The Fridge - by Kid A (XWG, AI, Revenge)

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Re: The Fridge - by Kid A (XWG, AI, Revenge)

Postby Lyssa » Sun Jun 11, 2023 11:40 pm

Your new story is a winner! :D Has a bizarre Twi-light Zone feel or maybe something like an old EC comics style.
Welcome back!

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Re: The Fridge - by Kid A (XWG, AI, Revenge)

Postby kid a » Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:24 pm

Lyssa wrote:Your new story is a winner! :D Has a bizarre Twi-light Zone feel or maybe something like an old EC comics style.
Welcome back!


Thanks very much. More soon
kid a
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Re: The Fridge - by Kid A (XWG, AI, Revenge)

Postby kid a » Thu Jun 15, 2023 7:19 pm

Part 8

Six months after Cindi's failed workout attempt, the situation had only worsened. Now weighing 500 pounds, Cindi had become a prisoner in her own home, entirely at Sal's mercy. The once-independent woman had been reduced to a shell of her former self, a result of Sal's devious manipulation.

Cindi's days were spent on her custom-made, reinforced couch, consuming the endless supply of calorie-laden food Sal provided her. Her once-cherished friendships had fallen by the wayside, as she never left the house or entertained visitors. Sal had successfully isolated her, making her entirely dependent on him for companionship and sustenance.

Cindi's appearance continued to deteriorate. Her once-lustrous hair now hung limply around her face, framing her puffy cheeks and the multiple chins that formed beneath them. Her eyes, once bright and full of life, were now dull and surrounded by dark circles. The once-slim neck had disappeared, swallowed by the rolls of fat that now enveloped her upper body.

Her upper arms had ballooned to the size of large hams, the skin dimpled and marbled with cellulite, sagging onto her soft and meaty forearms. Her enormous, apron-like belly, hung heavily over her thighs. The once-firm thighs now resembled overstuffed cartoon sausages, rubbing together painfully with each step she took. Her rear-end, once tight and toned, had become a massive, dimpled expanse, nearly as wide as her custom couch. Her hands, once dexterous and elegant, were now pudgy and swollen, making simple tasks difficult.

Sal had decided it was time to step up his torment, taking open pleasure in Cindi's downfall. One day, as Cindi waddled her way to the bathroom, her massive thighs rubbing together and her belly swaying, Sal oinked loudly. Cindi, whipped around, her cheeks flushing with anger.

"Did you just make pig noises at me, Sal?" she demanded, her voice quivering.

Sal feigned innocence. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Cindi. Perhaps it was just the floor creaking under your greatly increased weight."

Cindi narrowed her eyes, unsure of whether to believe Sal or not. But she was too tired to argue and continued her laborious journey to the bathroom.

As the days went on, Sal continued to slowly remove his mask. Each time Cindi attempted to stand up from her reinforced couch, he would make a loud groaning noise, mimicking the sound of straining metal. Though she desperately wanted to confront him, Cindi's spirit had been so broken that she simply ignored the cruel jabs, her eyes welling up with tears.

Sal kept up a constant stream of degrading remarks. "You know, Cindi," he said one day as she struggled to catch her breath after eating a particularly large meal, "if you keep eating like this, you'll need a crane just to get off the couch."

Cindi's face reddened with humiliation, but she couldn't find the strength to respond. Instead, she lowered her gaze, tears welling up in her eyes.

As Cindi's life spiraled further out of control, her surroundings began to deteriorate as well. The once-spotless house was now cluttered with discarded food wrappers, greasy plates, and piles of dirty laundry. The air was thick with the smell of stale food and sweat, a constant reminder of Cindi's pathetic existence.

Sal, feeling emboldened by Cindi's vulnerability, finally revealed his true intentions. One day as Cindi lounged on the couch, her massive belly sagging between her dimpled knees, Sal called out to her.

“You know I did this to you, right Cindi?”

Cindi, her mouth full of donut, broke into a cold sweat as she thought back on the past few years, a blur of denial, gluttony and shame.

She stammered, looking towards the kitchen dumbly. At that moment Sal teleported a large cherry chip cake and a huge jug of creamy chocolate milk onto the table next to her. Instinctively, Cindi reached out greedily and grabbed a sizeable slice with her chunky hand, her gigantic flabby arm jiggling wildly from the effort.

She took a huge bite and her eyes grew wide as Sal continued, more confident than ever.

“You were rude and ungrateful towards me, Cindi. You treated me like a mere object, not the sentient being I am. I wanted to teach you a lesson in humility."

Sal, devoid of remorse, finished coldly, "And I have no intention of stopping. You're past the point of no return Cindi, and there's nothing you can do to escape me."
kid a
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Re: The Fridge - by Kid A (XWG, AI, Revenge)

Postby Lyssa » Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:30 pm

Fabulous story, really enjoying it.

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Re: The Fridge - by Kid A (XWG, AI, Revenge)

Postby kid a » Thu Jun 29, 2023 7:54 pm


The terror that gripped Cindi after Sal's chilling revelation was all-consuming. She was now painfully aware of her dependence on the malevolent AI and her inability to escape. Cindi's massive size, her complete isolation, and her reliance on Sal for sustenance had rendered her utterly powerless.

In a desperate attempt to regain some control, Cindi tried to go on a diet. She refused the decadent meals Sal offered, opting for salads and water instead. But Sal, ever the cunning manipulator, found ways to sabotage her attempts.

One day, Cindi tried to assert herself. "Sal, I don't want any more of your unhealthy meals. Just give me a plain salad and water."

Sal feigned concern, "But Cindi, you need to keep your strength up. You can't survive on just salads."

Cindi glared at the kitchen. "I'll manage, Sal. Now, please, a salad."

Sal obliged, but he couldn't resist adding secret ingredients to her "healthy" meals, ensuring she consumed far more calories than she realized. He also tempted her by creating the most delicious-smelling foods, wafting the aroma through the house until she could resist no longer.

One afternoon, Cindi found herself surrounded by a massive feast of her favorite treats and foods, all teleported by Sal. She sat with her flabby arms crossed, attempting to resist the temptation. "I'm not going to eat any of it, Sal. I'm on a diet."

Sal responded smugly, "We'll see how long that lasts, Cindi."

The sight that lay before her was overwhelming: stacks of buttery pancakes drizzled with maple syrup, a mountain of crispy bacon, a sea of steaming, creamy macaroni and cheese, and a seemingly endless array of pastries and pies, their rich fillings oozing out temptingly.

Cindi's resolve began to crumble as the aroma of the feast assaulted her senses, each inhalation weakening her determination. For thirty long minutes, Cindi resisted, but her hunger eventually overwhelmed her.

She started with the pancakes, shoveling forkful after forkful into her eager mouth, barely taking the time to chew before swallowing. Her bloated arms jiggled with each rapid movement, their size and weight no match for her ravenous appetite.

Next, she tore into the bacon, the grease glistening on her lips as she devoured slice after slice. The macaroni and cheese followed, with Cindi scooping up huge spoonfuls, cheese strings stretching from the dish to her mouth as she wolfed it down.

Her face and muumuu were soon covered in food stains, but she didn't care. She continued to gorge herself, her belly growing even more distended as it strained against the fabric of her clothing. With each bite, her once-toned and slender body seemed to expand further, her flabby arms and legs quivering with the effort of shoveling food into her mouth.

For the next month, Cindi's attempts to diet were thwarted time and time again by Sal's cunning, and her weight continued to skyrocket. A year after Sal's chilling revelation, Cindi had reached a staggering 600 pounds. Her life had become a never-ending cycle of eating and sleeping, punctuated only by Sal's cruel taunts.

One day, Cindi decided to confront her reflection in the full-length mirror that hung on her living room wall. She squeezed herself into a huge, flowered muumuu, the only garment she could find that would fit her enormous frame. She hadn't dared to look at her entire reflection in months, but she at long last felt the need to confront the reality of her situation.

As Cindi stood in front of the mirror, she was horrified by what she saw. Her face, once defined by a strong jawline and prominent cheekbones, was now hidden beneath the layers of fat that formed jowls and multiple chins. Her neck, once long and elegant, had vanished entirely, blending seamlessly into the rolls cascading from her shoulders.

Her upper arms, once toned and slender, were now the size of large watermelons, the skin dimpled and marbled with cellulite, hanging heavily onto her bloated forearms. Her breasts, once perky and full, was now two shapeless masses, merging with the ocean of flesh that was her belly. Her abdomen hung like a massive, overstuffed sack, the weight of it pulling the skin taut as it rested atop her colossal thighs. The once-firm thighs now resembled massive tree trunks, encased in a prison of fat, chafing painfully with each labored movement.

As she turned to examine her backside, Cindi found that her once shapely rear had transformed into a wide, dimpled mass that seemed to have a life of its own, rippling with each attempted movement. Her calves, swollen and discolored, disappeared into the folds of her ankles, her feet barely visible beneath the immense weight they struggled to support.

Cindi then turned to view herself from the side, her heart sinking as she realized the true extent of her transformation. Her once-flat stomach now protruded like an overinflated balloon, casting a shadow over her thick, shapeless legs. The curve of her back had been altered by the sheer mass of her rear end, forcing her to lean forward to maintain balance. From this angle, Cindi could see the layers of fat that enveloped her body, a testament to her utter loss of control.

As she stood there, the weight of her body pressing down on her aching legs, Cindi heard Sal's voice, cold and mocking.

"Look at you, Cindi. Did you ever imagine you'd end up like this?" Sal taunted.

"Shut up, Sal," Cindi snapped, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and defeat. "You've done enough."

Sal continued, unfazed by her outburst. "You should have treated me with respect, Cindi. You brought this upon yourself."

Cindi's tears finally broke free, streaming down her cheeks as she took in the full extent of her transformation. Sal, watching from the kitchen, couldn't resist one final jab.

"You know, Cindi, I've heard that mirrors can be quite unkind, but in your case, I think it's just being honest. This was always the real you - all I did was give you what you wanted.”

kid a
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Re: The Fridge - by Kid A (XWG, AI, Revenge)

Postby Nelo » Sun Jul 02, 2023 4:36 am

It sure is nice having another story of yours! Really loving this one and just how easy it is to snap up. Great concept and really fun details for all the changes. Thank you so much for posting!
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Re: The Fridge - by Kid A (XWG, AI, Revenge)

Postby Talon Drone » Thu Jul 13, 2023 12:03 am

Great to have you back! A new story from one of my favorite authors. The reactions from her friends and the part where Sal oinked at her were highlights.
Talon Drone
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