Zoe Tries a Dating App (WG)

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Zoe Tries a Dating App (WG)

Postby PilsburyDoughZoe » Fri Jan 01, 2021 9:37 pm

It had been a good holiday for Zoe, she had had five Thanksgiving dinners, four Christmas meals, her freezer was packed with cookies, and she was gifted tons of Mcdonalds gift cards from all her relatives. Unfortunately, this meant she not only gained her usual holiday weight, but a little extra this year. Usually, Zoe enters the winter at around 145, only twenty pounds heavier than her regular weight, but this January 1st the scale stopped at 165. “Oops,” Zoe thought to herself, “I really overdid it this year.” As she looked at herself in the full mirror on the bathroom door, she saw how round and plump her face had become. Her dimples had almost vanished on her cheeks and her chin was no longer as defined. Her blonde hair had grown frizzy and darker from all the fatty foods she had been eating. As her eyes moved lower, she saw how chubby and jiggly her belly had grown. She sucked it in and it looked flat just soft, but as soon as she exhaled the belly plumped back out. “Wonder if I should start my diet earlier since I gained so much this holiday?” Zoe asked herself. Zoe put on her pajamas and joined her roommate, Ashley, on the couch. “So, how much weight did you put on, it has to be more than last year?” Zoe poked her gut and giggled, “Yea, it was twice as much actually, I might need to start dieting now.” Ashley smiled, “Nonsense hun, you still look amazing, I know you’ll lose it just as easily as always, enjoy yourself” As Ashley finished talking she handed a plate of christmas cookies to Zoe, and that Dating app commercial with Satan and 2020 came on the tv. “I was thinking of signing up for that app, try to meet a nice guy, been single too long” Zoe said. “That’s actually a cool idea,” Ashley said, “You know, you could really mess with some guys heads, and test them to see if they are truly into you” Zoe asked, “What do you mean?” “Well,” Ashley answered, “use your pics from the summer when you’re at your thinnest, then when chubby you shows up, it will chase the losers away… I mean you’re going to for sure be thin again, and what happens when you regain next winter? They leave you?” Zoe thought about it, and then agreed. She thought it would be a fun experiment too, to see how guys would react to her being chubbier than her posted pics and so she signed up for the app, and posted her pics.

Zoe immediately began getting PMs from guys on the app. Some were ridiculous, but a few she responded to and began chatting. Eventually she was ready to meet some for dates. She chose a sexy red dress to wear, normally it hugged her curves just right, but it was not meant for someone as heavy as she was. Her belly was on full show squeezed into the dress, and it was shorter than usual, almost exposing her ample bubble butt. She looked hot, but chubby for sure. Five dates in a row all went exactly how Zoe expected them to. She would show up to a guy with a shocked look on his face, he would then grab his phone and make up an excuse to leave. One of them actually shouted, “damn, you are fat, I’m outta here” Zoe had met several different guys and none of them seemed to be willing to overlook her weight. Zoe never let this get to her, she knew she was still adorable and that eventually she would lose the weight too, this was a good way to weed out the ass hats.
One night, Zoe left her phone unlocked and Ashley started going thru the guys. “Of course these guys are mostly ass hats, she’s only talking to the super fit guys, they just look shallow.” Ashley scrolled thru Zoe’s potential matches, she found one guy intriguing, he had a lot in common with Zoe, but he was 5’10 and 345 lbs, not someone Zoe would usually go for. “She’s doing this experiment to test these guys, but let’s test her,” Ashley thought, as she clicked to exchange texts with the guy. His name is Trevor, by exchanging texts Zoe wouldn’t see his face. Her plan worked, and when Zoe came back she started to text Trevor. The two bonded over comic books, then super hero movies. They chatted about their favorite anime, and Zoe was really liking this guy. The night came for their date and Ashley smiled as Zoe left in her dress.

Zoe got to the restaurant and met Trevor at the bar. He immediate first reaction was of dissatisfaction, but then Trevor said, “Wow, you are even prettier than your profile” and she decided to give him a chance, she really liked chatting with him, even if he wasn’t the kind of guy she is physically attracted to. The date was one of the best dates Zoe had ever had. Trevor didn’t seem to care about how chubby Zoe was compared to her profile, and even seemed enamored by her, complimenting her often. When the date ended, Zoe gave Trevor a kiss on his cheek. She really enjoyed the night and then when she got home he texted her. Trevor wanted to see her again and Zoe accepted. He was a great guy, she wasn’t sure if she could get past his body but she wanted to try. It ended up not bothering her as much as she thought and the two started seeing each other often. About two weeks of dating and things began to get more physical. Trevor decided he wanted to be honest with Zoe about why he was drawn to her so much. “Zoe, I know you are a lot thicker than in your pics” Zoe interrupted, “Yea, sorry for lying I gained a few pounds over the holidays.” “No, it’s fine, in fact um… I a really into girls having large appetites, and gaining weight, so seeing you larger, it was super hot to me” Zoe was taken aback for a second, “Is that why every date we have involves food?” Trevor dropped his head, “Yea, I know it’s stupid but I just like watching you eat, and food really seems to make you happy too” Zoe thought for a minute, then grabbed a slice of pizza and ate. “I love food, I always put on weight over the winter then lose it in the summer, but maybe I could indulge a bit more before that diet starts”

A month went by, Zoe and Trevor had started being exclusive. Zoe found herself being so comfortable with Trevor and not feeling pressure to maintain her appearance, she gained even more weight. It didn’t bother her, she barely even noticed because she wasn’t paying any attention to it. Zoe stepped on the scale, 180, she was officially chubby now in her eyes. She could no longer hold anything in. She had begun to find her own gain sexy, yet at the sae time she was disgusted in how fat she was getting. She didn’t understand what she was feeling, hating her fat and yet being aroused by it. “Trevor, What is it about the gaining that you like?” Zoe asked, “Well,” Trevor responded, “I’m not really sure, like I love seeing you let yourself go, wearing less makeup, greasy hair and face, and just letting go and eating so much” Zoe smiled, she was really into this too it seemed, “How fat do you want me?” She asked, “Not too fat, once you get too big it’s not attractive any more, and I’m not trying to be shallow but I have to be physically attracted to my girlfriend” At first Zoe was a bit scared on the notion of too big. But then she kept imagining it, hitting a weight that her fat boyfriend thinks is too fat and dumps her. She got wet thinking about this prospect, “why was getting dumped turning her on?” she thought to herself. The next few days she continued to get off thinking about this, the more and more she she thought about it, the more she wanted to make it reality. As she stood in her underwear in the bathroom, she stared at the mirror. “Look at how fat I already am” she thought as she groped her belly. Zoe ran fingers a long bright red stretch marks that had formed on her.

Zoe decided to start eating and actually trying to gain, but she didn’t want to tell Trevor. He was really into her eating and often fed her during sex. After some time, Trevor asked, “How much do you weigh you think” Zoe answered, “You know, it’s been awhile, lets go see” When Zoe stepped on the scale her gut was over the numbers, and she just couldn’t bend well enough to see. “Um, Trevor, I can’t read it…” Trevor laughed, “You’re getting pretty fat if you can’t see the numbers, let’s see, 197 wow! Almost over 200, I want to see that, but not too much more” Zoe rubbed her belly, “okay, let’s push me over 200 babe” That night in bed, Trevor insisted on doing it doggy, “You should get used to it, it’s easier for people as fat as us to just do it this way” Zoe loved being treated like a fat girl and teased. She was really into this. Two weeks later they went and weighed her again, and she was 206. Trevor looked at her and said, “try not to gain too much now, this is sexy but too much bigger I don’t think I can handle” Those words turned Zoe on, of course she was going to gain more…

As Zoe sat on the couch, she stuffed her face with ice cream, rubbing her bloated belly. “What is wrong with me, why am I turned on by getting so fat?” She thought to herself. She was addicted to the gaining and just wanted more, she wanted to push it further. Weeks had gone by since she initially hit over 200. She noticed that as she continued to put on more weight, Trevor seemed less interested. She knew she was around 225 now but wasn’t sure where exactly. She caught Trevor looking at thinner girls online a few times, and this turned her on. It just spurred her to eat more and more. Ashley knew Zoe was enjoying this so she encouraged her to eat. She thought Zoe looked great and just wanted her to be happy. The day finally came, Trevor took Zoe out for cake at a bakery. “Zoe, I know you gaining was my encouragement, but you just are too big for me.” Zoe heard the words, they cut into her and yet turned her on. She ate her cake as he continued, “I just am not physically attracted to you, I think it’s only fair we both find someone we are attracted to” Trevor left Zoe with both her and his cake, “I’m pretty sure more cake will help you deal with this, even though you really shouldn’t eat it” Zoe was so turned on, she ate all the cake and returned home. She got on her new scale Ashley bought her and hear the electronic voice, “two hundred and fifty three pounds” She went and sat on her couch and updated her dating profile with pics of her currently, “I’m going to round up the weight” she thought as she put 260 in her weight. Besides, the holidays were coming up and she always puts on weight over the holidays.
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Re: Zoe Tries a Dating App (WG)

Postby whitestripes88 » Sat Jan 02, 2021 10:39 am

Great story! I enjoy all of your work, it always scratches an itch I didn't know I had.
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Re: Zoe Tries a Dating App (WG)

Postby Junketh71 » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:27 pm

This was very interesting. Thank you for sharing.
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Re: Zoe Tries a Dating App (WG)

Postby Dolgoipa » Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:36 am

Junketh71 wrote:This was very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and just wanted to say that I stumbled upon this story, and it was quite a ride! I would never have thought that a dating app experiment would lead to someone getting turned on by their own weight gain, but hey, to each their own!On a side note, if any of you are looking for a dating app that doesn't involve weight gain experiments, I recently discovered this Ukrainian women's photo gallery (https://www.uadreams.com/ukrainian-women-photo-gallery/) that seems to have some serious profiles. I'm not trying to advertise or anything, just thought I'd share in case anyone is interested.Anyway, back to the story, I have to say that I was both disturbed and intrigued by Zoe's desire to keep gaining weight despite her boyfriend's lack of attraction to her at that size. It really goes to show that people can have some pretty unconventional turn-ons.
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