03 Shortstack: Being this tiny will take some getting used to. You're not sure if you'll ever get used to being this... breedable. You can't be an inch over 4' 10" tall, and as every involuntarily swaying step of your ridiculous, child bearing hips jiggles your plush body, from the unfamiliar weight on your chest down to your constantly rubbing together thighs, you feel about as wide too.

Subsection 04 Cow: Oh, god, you're not going to have to carry around these things for the rest of your life, are you? Your back is already starting to ache... Your new chest is enormous, but it's far from the pornstar ideal of "big tits". Even on this relatively young body they're pretty saggy, and coupled with the general plumpness that has overtaken the rest of your form, you wouldn't be surprised if they started to leak...

Subsection 05 Big-Boned: Well, you knew you were about to get a whole lot lazier, and this body certainly reflects that. This is the body of a girl who lives on cheap takeout and whose hobbies all involve sitting in front of a screen. You're undeniably overweight. Not stacked, not "thicc", just... fat. It's not an immobilizing obesity or even the sort of thing that would make someone look twice in the street, but you feel enormous all the same.

Subsection 06 Spooky Skeleton: The girl in the mirror looks like a strong breeze would knock her down. While she doesn't look concerningly underweight, she's not far off. Whether she's predisposed to having assets is academic as, with this little meat on her, she's as flat as a board. This isn't the body of a fad dieter or anorexic; just a girl for whom eating is a chore easily forgotten when absorbed in something more interesting.

Subsection 07 Nice Young Man: Wait, what? You've got the sort of messy, unkempt look you'd expected, and the face is unfamiliar, but you look like a boy! Even after taking your shirt of and squinting at the slight puffiness of your chest it still takes a hand down your trousers to convince you of the truth. You're built like a teenage boy, with no curves and a face that shoots right past "androgynous" to "boyish", but you're a woman all the same.

Subsection 08 Hag: The one silver lining to this virus is that, regardless of the age they were before, most victims end up in their late teens or early twenties once it's done with them. You have not been so lucky. Your body is relatively normal, not as extreme as the ones most victims end up with but... it's so old! Ancient! You're a wizened, decrepit old lady! You must be at least twenty seven, perhaps even twenty eight years old!



It happened so fast! You look unblinking at this stranger, trying to comprehend that this is the face you'll see in the mirror for the rest of your life. You know you'll have to get used to it. Once the changes reach your personality you'll have the mindset that would lead to your body reaching its current state; you're not going to be lifting your way out of this form. Once the virus runs its course, you'll look more or less like this for good, regardless of how you feel about that.

Still not quite able to grasp this is you now, you examine your body more closely.

Select or roll at least seven Physical Traits.

Subsection 01 Vampiric: You knew victims of this plague tend to shun daylight, but you'd swear the ones you've seen had a little more color to them than this...

You're not quite albino, but you're not far off. Your skin is almost translucent, the sort of white you only get by spending years without the touch of natural light upon it. You look like you'd sunburn from turning the brightness on your TV up a bit too high, never mind braving the great outdoors. Perhaps it's a small blessing you'll soon have a mind wired in such a way that that will no longer be a temptation.

Subsection 02 Rat's Nest: You brush the limp bangs from your face, fingers almost getting stuck in the tangled, greasy strands. Your hair is an absolute disaster, a frayed, chaotic mop that has clearly been neglected for some time now.

Even if your new persona is capable of putting in the effort to do something about it you're not sure it would do much good. It's naturally quite thin, with a tendency towards dandruff and split ends. It'd take a lot of regular maintenance to make it borderline presentable, never mind cute.

Subsection 03 Gassed: You twist and turn, lean in and raise your arms, contorting your body into all sort of positions to get a look at it from every possible angle.

At least, you do at first. It doesn't take much of this before you're breathing hard and feeling an ache in your muscles. The adrenaline from the stress of your change can't be helping, but are you really so unfit you're completely gassed after just a few minutes of stretching?! You're starting to understand why this girl stays indoors; it can't be much fun going out when just getting dressed leaves you out of breathe.

Subsection 04 Tired: You look your new self in the eyes and really try to take it all in. She... looks like shit, honestly. There's huge, dark circles under her eyes that makes her look like she's not slept in weeks. God, you're not becoming an insomniac, are you?

You don't realize it yet, but you'll learn over the next few weeks that this is just what your new self looks like. Less than perfect, restful 8+ hours of sleep every single night has her looking like she's about to drop for days afterwards. Actually being tired makes her look like a walking corpse.

Subsection 05 Hirsute: You drop your trousers, just to confirm what you already know about your sex, and realize you... can't really see your equipment right now. It's obscured behind thick, coarse hair that looks like it hasn't been tended to in a long time.

Your underarms and legs are just as heavily carpeted. Even your arms aren't unscathed; you're no bearded lady, but you're clearly far hairier than the average woman. Keeping it under control would be an endless, daily struggle, and one this girl has clearly decided is a battle not worth fighting.

Subsection 06 Moist: Your musings on how ridiculous you in your old clothes are ended when you spot a growing sweat patch under your arm. You've barely moved and don't feel that warm, how are you this drenched?

You'll soon learn this body sweats with little to no provocation. Even the strongest antiperspirants can only slightly delay the inevitable; you'll spend most of your life a greasy, sticky mess. It can't be good for your skin, and without regular showers and changes of clothing, you're probably not going to smell great either...

Subsection 07 Marked: It's a strange thought, instinctively feeling sorry for someone before having to remind yourself the person you're looking at with pity is you. Yet that's the emotion the huge, ugly mark that covers a large portion of your new face brings to mind. This sort of thing could easily lead to body image issues severe enough to keep someone cooped up indoors, or perhaps she was just tired of all the pitying glances.

Whether an ugly birthmark, a major burn scar or an unfortunately skin condition, your new face is marred by an unpleasant, permanent mark.

Subsection 08 Scarred: You wince as you imagine the sensation of the cuts that created the scars that run the lengths of your arms and legs. They are clearly quite old, and you can't see any fresh ones, but they were no gentle little scratches. Your new self cut them deep, and the scars are not going anywhere any time soon.

Taking on the life of a girl who used to self harm is better than taking on the life of a girl who still does, you suppose, but the reality is that people treat you differently when your mental health issues, former though they may be, are this visible.

Subsection 09 Lopsided: You remove your shirt, taking a good luck at your new chest. The boobs on your chest would be far from perfectly shaped orbs anyway, but you wish they weren't so... wonky.

They're very clearly different sizes, and it's obvious even at a glance. Finding bras that fit is going to be a bitch, and you're going to have to pad one of them if you don't want them to look weird.

You can't select this option if you have selected Forever Carded, Spooky Skeleton or A Nice Young Man.

Subsection 10 Fusty: The visual inspection has to be put on the backburner for a moment as you carefully sniff at your new body, a puzzled look on your face. You smell... weird. It's not quite BO, it's not as pungent or overpowering as that. It's just slightly unpleasant. Kind of... musty, like a damp room or wet clothes that have been left in a washing machine overnight.

You'll soon learn that, no matter how much you scrub, you can't quite get rid of it. This is just your natural body odor. You'll probably get used to it pretty quickly, at least.

Subsection 11 Sticky: You brush a finger across your altered 'equipment' and almost jump as it rapidly begins to drench itself, your hand coming away sticky. What the fuck, is this turning you on?! Are you already the sort of pervert who gets soaking wet staring at her own body?

You'll learn in time that, no, you're not. Your pussy is just on a hair trigger. A single erotic thought or a little accidental stimulation from your clothing and you're instantly drenched. Worse still, the smell is both very strong and totally unmistakable. You're not passing this stink of sex off as anything else.

Subsection 12 Roasty: Well, silver lining, you were probably not going to get a lot of action in this body anyway. The fact that your dark, meaty, slightly gaping pussy is unpleasant enough to give more than a few partners pause is largely academic.

It's perfectly healthy, and completely natural, but arguing that point in the face of the unassailable might of mainstream beauty standards is a losing battle. It's ugly, and trying to argue otherwise will just have those labelling you a "roasty" double down all the harder.

Subsection 13 Squinty: Man, since when did they make mirrors this blurry? You're really having to squint to make anything out. It's only when the ultra thick, jam jar glasses materialize on your face, the first hint of the overhaul of your wardrobe that is yet to come, that you realize the truth. You're actually just blind as shit.

Even with them on you find your eyesight is just a little worse than you're used to. If the new you ever musters the willpower to pursue surgical correction, she'll find it's not possible, too. You're stuck with these for life.

Subsection 14 Spotty: You don't have to look very closely to see that your skin is an absolute disaster. There's a couple of angry looking pimples on your face, breakouts of acne scattered down your shoulders and red, unpleasant looking eczema filling in the gaps. The few older acne scars you spot make it clear this is not a short term condition.

With serious dietary changes, diligent skin care and the proper prescription you could get it somewhat under control, but it's already so itchy... Wouldn't it be easier just to give it a little scratch instead?

Subsection 15 British Smile: Your mouth feels weird, like your teeth don't quite fit in it, and when you peel back the gums to take a look at them you realize this isn't just a psychological thing. They... don't look great. You try a smile, just to see what it looks like, and quickly wince. You'll just have to keep your mouth shut. At least you'll probably be pretty quiet once the mental changes hit, anyway...

Whether prominent buck teeth, barely held in place by heavy braces you'll need to wear for life, or just yellowed and uneven, your smile is far from perfect.

Subsection 16 Breakable: Not used to your new center of mass you stumble a little and bump your arm on the door frame. It really stings, much more so than you'd have expected, and you can already see a bruise starting to form. What the hell, you barely tapped it?!

On closer inspection her body is covered in fading examples of similar injuries. Little cuts and scrapes, forming ready whenever her paper thin skin brushes against something sharp join the bruises that cover your form. You'll just have to be more careful than you're used to. This body is clearly very delicate.

Subsection 17 Four of Ten: Even putting aside the other issues the change brings, most girls come out of this transformation looking pretty average. The sort of facial aesthetics that, even if all the other ailments were addressed, would still be no more than "pretty cute", and most come out a little more average than that.

You're still within the generally expected range but, well, you're definitely at the bottom of it. A solid 4/10. Whether it's a huge forehead, unfortunately shaped nose or beady little eyes, you're not unusually ugly, but you're certainly unattractive.

Subsection 18 Disabled: You might not know the exact details yet, hopefully that knowledge will come when your mind begins to shift, but you can tell right away this body isn't healthy. Perhaps this girl's housebound existence is not entirely down to her own decisions. You're not sure if that's better or worse than becoming the sort of person who'd seek this existence out.

You have a moderate, incurable disability, such as nerve damage in a leg severe enough to require a crutch, endometriosis causing agonizing periods or IBS that requires you never be far from a toilet.

Subsection 19 Leaky: Your hair tickles your neck in an unexpected way and makes you jump. It only adds to your shock when you feel your muscles contract and, blushing with embarrassment, you feel a wet patch begin to form at your crotch.

You'll soon learn this bladder weakness is not a one off event. While you're not entirely incontinent, it doesn't take much to make you leak, and an inspection of your transformed wardrobe will reveal stains to the crotch of almost all of your underwear, and larger patches upon your bedsheets...

Subsection 20 Twisted Toes: You slip off your now ill fitting socks and examine your new feet and nearly fall over as your jerk your head away from them. They're disgusting! Your toes are bent and twisted, hideous, overly long talons that don't sit straight, some almost sitting right atop their neighbors. The stench coming off them is enough to make you gag.

The nails may be even worse. Some of them are obviously ingrown, and possibly even infected. They're all filthy, regardless. How do you even get this much shit under your toenails in the first place?!



The overall impression is... not great. None of these girls are great lookers, and you're clearly no exception. You search your new form for any positives, hoping to find some silver lining beneath all the... everything.

Select or roll up to three Silver Linings. Options selected elsewhere that conflict with Silver Linings take priority.

Subsection 01 Seven of Ten: While your face is certainly not unusually attractive, you're on the upper end of how victims of this virus tend to turn out. A solid 7/10.

That's a 7/10 in the absence of the other traits you've been 'blessed' with, however, not in spite of them. It's cute, but not cute enough it's going to turn heads if it's covered in painful looking acne and topped off with a mop of thinning, greasy hair.

Still, as far as awkward, lazy shut ins with question hygiene go, you're a real catch!

Subsection 02 Saving Grace: You have a single physical feature that is, without reservation, extremely beautiful. Whether it's hypnotically stunning eyes, rich, gorgeous hair or feet the average e-girl would kill to sell pics of, there's something about you that few could deny is close to perfect.

If every part of you were like this you'd be a 9/10 but, well, you've already examined the rest of your body...

You can select this option twice.

Subsection 03 Caffeinated: Your body has been trained over many decades of screen-centric all-nighters to function well on very little sleep. You'll still need a little help, but chuck a couple of energy drinks down your neck first thing in the morning and you'll be more or less okay until it's time to crash for an afternoon nap.

You'll still feel better if you do sleep properly, and probably won't want to do anything too strenuous like this, but with your sedentary lifestyle and home based hobbies you'll be able to manage on three to four hours a night and scattered naps just fine.

Subsection 04 Ahegao: Cumming in this body feels good. Really good. Way, way better than it ever used to before. A mind wiping., toe curling rush that is impossible to stay quiet through and leaves you gasping and babbling in an incoherent afterglow for minutes afterwards.

I'm sure it's fine to start thinking about when you'll get that next orgasm as soon as those aftershocks start to fade. That stuff about burning out your dopamine receptors is just a myth, right? Even if it isn't the orgasms will still always feel incredible, so don't worry! Just enjoy it, you hopeless, little coomer.

Subsection 05 The Good Stink: You new body has a certain smell to it, there's no denying that, but... it's actually kind of pleasant, once you get used to it. Sure, it's got that musky, fleshy odor, and people might be put off at first, but there's a certain... something to it. You've certainly grown to enjoy it. There's nothing wrong with huffing your own armpits in the privacy of your own home, right?

It's not some hypnotic pheromonal magic, but you might find that, once past the initial revulsion, your friends tend to hug you a bit tighter than before...

Subsection 06 Glutton: You'll soon learn that the girl you've become doesn't exactly have the healthiest diet, and while she clearly doesn't look great, she looks a hell of a lot better than she should considering the sort of shit she shovels into her face.

You find you're able to subsist on barely nutritious, yet very tasty, junk with basically no ill effects. Maybe it's her metabolism, but you can go months eating nothing but greasy takeout and gulping down sugary soda without looking or feeling any worse for wear.

Subsection 07 Comfy: You'll soon come to understand why this girl chose the lazy life. This body is made for it. It's almost cat-like in its ability to get comfy almost anywhere. It just feels good to, well, exist!

Whether lazing in bed, slobbing out on the couch or just having a nice lie down on the floor, this body relaxes more readily and more completely than you ever thought possible. Doing nothing has never felt so good. You don't feel any benefit when you're not lazing around, but when so much of your new life will consist of that anyway, that's not a huge issue!

Subsection 08 Healthy: For a girl who interacts with other people so seldom, you're surprised her immune system is so robust. It might not be something you notice for a while, but in time you'll realize that you just don't seem to get sick any more.

At least, not through no fault of your own. Go a month subsisting on nothing but pocky and red bull and you'll probably start to feel pretty shit, but blocked noses and annoying coughs are a thing of the past. Being sick is no fun when it doesn't get you a day off work, anyway.

Subsection 09 Fit: Just because you don't leave the house doesn't mean you can't get /fit/, but this girl is living proof that lifting does not, in fact, cure autism.

She might not look great aesthetically, but when you get down to it, she's not in bad shape. She's got pretty good stamina and is more toned than you'd expect for a shut in. Unfortunate genetics, and perhaps a lack of style or questionable personal hygiene, are to blame for her lackluster looks, not idleness. You'll find maintaining her physique comes easily to you.

Subsection 10 Tolerant: Nerdy, awkward shut ins may not give off the most rebellious vibes, but just because you're a total dork doesn't mean you have to always follow the rules, and it is clear this girl has a taste of some less than legal forms of recreation.

If you continue to indulge you'll find that she's surprisingly robust when it comes to substance abuse, suffering effectively no physical withdrawal symptoms and no negative side effects at all. The same applies to legal alternatives, if you grow into more of a square than your new self used to be.

Subsection 11 Consolation Prize: It may be years before you realize it, but this body is poised to age quite gracefully, even in spite of the abuse your new lifestyle will put it through. You're not going to blossom into some gorgeous MILF the moment you hit middle age, you're not getting more attractive, you're just not getting much less attractive. You'll be a thirty five year old awkward, dorky slob who looks like a twenty five year old awkward, dorky slob! Explaining you're a grown ass woman and not some confused twenty something going through a rough patch could be a little embarrassing, though.

Subsection 12 Pathetic

There's... not much of a silver lining to be found, actually. Everywhere you look you find something unpleasant or downright ugly.

It's only when you take a step back, and look at yourself as a whole, that you see it all in a new light. You look... really pathetic, but in a sort of cute way? Like an ugly puppy, maybe. People are going to react to you with pity, perhaps a little condescension, and you're not sure how you feel about that. Some people are into playing the savior for hopeless girls like you, too...



As you continue to examine yourself you're so consumed by the completely unfamiliar form that takes you a moment to realize that somewhere along the way your clothing has changed. You look your outfit up and down, and checking your wardrobe, find the changes have already done their work there too. Not a shred of your own clothing remains. At least this stuff fits better, you suppose. Compared to having your entire body rewritten it's a minor shock, and as you come to terms with the fact this is how you'll be dressing for the foreseeable future, you try to put your finger on just what you'd call this look.

Select or roll one Style.

Subsection 01 Comfy: You find yourself in an oversized hoodie, so long it totally obscures the loose shorts beneath it. Thick, woolen socks, so padded they're almost slippers, are wrapped around your feet. It's hardly the most fashionable ensemble you've ever seen, but you can't deny it's extremely cozy.

Everything in your new wardrobe seems to have been chosen with comfort in mind. It's all soft, warm and baggy. It's actually pretty nice! You wrap your arms around yourself, cuddling into the fabric. Who needs fashion when clothes can feel this comfy?

Subsection 02 Slobby: This girl looks like more of a mess now than she did without her outfit on. The faded vest is dirtied with food stains and riddled with holes, and the elastic in the shorts is so worn you keep having to hike them back up lest they fall right off you. You look like a total slob! There's not a single presentable item in your wardrobe, so stained and threadbare are they.

The shorts drop to the floor and this time you simply step out of them. Eurgh, pants are such a pain. Whatever, it's not like anyone will see you, and you did remember to put on panties today. That'll do.

Subsection 03 Edgy: Well, she's certainly made an effort, you'll give her that. Your new face is heavily made up, and a host of accessories complement the... what's the best word for the look? Goth? e-girl? Whatever it is it's dark and edgy, the sort of thing you'd expect to see a rebellious fifteen year old girl wearing to stick it to her bemused parents, not something a grown woman like you should be wearing.

Then again, who the hell has the right to tell you how you should dress? You'll wear whatever you damn well choose, no matter what the man thinks!

Subsection 04 Dorky: The clothes you've found yourself in look nice and all, but you're not sure they're really your (her? whatever!) style. They're good quality and well looked after but they look like something an old lady would wear. All long skirts, frumpy dresses and earth tone cardigans. This is no retro hipster take on old school fashion, either, it's just simple, earnest and terminally uncool. The wardrobe of a woman who's mom still buys her clothes for her.

You sigh. You try to dress nice but it never seems to come together. You just don't get fashion.

Subsection 05 Nerdy: Well, at least there's be no surprises when your mind starts to change and you acquire this girl's interests. She's clearly not shy about them. They're plastered over practically everything she wears.

Your wardrobe is packed with graphic tees, many covered in obscure in jokes comprehensible only to the die hards of niche fandoms you're not (yet) a part of. Still, there's something to be said for making your passion for something a part of your daily life. It's like bringing it with you every day! Maybe you'll even meet some fellow fans out there!

Subsection 06 Ghost: Your wardrobe is... black. Just black. No, that's not quite all of it. It's also formless, unadorned and very modest. You're not sure there's a single top that even shows your arms here. These are clothes for someone who, if they must go out into the world, is going to do their damn best to hide from it.

You think about going outside and instinctively reach for a face mask. Not for any fear of germs, you just... don't want people to look at you. God, you're so thankful COVID made these mainstream. You couldn't go back to having to show your face again.

Subsection 07 Practical: If you didn't know you were destined to be NEET you'd swear you were turning into some sort of tradie. The outfit you're in is practical in the extreme. Cargo pants, a belt with loops for all sorts of attachments, a huge backpack and well worn work boots complete a vaguely tomboyish look.

It's less "girl who wants to play video games" and more "girl who'll replace the capacitors in your CRT. No, it's no trouble, I always carry a soldering iron on my belt". That's no bad thing, you suppose. No harm in being prepared, is there?

Subsection 08 Imported: You hadn't expected to find yourself in such cutesy attire. It's an eccentric look, some sort of Asian style you don't see a lot of around here, maybe Japanese or Korean, but even so you hadn't expected this girl to go for something so, well, girly.

She might not exactly be pulling it off, but points for effort, you suppose. A lot of effort, you frown. The shipping fees alone, never mind trying to follow hair and makeup tutorials in a language you don't speak, and it still doesn't look quite right. This outfit looked so cute on the model on the website, too...

You shake your head, trying to clear the foreign thought the outfit stirred within your mind to no avail. It's started, then. You knew your mind would not escape unchanged, no one afflicted with this plague does, but the inspection of your body was at least a distraction from that disquieting thought. Now that it's over, you have nothing to divert your attention from the slow, methodical rewrite that has already begun within your brain.



You fidget awkwardly, unsure if that's a mannerism that has been forced on you or a natural reaction to this bizarre sensation. Your mind feels like a faulty record, thoughts cutting off half formed before you find yourself midway through a new one that feels both alien and worryingly familiar. The knowledge that you're being altered so fundamentally triggers something on an instinctual level, threatening to put you into fight or flight mode against a foe for which both options would be futile.

You sit and try to calm down. You're not being erased or replaced. Victims of this virus still recall their old lives, retain all those memories of a reality that no longer exists, and the changes rarely effect everything about someone's personality. You're going to be very different when it's over, but the core of your old self will remain. In fact 'amnesia' is one of the key symptoms used to identify new victims; while the changes may bring knowledge, an encyclopedic understanding of your new self's favorite gacha game or the best way to angle a piss bottle so you don't ruin yet another rug, you won't receive the memories of rolling all those waifus or making those embarrassing trips to the dry cleaners. You'll have to rely on those who knew you, whose memories will have adjusted to this new reality, to learn your new personal history.

As for the new thoughts that continue to invade your mind, they feel at once foreign, like they're coming from outside of you, yet comfortable and entirely natural. Almost nostalgic. It's incredibly easy to slip into their way of thinking, as they guide you into patterns of thought and behavior until, before you know it, you no longer require outside assistance to think this way. It becomes all you're capable of doing, your new natural outlook on life, and any attempts to revert to your previous persona would be no more than an act.

As the changes within you progress, so do those around you, your home shifting ever more into a place shaped by its new occupant. You try to ignore the bizarre visuals of the world itself rearranging before your eyes, and focus on what is happening inside. If you can't stop what's happening to you, you can at least understand it.

The following four options are mandatory.

Subsection 01 Neet: A slightly different sensation tickles across your mind and you suddenly feel... lighter. You may not even have realized what happened right away, if you hadn't known it was coming. This virus does make NEET girls, after all.

You wrack your brain, trying to recall any sort of higher education or practical skills developed on the job, and it confirms your suspicions. It's gone. You may remember attending those classes, of working that job, but the knowledge and skills acquired there have been wiped. Your new self completed her mandatory education and has neither studied nor worked a day in her life since.

Subsection 02 Introverted: You look around at the shifting room, staring at this stranger's home, and suddenly feel... good. You feel yourself relax slightly, the stress of this transformation lessened by the fact you've got these four walls around you. It feels right, being here. Alone, with the world shut out. There's comfort in it that being on your own never brought you before.

Every victim ends up pretty introverted, but the particulars differ from case to case. Whether you'll be a social anxious wreck who curses her inability to break away from this comfort blanket of a place or a self reliant misanthrope who'd happily never go outside as long as she lives remains to be seen.

Subsection 03 Nerdy: You knew the girls this virus produces tend to be into some weird stuff, hyperfixating on all sorts of bizarre hobbies and fandoms, but you barely realized it was happening to you. It worked through things you already loved, ramping up your enjoyment into an outright obsession, before redirecting that natural enthusiasm towards something else.

You feel brief flares of passion for all sorts of niche subjects, almost as if its testing the waters to find one that fits. Whatever it settles on, you know the process itself will leave a mark on you. You'll be a natural obsessive, less inclined to dip your toes into a new hobby than to dive in head first.

Subsection 04 Lazy: Tour mind races as it tries futilely to find a way to stop this. A way to save yourself from this fate. Maybe if you... ah, what's the point? It'll never work, and it'd probably be a lot of work anyway...

Work. You almost shiver at the thought. It's so hard, so tiring, and there's so many other things you could be doing instead... A new, all consuming laziness settles on you. You don't know whether to curse it, to wallow in the guilt of knowing your situation is down to your own aversion to anything resembling hard work, or to embrace it. To sink into this hedonistic haze of comfort and relaxation. Either way, self improvement just became a whole lot more difficult.



You consider going outside. The government guidance is very strict about staying indoors, but there's been all sort of talk of new breakthroughs on the news lately. You stand up and head for the front door. Maybe if you got to a hospital they'd be able to help you. To... to slow it down, or minimize the damage, or... Or...

It's like the virus responds to your thoughts. You stare at your door and suddenly the idea of moving through it, of going outside, of dealing with... people, seems like a much, much more difficult task. You try to imagine it, to picture yourself walk into the hospital, speaking with the receptionist and.... sit back down instead. You try to imagine yourself in other, more mundane social situations, and start to understand exactly what the virus has done to you...

Select or roll at least one Social Trait.

Subsection 01 Anxious: The thought of interacting with other people already has you sweating. Visions of the stuttering, teary eyed mess you'd become just speaking to a store clerk fill your mind and have you fidgeting and breathing heavy even here in your own home.

It's a classic case of social anxiety. You avoid interaction not because you want to be alone, but because the things you have to do to avoid that are so much worse. Any connections you forge will take a lot of hard work and patience from the other party, and you'll be pathetically grateful for it.

Subsection 02 Overwhelmed: God, was the outside world always so loud? So many people, so much movement and noise, how are you supposed to keep track of it all?!

A one on one chat in a moderately busy cafe now feels like trying to follow three different conversations in a crowded night club while pounding music and blinding lights assail your senses. Being in an actual crowd feels like being trapped in a shipping container with Barney the Dinosaur on an ear-splitting loop. You can't take it. You crave the controlled environment only your own home provides.

Subsection 03 Spaghetti: It's not so much that you don't like socializing. You're just... really, really bad at it.

You just seem to make a fool of yourself every time. You say something that sounded innocuous in your head but comes out wrong and draws angry stares from everyone around you, or laugh like an idiot at something the other person's reaction quickly lets you know was definitely not a joke. Worse, the more flustered you are, the more it seems to happen. Trying to apologize inevitably only leads to digging that hole deeper.

Subsection 04 Surly: Ordinary fucking people, you hate them. You wouldn't be such a recluse if you weren't surrounded by such fucking morons. What sort of retard would choose to interact with the sort of mouth breathers that plague this country? God, you hate normies.

With a cynical, misanthropic outlook with vanishingly few exceptions, practically no filter and a hell of a chip on your shoulder, you're basically just a total asshole now. Whether it's the defense mechanism of a shy, lonely girl or whether you're simply a bastard through and through remains to be seen.

Subsection 05 No Limiter: Your new life isn't exactly filled with opportunities to talk to people, and you've got all these amazing new hobbies swimming around your head now, you can't waste this chance to gush about them!

Whether passionately explaining your favorite ship dynamics to a confused old lady at the bus stop or ranting about the cancellation of Firefly to an impatient delivery man, you cannot hide your power level. You always enjoy yourself in the moment, but never seem to make any meaningful connections. It's like people think you're weird, or something...

Subsection 06 Zen: Actually, being indoors is just fine. It's not that there's something stopping you going outside, you simply have no desire to do so. Your home is safe, warm and has everything you need. Why would you bother going anywhere else?

A genuine, and extreme, introvert, you're perfectly happy in your own company and feel almost no desire for human interaction. Having to socialize is... fine. You can do it, play the normie for a while, but it's exhausting. You'll want a good few weeks without speaking to another soul afterwards to recharge.

Subsection 07 Paranoid: That while van has been sitting there for days. Just who is watching you now? People traffickers? The CIA? Merlin? They've even gone through the trouble of painting it overnight, it was red yesterday, the sly bastards!

You stay indoors for your own safety, all manner of bizarre conspiracy theories addling your mind and convincing you that stepping outside is practically a death sentence. It's hard let your guard down enough to make friends when everyone you meet could be a blood drinking space reptile in disguise.

Subsection 08 Shame: God, no, don't let them look at you. You can't take it. The disgust in their eyes is bad enough, but the pity is worse. You know what you are, you know you're a total fuck up not fit to be a part of society, and you shut yourself away as much as you can but even you have to go out sometimes. Oh no, you're crying again. You feel their eyes boring holes into you and wish the earth would open up and swallow you.

Of course, in reality no one is giving you a second glance. You're ashamed of what you've become, and can't help but feel everyone else is too.



The room is shifting at a rapid pace now, the paraphernalia of this girl's life materializing all around you. You feel strangely drawn to it. These items stir thoughts of both comfort and excitement within you, you're almost keen for the transformation to be over so you can start looking through them properly! Information about your new obsessions floods your mind, the knowledge of a lifetime spend indulging in pastimes that now seem infinitely more appealing than anything you used to partake in. You look at this stuff, the strange combination of artificial familiarity mixed with the lack of memory creating a truly enticing sensation. The facts are there, but they're like half remembered dreams. Everything feels like a fresh, new experience you can't wait to dive into and a comforting old favorite at the same time.

It's like getting to watch a favorite movie again with a fresh pair of eyes, to experience that song you love the way you did the very first time you heard it. It's difficult to resist diving in right away, but you manage to suppress the urge for now, and take stock of the new obsessions that have just forced their way into your mind.

Select between one and four Obsessions. The less you have, the more hyper fixated on each of them you will be.

Subsection 01 Games: Your new mind is obsessed with video games. She might still give the AAA mainstream stuff a go, but her true passion lies elsewhere.

Maybe it's fan translations of Famicom RPGs that never made it to the west, maybe she spends hours complaining the concrete in the latest German work simulator is the wrong shade of grey, maybe she's just played the same arena shooter from 2004 for thirty thousand hours on increasingly obscure and insular private servers. Whatever it is, you're about to become very familiar with it.

Subsection 02 Sci-Fi: It doesn't matter the medium, if it's science fiction, your new self will (and probably already has) consume it.

Whether the sort of person who scoffs at the implausible and won't even look at a work if they haven't fully explained how the ship's drive functions (preferably with detailed technical diagrams) or an obsessive for a bygone era who wishes Bernard Quatermass was her dad and would do unspeakable things for a copy of Power of the Daleks, remains to be seen.

Subsection 03 Anime: Whether expressing her love through an apartment cluttered with figures of smiling waifus or content to sit hunched over a laptop screen with an ever increasing bank of hard drives stuffed with material of questionable legality hooked up to it, your new self loves her Chinese cartoons.

It doesn't matter if she's here for buff dudes shooting fireballs or cute girls doing cute things; the sort who scrapes every scrap of content from a genre or who obsesses over a single show until it becomes her entire life, you're a card carrying weeb now.

Subsection 04 Horror: Your new self has a slightly unhealthy obsession with the dark and macabre. Horror media will definitely be a big part of your life now, but perhaps you're the sort who goes hard into true crime or who still laments the demise of Ogrish too.

Whether she chooses to spook herself with turn of the century ghost stories or loses sleep over creepypasta, whether she secretly cheers on the killer or wants someone to do unspeakable things to her, your new persona is into this stuff just a little too much for most people to be comfortable with.

Subsection 05 Science: It's almost a shame to see a passion like this go to waste, but while your new mind is fixated on an undeniably academic topic, your interests are too narrow, your social skills and work ethic too anemic, to translate that into a real education.

Maybe you're obsessed with space, maybe it's nature, maybe you're just the sort of girl who solves second order differentials for fun. Maybe you're the sort who trawls the internet looking for a chance to "well, actually..." some brainlet, or maybe you just like curling up with a good textbook.

Subsection 06 History: Look, the flags don't mean anything, okay? You're just really into German history between the years of 1933 and 1945.

Okay, it's not necessarily Nazis you're fascinated with, but there is some period or aspect of history you can't stop thinking about. It could be the Punic Wars or the Reconquista, it could be naval combat or Baroque architecture. Whether you indulge through documentaries and textbooks or war games and being comically furious about Hollywood historical dramas, it's never far from your thoughts.

Subsection 07 Romance: "tfw no gf" (or perhaps bf, you never know what other, unintended changes this fun new brain chemistry and hormone balance may bring) is one you know all too well.

Whether soothing the pain and longing with romance novels and sappy love films that make your heart flutter no matter how dumb you tell yourself they are or crushing it into a ball of "REEEE"ing resentment and directing it back at normies everywhere, you just really, really want someone to hold your hand now.

Subsection 08 Smut: Masturbation is no longer a way to let off steam and relax, but something you think about almost constantly. When you're not getting off, you're thinking about the next time you'll do it. It's no longer simply a case of picking some random smut and going to town. There's equipment now. It's not worth doing without at least a few toys, ones you're increasing lax about hiding after use.

Porn is undeniably a major part of your life, and you'll spend as much time searching for and archiving it as you do "enjoying" it.

Subsection 09 Oshi: Your obsession isn't a what, it's a whom. There's a celebrity out there, be they a world famous musician or actor or simply some minor internet personality you've developed a severe parasocial fixation on, that you can't get out of your head.

They may not even know your name but you know everything there is to know about them. You follow their every move with adoration, always treading the line between "number one fan" and "stalker" without ever quite tipping over. You're not sure what you'd do if they ever retired. They're everything to you.

Subsection 10 Tech: Your new self loves technology. The specifics can vary, maybe she's into the big stuff, fascinated by trains or ocean liners, or maybe it's the stuff she can get her own hands on that does it for her. Whether donning anorak and skulking on the edge of a railway platform, buying up broken games consoles not to play or flip them but just for the pleasure of tinkering with the insides until the lights come on again, or preferring to keep her hands clean as she tries to code the perfect Al chatbot husbando, it's her other failings, not lack of talent, that will prevent her converting these skills into gainful employment.

Subsection 11 Tabletop

Your new self is obsessed with traditional tabletop games, whether that involves painting space marines, rolling for initiative or activating her trap cards.

Maybe she thanks the lord for online simulators and contents herself with playing through a screen. Maybe she's more of a collector, more concerned with having than playing. Maybe she's so into it she's even able to muster the courage to shuffle down to her local game store, forced to socialite with others of her kind in order to scratch this itch. Maybe, deep down, she even kind of enjoys that.

Subsection 12 Comics: Whether terminally collector brained, determined to have every variant of her favorite runs bagged and boarded, a completionist who'll force herself to read forty years of back issues before picking up the run she's actually interested in, or a small press aficionado who views Big Two readers as the intellectual equals of those who's favorite book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar, your new self really likes comics.

How much she seethes every time she sees the manga section of her LCS has further encroached upon the comics shelves remains to be seen.

Subsection 13 Books: Your new self is a total bookworm, rarely seen without a book in hand. That fact that they double as something to hide behind if she ever has to go out in public is only a bonus.

Maybe she's a perpetual adolescent, chasing escapism in simplistic YA fantasy stories, or maybe she spends her time reading Greek philosophy and political theory. Maybe she's just super into Infinite Jest. Whether paper devotee or e-reader convert, she chews through the things, so you may want to invest in a library card.

Subsection 14 Music: Being super into music isn't weird in and of itself, a lot of people love a good tune. It's the kind of music your new self is into that sets her apart from the rest.

Maybe she blasts drone doom so loud the walls shake at three in the morning, maybe she only listens to Irish rebel songs despite being decidedly not Irish, or maybe she's been exclusively playing the same pop punk track she got into at age 12 on loop for the past decade. Whether the case, she'll be hard pressed to find many who'd thank her for curating a playlist for them.

Subsection 15 Crafts: Your new self has nimble fingers, and has actually found two useful applications for them!

She's into making things, whether that be building plastic robots, drawing her OCs or filling her home with increasingly eye-wateringly priced Lego sets. If you new mind fixates on the right type of creative pursuit you might even snag the odd commission for a little extra spending money. The virus is very thorough in ensuring its victims become and remain NEET, but even it falls before the might of suspiciously wealthy furries.

Subsection 16 Shitposting: It's a craving you cannot deny, -- itch that demands to be scratched. You want, no, need, to make people mad on the internet.

You're a natural at it, the bait flowing from your fingertips, through the keyboard and into the minds of increasingly furious strangers. Every (You) giving you a dopamine hit, every seething response helping you better shape your next shitpost. It's a shame, then, that you bite just as easily. You can't help it. Even when you know it's bait, you can't ignore it. You are a poster. You must post.



The changes come thick and fast, with no rhyme or reason that you can determine. With your social skills stunted and your new obsessions locked in they seem to be altering aspects of your mind at random now. You focus, trying to ensure you can at least recognize everything they're doing to you, even if you can't resist it.

Select or roll at least nine Mental Traits.

Subsection 01 Pervert: You're into some weird shit now, Your go-to smut now centers on fetishes that, if anyone found out you were indulging in them, would have you mocked or shunned.

Maybe you're hyperfixated on a single genre of smut, or maybe you're into a wide variety of fucked up shit. Whatever the case, this is not content an old lady from church or an outraged soccer mom would find shocking, but stuff the average, reasonably online person your age would recoil from. We're talking horses and shota, not futa and petplay.

Subsection 02 Weeb: You are a shameless weeaboo of the most cringey variety. We're not talking a girl who is into anime and manga, we're talking a girl who wears her Naruto headband to go to the store and slips random Japanese words into every other sentence.

The sort of girl who's fanaticism borders on racism, with a view of the nation shaped entirely by media aimed at children and teenagers. You'll curse the universe every day for not allowing you to be born in Glorious Nippon. God help any actual Japanese person who happens to cross her path.

Subsection 03 Unpalatable: Your tastes have changed. Well, not so much changed as regressed. Simplified. You have the palate of a child now.

You'll turn your nose up at both home cooked meals and fancy restaurants. You want chicken tenders and sugary soda, maybe some Doritos and Mt. Dew to snack on later, and an endless supply of Monster to give you the energy your new diet most certainly does not provide. "Eating out" means McDonalds or KFC. This isn't something you'll grow out of, either. You're a fussy eater for life now.

Subsection 04 Useless: Your new mind comes with baked in, severe self confidence issues. It's not so much self loathing as it is a total lack of faith in your abilities. Even if you're good at something you'll be hyper critical of the results, and assume anyone saying otherwise is only trying to spare your feelings.

You could be an incredible artist or have a beautiful singing voice, and enjoy putting those talents to use, but you'll be very reluctant to let anyone else see. It would take a monumentous effort to convince you you're anything more than "not terrible" at them.

Subsection 05 Messy: more. Your new living space already reflects this, with empty food containers and dirty laundry starting to pile up and your personal belongings scattered haphazardly throughout the space in no order you can determine. Ah, it's fine. You know where everything is, it doesn't matter if it's a bit disorganized.

It'll take strong smells or visible mold before you'll reluctantly take the trash out, but even then you're doing the bare minimum to make it livable again.

Subsection 06 Insomniac: Sleeping is something the old you did. Your new self does not get to indulge in such luxury.

You find it impossible to keep anything like a consistent sleep schedule. At least when you don't work it's not the end of the work to stay awake for three days on end then crash for twenty hours, but it still tends to fuck you up a bit. You've long given up trying to fix it. You rarely even go to bed now, just sleeping whenever and wherever your body crashes.

You cannot take this option with "Sleepy".

Subsection 07 Sleepy: So comfy. So warm. So sleepy. So much better than working or studying or doing... well, anything. You'll get up in another half hour. Okay, you said that the last three times, but this time for sure! For now, you really need to rest...

Between her extended lie ins and scattered catnaps, your new self spends a minimum of twelve hours a day sleeping. Preferably fourteen if she doesn't have anything else planned.

You cannot take this option with "Insomniac".
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Postby SaoirseCook » Sun Apr 16, 2023 12:13 am

Subsection 08 Cosplayer: While she'd probably die on the spot from sheer embarrassment if anyone saw her doing it, your new self really likes to dress up. Whether she's got a secret talent she'll always be too shy to show or whether she looks as ridiculous as she feels, she spends a lot of time (and a good chunk of money) dressing up as her favorite characters.

A lot of it centers on her Obsessions, and while she's certain she could never do this in public, the pangs of longing she feels whenever con season rolls around never seem to go away.

Subsection 09 Fujo: Boys! With... with other boys! It's so taboo, so exciting, so erotic! You can't stop thinking about BL! Whatever your other sexual kinks, the idea of two guys going at it will always be your number one. A near essential when it comes to getting off; everything else you're into is just the flavor on top of that delicious, male on male core. You're not just a pervert, though! You like romantic content too!

It may be good you spend most of your time in doors, because you're incapable of being normal around actual homosexuals, too.

Subsection 10 Boy Crazy: *sniff* *sniff* i-is that a BOY I smell? *sniff* *sniff* mmm yes I smell it! BOYSMELL!!!! I smell a boy! W-What is a boy doing here?!?! omygosh what am I gonna do?!?! THERE'S A BOY HERE! I'M FREAKING OUT SO MUCH!!!

You can't stop thinking about boys. They're on your mind 24/7. Whatever your sexuality was before, you're 100% straight now, and 100% obsessed. Your brain short circuits around any guy you find cute, making you behave like even more of an awkward weirdo than usual.

Subsection 11 Dumb: It's not just laziness that prematurely ended your academic career. You're also dumb, too.

It may seem cruel, but no matter how "nerdy" your interests or appearance are now, you've got none of the smarts that traditionally come with the stereotype. You're actually decidedly below average intellectually.

Nothing close to a mental disability or a cartoon bimbo, just... pretty stupid. The sort of girl who had to really sweat for her Cs and Ds in high school.

Subsection 12 Lonely: God, you're so lonely. It's a weight that presses down on you every day. Even if you are truly introverted, even if you are unreservedly comfortable with being a lazy, useless drain on society, you wish you had someone to do it with.

It's not even a romantic longing, although that could be nice too, you just crave the human interaction you're missing. You're the sort of girl who lingers awkwardly by the cashier's counter, treasuring the few sentences of interaction and smile the minimum wage employee behind it is obligated to give her.

Subsection 13 Splurger: luxury, and when you're as bad with money as you are, it becomes even more challenging.

You have very poor impulse control, which coupled with terrible budgeting skills, often ends with you splurging a month's cash on some fun item you really, really wanted. Maybe not enough to make up for the cold beans you'll be living on until the next cheque comes in, though. On the plus side your new self's credit is already shot, so going into debt is unlikely. No one will lend to her.

Subsection 14 Snort: Your mannerisms are not exactly what you'd call cute. Almost every involuntary sound your body puts out is exaggerated in an off-putting way.

Your laugh is a creepy snicker or obnoxious snort. Your voice is whiny and nasally or a lifeless monotone. You sneeze so loudly everyone in the vicinity stares at you. Even your breathing is unpleasant, maybe a wet, raspy sound or incessant high pitched wheeze despite no underlying health issues. You leave a very particular impression on people without even saying a word.

Subsection 15 Fetishist: You have a fetish that you incapable of keeping in the bedroom. It's something you've chosen to make a large part of your everyday life despite how uncomfortable it makes the strangers you expose to it without consent.

Maybe you're into pissing yourself while talking to customer service staff. Maybe you never go outside without your collar and leash on. Maybe you only feel comfortable running errands in your fursuit. It's only fear of legal action that prevents you going further; shame is clearly a barrier no longer.

Subsection 16 Horny: Wait, what time is it? Fuuuuck, you really need to stop soon. You've been rubbing yourself stupid for six hours already today. You had so many plans, you can't waste the whole day getting off again!

You will, though. Over and over and over again. You can't help it. Your brain craves that rush and you're too weak willed to deny it. A natural coomer, destined to spend her life with a hand in her panties. Even when you're not actively trying to get off, which you do at least three or four times a day, you still catch yourself idly rubbing. It just feels... right.

Subsection 17 Impeded: Speaking suddenly feels a bit more... awkward than it used to. There's not physically wrong with you, but you've developed a severe speech impediment all the same.

It could be as severe as being totally mute, unable to bring yourself to utter a single word even in private. Maybe you've just got a cartoonishly strong lisp that leaves you spraying anyone you talk to with spittle. It's entirely psychological, whatever it is, but that's not much help when you're mentally programmed to find it near impossible to overcome.

Subsection 18 Catlady: You love cats. You need cats. You feel comfortable around them in a way you never do with people. They are your babies and you love them and they love you and you want to pet them and hug them and huff their delicious kitty smell and get more cats and love those cats too and the neighbor's cat definitely loves you more so really he should live with you even if they disagree and you should fill your home with cats and maybe the cats will have kittens and you'll be the kittens mom and it's basically the same as having human children when you think about it and...

Subsection 19 Dirty: Personal hygiene is a thing of the past now, as your approach to washing becomes a bit more... lax.

You rarely shower. Never if you're not going outside, and only then if you really, really reek, which by your standards would have other people almost throwing up if they got too close. You basically don't do laundry at all. Maybe you're spray some air freshener on them if they're super ripe, but actually washing them is a rare event indeed. You're used to it, at least. You barely even smell it anymore. You don't know what everyone is complaining about, honestly.

Subsection 20 Addict: You can't be sad when you're drunk, everyone knows that! If you've ever feeling down about your new life knocking back a bottle of cheap supermarket wine is sure to cure what ails you!

Maybe booze isn't your vice of choice, but you're heavily dependent on something else if so. You could be a chain smoker or a stoner, or maybe you're into something harder than that. Whatever it is you can't go a day without it. The idea of having to face the world sober is a thought too terrible to contemplate.

Subsection 21 Reactionary: Loners often fall prey to the more extreme ends of the political spectrum, and you are no exception. You've fallen down an online rabbit hole and come out of it a total reactionary, with views that would concern most ordinary people.

Maybe you're a raging TERF, utterly furious about women's' sports you've never watched a day in your life. Maybe you're extremely concerned about securing the existence of your people and a future for white children. Maybe you're just a femcel who's absolutely seething that chad won't fuck her.

Subsection 22 Anti-Housewife: For someone who lives alone and te mS like enough cash to pay for someone else to handle the day to day chores of running a household, you're really fucking bad at them.

You could burn a bow! of cereal, your laundry constantly fades or shrinks and vacuum cleaners clog and jam the moments you look at them.

Is it more or less shameful to live in squalor because of abject incompetence rather than laziness, do you think?

Subsection 23 Delusional: cre ie so much time alone does strange things to people. You've started believing all sorts of odd things after all those hours pouring over those paranormal and conspiracy websites.

Maybe it started as fantasy, a fun thing to imagine being real, but somewhere along the line it's crossed into real mental illness. You really are convinced you can cast spells with your period blood or summon yourself an incubus. Maybe it's even gotten to the point where you're seeing and hearing stuff, too. At least you won't be lonely!

Subsection 24 Shipper: You are extremely, unhealthily, invested in the romantic exploits of your favorite fictional characters.

Maybe it's a coping mechanism to deal with your own lack of love life, but your heart swells whenever you see your favs together. You even contribute your own, only slightly deranged, fics to the community. Seeing other characters paired with them feels as bad as if you'd been cheated on yourself. If another pairing were to be made canon, you don't know what you'd do...

Subsection 25 Virgin: All sexual experience vanishes from your mind. You still remember factually that you had sex, and what acts took place, but the actual experience of what it was like is completely gone. On top of that, you're not exactly a natural talent at this. You'll be a pretty terrible lay, a total dead fish in the bedroom. It'd take a lot of practice to change that, and in your new life that isn't exactly forthcoming.

You can still take this if you're already a virgin. It doesn't make much sense, but it'd be cruel to kick you when you're down, you know?

Subsection 26 Hunchback: Your posture is absolutely terrible now. You walk with a slouching hunch that makes you look shorter than you are and isn't exactly the most flattering way to hold yourself.

It's not quite bad enough that you're going to hurt yourself, you're not setting yourself up for a life of cramps or back problems, but you'll never be able to shake it. Maybe if you really concentrate you could hold yourself in a less awkward position for a while, but you'll always default back to this state when you relax.

Subsection 27 Reeeeee: Your new self has extreme temper problems. She gets angry easily, working herself into a rage over relatively minor things, or sometimes over nothing at all, and has extreme difficulty keeping her composure once she's done so.

She'll shriek and scream and generally throw a tantrum like an angry child. Maybe she'll even get violent. With everything else you have going on it's probably not going to be very dangerous or intimidating, but maybe it will make you feel better anyway.

Subsection 28 Biohazard: You've picked up several unpleasant habits that shoot right past "dirty" and into "potential biohazard" territory.

Maybe you've got a bedroom full of piss bottles, because going all the way to the bathroom is just so much effort. Maybe you save your used tampons, dozens of them pinned to your wall like a bizarre trophy cabinet. Maybe you've just so reluctant to open a window that the dark, dank room you call home now has a ceiling that is more mold than plaster. Whatever it is, it cannot be healthy.

Subsection 29 Baby: Despite knowing you're a grown woman, an adult who should be taking responsibility for her own future, you really struggle to see yourself that way.

You still feel like a kid, no different now than when you were in high school. The idea of standing on your own two feet is terrifying. It's too much, you wish you had someone to take care of that stuff and look after you. So you sink into childish pasttimes, still finding comfort in cartoons and games you loved as a kid, always running from that terrifying concept that is independence.

Subsection 30 Fidgety: Your new self finds it difficult to sit still, and has a number of bad habits she can't help but indulge in.

Maybe she's always biting her nails, maybe she can't stop picking at spots, maybe she's a nose picker or maybe she's just always shuffling and twitching, unable to every be truly still. Whatever it is it's worst when she either is expected to sit quietly somewhere, or when she's stressed or anxious.

Most of the time you won't even realize you're doing it.

Subsection 31 Formal: The girl you've become has a tendency to over compensate for her lack of social skills by defaulting to extremely rigid, formal communicate when speaking to others, even when the situation doesn't call for it.

She's extremely polite and conscientious, even if visibly uncomfortable, but acting like you're in the middle of a job interview isn't exactly the way most people respond to a casual hello from a neighbor. She's also very quick to apologize for real or imagined faults. "Sorry" is about to become a major part of your vocabulary.

Subsection 32 Barrier: You don't actually have sort of barrier around you. You just really, really wish you did.

The idea of physical contact of almost any kind makes your skin crawl. Actually experiencing it, especially if unprepared, will trigger immediate panic, your fight or flight response firing as soon as you feel a hand on you.

Even when you do want the contact you have to really psyche yourself up for it. Hugging a friend would be a major accomplishment for you.

Subsection 33 Clumsy: Even putting aside the general fitness level (or lack thereof) this sort of lifestyle leads to, you're extremely physically inept.

Not out of weakness or lack of stamina, but through being a total, utter klutz. You're constantly tripping over your own feet, dropping stuff and generally being an uncoordinated disaster of a woman.

You're probably not going to seriously hurt yourself, but bumps and bruises are something you'll have to deal with pretty regularly now.

Subsection 34 Trauma: Something very, very bad once happened to the girl you've become. Thankfully, you don't have her memories, so don't have to relive that experience. You don't even know exactly what it was. Unfortunately, the trigger it instilled in her remains.

There's something that has you fly into a panic attack at little more than the thought of it. Maybe she was attacked by a dog as a kid and now that golden retriever puppy may as well be a rabid wolf to you. Maybe it was something far darker than that. Whatever it was, it's yours to deal with now.

Subsection 35 Saboteur: Your new self is her own worst enemy. She's so conditioned to the idea that things never work out for her that she actively sabotages her own chances at happiness.

Unless you're on constant alert you'll find yourself ghosting potential friends, abandoning projects that would have won you even a little respect or shorn up your self confidence, and generally ensuring your pessimistic predictions about your future always come true. Even when you know you're doing it it's really hard to stop.

Subsection 36 Chatty: Just because you're on your own doesn't mean you don't have anyone to talk to! You find yourself to be a fine conversation partner, actually!

A habit of talking to yourself in private has been allowed to develop for so long that now you struggle to stop. You're not crazy, you're not talking to a voice in your head or anything like that, you're just always muttering and mumbling to yourself. You know it gets you some funny looks in public, but you just can't seem to stop. As soon as your concentration slips you're back at it again.



You try to find the bright side to all of this, grasping at straws as you try to identify any changes that aren't all bad. There might not be many you'd have chosen to undergo, but at least there's a few that could make your new life a bit more comfortable.

Select or roll up to three Comforts. Options selected elsewhere that conflict with Comforts take priority.

Subsection 01 Rosetta: It's takes a moment to realize you're thinking to yourself in a totally different language from your mother tongue. After a brief moment of concern in which you worry your native language has been replaced, you find that, no, you've just become a native level speaker in another one too. Whatever her reasons for doing so, this new you has managed to pick up an entire new language, and as far as you can tell, she's done it very well.

You can select this option more than once to acquire additional languages.

Subsection 02 Brainiac: Maybe it'll take a while before you realize it, only noticing how easily logic puzzles and math problems come to you now after some months in this new life, but you're definitely smarter than you used to be.

It's entirely an academic sort of intelligence rather than an emotional one. You're no genius, but it's a noticeable step up from what you were, and you'd probably do quite well in higher education. If, you know, you didn't have all this other shit that's been shoved into your brain to deal with, of course.

Subsection 03 Wagies BTFO: Maybe it's now how you'd have felt about it before this change, but you can't deny that "you", the only "you" that exists now, really likes this lifestyle.

Sure, she may have issues with it. Maybe her perfect NEET life requires a husbando to take care of her or a prettier face, but fundamentally, even if cured of her various physical and mental ailments, this is still what she'd be doing. She doesn't want to work, she doesn't want to study. She just wants to laze around and indulge in her hobbies, and if nothing else, you'll be doing plenty of that.

Subsection 04 Talented: It's quite fun, finding you've been granted a brand new talent without having to put any of the work in. Maybe your new self really likes to draw, maybe she's secretly a fantastic dancer or maybe she's simply an absolute killer at fighting games.

You're not world class or truly remarkable, just very good. An artist who'll rake in the likes online but isn't reinventing her medium, a dancer who can certainly move but no more than dozens of other girls on Tiktok can, or a girl who can casually crush her locals but isn't getting out of pools at Evo.

Subsection 05 Masochist: God, your new life. It's so pathetic. So shameful... You're disgusting. A total fucking loser. Ah! Why does that turn you on so much?!

Your new self has a strong fetish for humiliation and degradation, especially focused on the idea of being a nerd, loser and general failure of a woman. The fact that her own life matches that description isn't the deliberate result of chasing that kink, it's just a very happy coincidence. Even if you hate the woman you've become, that's okay. That fact will only turn you on even more.

Subsection 06 Personable: It feels weird to think that being altered by some unknowable, reality bending virus has made you a better person, but there's no denying the results.

It might be buried beneath layers of anxiety and awkwardness (and possibly sweat and body hair too), but the new you is genuinely a very nice person. You find being kind and caring comes naturally, you're selfless and an excellent friend to those you get close to, yet you never let people take advantage of that. You just seem to both really enjoy, and have a talent for, making others happy.

Subsection 07 Waifu: You are, for lack of a better word, "waifu material". This doesn't mean you're some sort of 50s housewife underneath that NEET exterior. You're simply someone who thrives in a relationship. Getting into one might be tricky, for obvious reasons, but if you manage it you'll find it's super easy to be a loving, attentive girlfriend. You have an instinctual understanding of your partners wants and needs and satisfying them will make you really happy. You're not a slave, you'll recognize if they're taking advantage of you, you'll simply always be able to make sure you're making them as happy as they make you.

Subsection 08 Fangirl: You might have thought a lifetime of passively consuming media within the same four walls, day in day out, would get stale after a while, but it hasn't yet!

Whatever you're in to, be it forced on you by your Obsessions or carried over from your old life, just seems better now. It's like any cynicism or over familiarity you had with the material has vanished. You just... really like the things that you like! Not mindlessly or uncritically, trash it still trash to you, you've just found a way to sustain that spark that made you fall in love with this stuff in the first place.

Subsection 09 Glow Up: When you really, really have to, you can get your shit together. Both physically and mentally. You can tidy yourself up, make yourself presentable to the rest of the world and bury your crazy deep, deep inside. For a little while, at least. You can't play the normie forever but when it matters, you can keep it together for a day or two. You can be the daughter your family wishes you were at those important family events or ace a job interview long enough to have a breakdown at work a few days later. That's inevitable, of course. You can't keep this bottled up forever, and when it all comes rushing back, it hits you hard.

Subsection 10 Realistic: You know that, objectively, you're no catch now. You're not going to have 10/10s fighting to take you out every night but, honestly, you're fine with that. It's not so much your standards have lowered, it's more your priorities have changed. If someone can see the good in you under all the baggage, you can see it in them. This doesn't mean you're going to throw yourself at fuck ups and creeps, just that if you did find a connection with someone as... 'unconventionally' attractive as you, you'd never feel like you're 'settling'. You'd be totally enamored, even if to the rest of the world they seem as fucked up as you do.

Subsection 11 Thrifty: NEETbux don't go far, but you know how to stretch them further than most can. Not only can you maximize your income in a way that straddles the line between making sure you're getting everything you're entitled to and just straight up benefit fraud, but you're lethal when it comes to spotting bargains or acquiring discounts (whether you're entitled to them or not).

You're still never going to live lavishly on this sort of income, but you'll be better off than most would be in your situation.

Subsection 12 Hope: You know everyone says the effects of this virus are inescapable. You know there's no evidence that anyone has ever defied the life I laid out for them. You also do not care.

Yes, the odds are against you, but just because this virus has decreed this persona is 'you' now doesn't meant it has to be forever! People can change, and you'll try your darndest to do so! Even if you don't make it all the way, you know you can be better than you are today, and that's still worth fighting for! You'll never give up!



Is... is it over? You know the virus is still within you, undetectable but waiting to leap to another unlucky host, but you can no longer feel the changes assaulting your mind. You stare at your radically changed home, a place that seems both totally new and comfortingly familiar, and then turn back to the mirror. You... guess this is you now. It's a strange thought, but one that doesn't bring as much panic as it perhaps ought to. Proof that the changes go more than skin deep, perhaps.

Your life is going to be pretty different now, huh? You should probably let someone know what's happened. There's government support for girls like you. You're going to need it, what with the whole being ordained as a paragon of unemployability by the universe and everything. You sigh. You've heard the stipend they give to victims of this virus is pretty slim. Probably won't even cover the costs of this place. The changes to your personal history will have contrived a reason you've been able to afford it up until now in order to enact your change while making the fewest possible changes to history as a whole, burning through an inheritance from a long lost uncle or spending a small lottery win maybe, but a quick glance at your bank account confirms that whatever it was is gone now.

God, that's just what you need. You can imagine trying to find a new place like this at the best of times, never mind when you're still not used to being... yourself. Eurgh, this is hurting your head. Maybe... maybe there's another way to make some cash? You really don't want to have to move somewhere shittier. God, imagine if you had to get roommates...

Select at least one type of Income. You need at least three to keep your current place. Increase this requirement by one if you have Splurger and decrease it by one if you have Thrifty.

Subsection 01 Compensated: The stipend the government provides to victims of this phenomenon does not go very far. You'd never be able to afford your current place on it alone, you'd have to move to some shoebox of a room in a less than pleasant part of town, but at least you don't have to do much to claim it.

Apply online, provide some basic details and be analyzing your new persona's public records they'll be able to recognize that you fit the profile pretty easily. You won't even have to speak to anyone, the money will just start showing up in your account.

Subsection 02 Neetbux: You could apply for some more traditional unemployment benefits, you suppose. Technically they're only for people actively seeking working, but isn't that academic when your new life has been constructed to ensure you'll find it nearly impossible to get a job anyway?

Yeah, you'd technically be lying, and you'd have to go down to the welfare office and actually speak with staff, but free money is free money. You can stomach being forced to humiliate yourself at the occasional job interview they arrange for you, right?

Subsection 03 Disability: Okay, this one crosses the line from bending the rules to just straight up benefit fraud. On the other hand, your condition is as much a detriment to finding work as being in a wheelchair, so maybe you can claim the moral high ground if not the legal one.

You'd have to come up with some story and convincingly act the part when your claim is assessed, and it'd mean regular checks going forwards so you'll have to be careful not to be seen dancing down the street or anything, but that probably won't be much of a problem for someone like you.

Subsection 04 Clinical Study: They call this thing a "virus" because of how it spreads, but no one really knows what it is or how it functions. There's not actually a germ of some kind here, and the mechanics of how reality shifts because of it are just as mysterious.

As such there's a keen demand for test subjects to try and figure this thing out. You could make a little extra spending money if you let scientists poke and prod you and psychologists assess your mental state every month or two. Don't worry, they know what sort of girl you are now. They'll be patient with you.

Subsection 05 Tip Jar: Maybe working a consistent, reliable job isn't something you're capable of, but you might just about be able to muster spurts of creativity.

Maybe you could put out some fanart of your favorite fandoms or write some hyper specific porn for whatever perverts share you new tastes. The responsibility of taking on actual commissions might be a step too far, but you could always stick a donation link under your uploads. This would mean having to actually make stuff now and again, but it's honest work, at least.

Subsection 06 Become Anime: Showing your face online may be a step too far, but what if you could hide behind a cute anime girl instead?

People love vtubers, right? Sure, you're probably too fucked up to get a gig at one of the big corpos, and keeping a consistent schedule is not exactly something you're wired for now, but there's all sorts of weirdos playing Minecraft behind a digital mask these days. You could probably play the part of someone's virtual waifu if it means getting a few of those sweet, sweet superchats.

Subsection 07 Crime: This is a fucked up, extremely unfair situation to be in. You've earned the right to do a few crimes. Just some small ones, as a treat.

Maybe you could run crypto scams on Twitter or figure out how to get some ransomware up and running. Maybe that all sounds like a bit too much like hard work and you'll just send polite emails to the elderly asking them for their bank information.

Maybe you'll just start stealing shit from the local grocery store to save on food expenses. There's so many crimes to choose from!

Subsection 08 Spread It: You'll only be contagious for a few more days, but that's not the only way you can spread this virus. The clothes worn by victims during their transformation are less potent but retain their infectious nature for weeks, rather than days, after the event.

It's illegal, but people will pay good money for them. Maybe they're elderly and want to huff your panties for a second chance at youth, maybe it's not for them but for someone they want to force this on. Either way, it's a one off deal, but you could make three or four years worth of income from it, easily.

Subsection 09 Nepotism: You wouldn't be the first NEET to fall back on their long suffering parents for support.

How much they're willing or able to do so only you can say. They're your parents. They won't remember the old you, of course, to them you've always been the girl you've become, but other than that things will be as you've always known them to be. The virus is quite neat at what it does. The world around you will have changed the minimum amount possible in order to accommodate the changes to your personal history.

Subsection 10 Feet Pics: This... this is a thing girls do for cash, right? It doesn't matter if you're not cute, a foot is a foot isn't it? Surely you can find someone willing to pay?

Whether you choose to use the relative anonymity of only posting pictures from the feet down to hide the fact that you're a total fuck up, or whether you decide to lean in and capture the "stinky NEET girl feet" market, you can always rely on perverts on the internet to spend their cash on questionable things. No reason you shouldn't benefit from their poor decisions, right?

Subsection 11 Blackmail: This is all her fault! If Leah or... whoever she was hadn't broken quarantine you wouldn't even be in this mess!

You could get her in a lot of trouble if you reported her. She's lose her government stipend, for a start. Maybe she'll see the light and realize giving half of it to you each month is better than getting nothing at all?

Maybe you could get her to do other stuff for you, too...

Subsection 12 Job: A NEET... getting a job? Is that allowed? Would the universe rebel and make you spontaneously combust or something?

I mean you're definitely not going back to a 9-5 any time soon, and anything too stressful or public facing is probably out but... maybe there's something out there? Something part time, or that you can do from home, without any strict deadlines and with very, very patient co-workers... There must be something! You think you could face doing a day or two of photocopying or data entry a week...



Money is one thing but what about... everything else? You're still running on adrenaline now, but when they wears off and the reality that this is your life now truly settles in, will you be able to cope?

You've heard about charity groups set up to help girls like you, but they're pretty short of resources. Not many people want to risk coming into contact with your kind, even when you're way past the contagious phase, so there's not a lot of help to go around. They tend to reserve it for the most severe cases. You wonder if you qualify as one...

You can select one Support option for each of the following actions:

You rolled your Body Type

You rolled four or more Body Traits

You selected eight or more Body Traits

You rolled all of your Silver Linings

You rolled your Style

You rolled one or more Social Traits

You selected two or more Social Traits

You rolled at least half of your chosen Obsessions You rolled five or more Mental Traits

You selected ten or more Mental Traits

You rolled all of your Comforts

You selected twenty five or more Body or Mental traits in total

Subsection 01 Housing: A few of the charities run dedicated housing for girls like you. It wouldn't be much, you'd have one, pretty cramped room within a small apartment block, but it's in a nice area and is made with girls with your condition in mind. You'll have heavy blackout curtains, a little private bathroom and a small kitchenette against one wall. Your sort aren't really built for communal facilities.

There's usually some sort of catch, but nothing too bad. You can probably stomach a weekly sermon or contraband inspection if it means not paying rent.

Subsection 02 Maid Service: Not everyone has given up on getting girls like you back into work, and one of the most successful strategies has been to play on their more eclectic desires. If you frame being a maid as a subby kink or weeb escapism you can just about coerce them into actually cleaning up.

They're not looking to recruit you to the program, but to arrange for some of the girls to come by your place every couple of weeks to give it a deep clean and general tidy. They're really quite good at it, even if they are a bit weird.

Subsection 03 Support Group: Making friends is : -going to be a bit of a challenge now. Maybe it would help if you knew your prospective pals were just as fucked up as you were?

You'll be invited to activities arranged and facilitated by the charities with girls like yourself. There'll be staff on hand to give you all a little nudge if the silence gets too deafening. You're not obligated to go or anything, but maybe it'd be fun to play video games or have furious arguments about anime in real life instead of on the internet for a change.

Subsection 04 Dating App: If friendship will be a challenge, dating will be even harder. Even if you can find someone who's into you you're not exactly best placed to judge if they're going to treat you very well, and you make bad decisions when you're this desperate...

To get around this you'll be given access to a dating app for people into girls like you. They're all vetted and approved before being allowed to join, and bad behavior will have them shown the door pretty quickly. You can even choose to filter to only fellow victims of the virus if that's what you're into.

Subsection 05 Therapy: Just because you're preprogrammed to be a mental fuck up doesn't mean you can't try to minimize the damage.

You'll be provided with therapy and potentially medication to curb the worst impulses of your new personality. It's not magic, it's not going to "cure" you or have any impact at all if you don't put the work in, but it might help you be... a little more normal, at least. You'd never be able to afford this sort of care on your own, anyway, and if it's free there's no harm in trying, is there?

Subsection 06 Do Over: While there's been no progress in reversing or curing the effects of the virus on its victims, there has been some minor breakthroughs. They've discovered a way to reactivate the reality shifting process, even for things which have already been altered, albeit they still can't control it. You'd have to sign up for treatment pretty quickly, after a few weeks this reality will stabilize completely and there'll be not more altering it.

Reroll three rolled options. You can select this option twice.

Subsection 07 More: Originally considered a dangerous and reckless sort of experiment, the results of this treatment have proven quite beneficial for its patients.

They're able to reactivate the virus within the first few weeks post-infection, causing more changes to occur, but to slightly guide them. You're still becoming NEET, not something new, but they can direct it to only the positive aspects of that transformation.

Select one additional Silver Lining or Comfort. You can select this option multiple times.

Subsection 08 Warded: It's a big decision, but if you really, truly believe you're not capable of looking after yourself now, you can transfer that responsibility to another.

You'll be assigned a legal guardian who will take over your finances and be required by law to make sure you remain healthy and at least relatively sane.

It's a stress free existence, you'd have absolutely no obligation to support yourself ever again, but it means giving up your independence. Every major decision would have to go through them.

Subsection 09 Donations: Could people be donating to a more worthwhile cause than your Monster Energy and waifu figurine fund? Probably. Do you give a shit? Nope!

You are given a cut of donations that the charity receives via its fund raising work. They may ebb and flow and you couldn't live on them alone, but it's nice to have a little extra money in your pocket.

Taking this option reduces the number of Income options you must take to keep your current home by one.

Subsection 10 Buddy System: You're not the first person to go through this, and you won't be the last. The world isn't overflowing with "success stories" when it comes to your peers, but there are some victims who've managed to at least sort of get their shit together.

You'll be put in touch with a girl who has more or less done so. She's still NEET, of course, but she's figured out how to make that work in a roughly acceptable way. She can even talk to strangers now, if she gets a chance to prepare first! She'll be on hand to guide you through your own change.

Subsection 11 Chef: The dietary habits of girls like you doesn't exactly promote amazing physical health, and there are a few groups who have stepped up to do something about that.

Three days a week you'll receive meals delivered to your door that are both to your tastes and actually nutritious. No charge, and they'll even leave them on the doorstep without knocking in case you don't want to speak to the delivery guy. It's not enough to go a full week on, even with the snacks they throw in, but it's better than only eating ramen and candy.

Subsection 12 Training: Almost everyone who gets infected with this virus has to learn how to deal with the "NEET" part of becoming a NEET girl, but about half of them have to figure out the "girl" part too.

You'll be signed up for sessions to teach you everything you might need to know, from hygiene and bodily functions to some basic hair and beauty techniques designed to be easy enough for girls like you to attempt at home. Please try to be normal while you're there. The stylists are very polite but they really don't like it when you sniff their hair.


That's it, then. The reality of your situation is really hitting you now. You're actually going to have to live like this. Forever. This is you now. The only you that exists anywhere except your own memories. Your future now consists of two weeks of quarantine within these four walls, then a lifetime within them without even that excuse to blame your isolation on.

There's just one thing that's bugging you, a thought you can't quite shake. An odd craving, not something you'd associate with a girl like the one you've become.

You kind of want to go for a walk.
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