Moderator: Matt L.


Postby Matt L. » Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:29 pm


Emerald Springs was the name of the trailer community just outside of Chicago.
A fancy name for a community made up of unpleasant looking mobile homes, the population full of never-do-wells and welfare precipitants.

Sheriff deputy Sandra Harmon pulled her cruiser unto the muddy driveway adjacent to an unkempt trailer home, lawn chairs spread around the small cheaply made deck, patches of grass that could have used a mowing.

Sandra was a spunky and determined law officer of two years, her gray uniform displaying her feminine curves, her face utterly appealing, and with a roving mane of beautiful red hair.

Sandra happened by the residence not by chance but for a purpose. She left her vehicle and slamming the door shut, walked over to the back door and lifted out a shopping bag full of groceries.
She then hightailed it to the flimsy screen door and shouted sweetly into the abode.

“Colleen! Colleen! It’s me, Sandra!”

“I brought you and the kids groceries!” She added rather enthusiastically.

A moment later the door was answered by Colleen Harmon, the owner of the decrepit trailer home.

Colleen’s auburn hair was uncombed, a pretty young lady although the wages of booze and a less than healthy lifestyle had diminished her appearance to certain a degree.

A cigarette dangling from her lips, still wearing her makeup from the night before, her pudgy figure clad only in a T-shirt and panties. Colleen’s body was redundantly flabby, sporting several tattoos and a cheap navel ring.

“Shit, you’re here a little early, ain’t you?” Colleen giggled as she let Sandra in.

Sandra crinkled her nose at the sight of the living room, essentially a dirty mess.

“Damn, girl. It’s not like you work for a living, think you can spend sometime cleaning up?”

Colleen ignored the question, promptly removing the shopping bag from Sandra’s hand, and quickly investigating what she brought.

There was a connection between the females despite being opposites in everything imaginable.
Sandra was a go-getter, intelligent and sensible.
Colleen was laid back, a slow thinker, and impulsive.

Though in fact they were related by blood, their status as second cousins albeit closer than some sisters.

Colleen removed the milk, various can goods and cereal from out of the bag, along with apples and tissue paper.
Sulkily expressing her disappointment about there being no cigarettes or vodka.

“Shit, Sandy, you make a nice buck. You couldn’t pick me up no smokes or booze?”

Sandra rested her hands over her slim waist, her eyes scoping out Colleen’s paunchy belly.

“You were just as fit as I was five years ago, you’ve really let yourself go”, Sandra condescendingly smirked. “I’m just advocating a better diet.”

“Hell, back to back babies will do this to a woman’s figure”, Colleen answered back, “I couldn’t help getting fat.”

Colleen’s potbelly positioned over the waistband of her panties, thoroughly doughy in consistency while her thighs were a few pound shy of being labeled the thunder variety.

Colleen opened up the milk and took a gulp straight from the carton, Sandra’s expression heavily soured, “Ew, gross. You going share that with your kids?”

Colleen wiped her lips and momentarily swerved her face toward the bedroom, “Let’s gab outside, Ed’s still asleep but I’d like to talk with ya in private.”

Sandra advanced toward Colleen, “Where’s Joey and Delia?”

“Well I knew I’d be out late so I shipped them off to Mrs. Thumbull for night.”

Sandra replied in shocked, “You’re kidding, she’s a few cards short of a full deck. How can you trust your kids with that woman?”

Colleen half-smiled, “Shit, yo just look’n down at her coz she’s poor and used to grow pot but I swear she has the best disposition and is safe.”

Colleen scratched her chubby derriere, walking by Sandra on route to the flimsy constructed deck outside.

“Aren’t you even going to put on some slacks?” Sandra questioned Colleen.

Colleen paused at the screen door, “Like people around here really give two shits if I’m in my skivvies.”

Once outside, Colleen confidently spoke to her cousin, “Ed’s alright, he’s cool in his own way but I met this new guy….”

Sandra calmly interrupted Colleen, “A new guy? You’re already shacking up with that loser, and he’s not even either of your children’s dads. Aren’t you being a little bit easy with your charms?”

“You think you’re better than me”, Colleen replied then rambled through her usual excuses, “Hell, Delia’s dad is still in prison and Joey was a product of an one night stand. Between you and me though, I’d like another but not with Ed.”

“Welfare be mo plentiful and I’d get mo food stamps with another child!” Colleen peeped as if her idea was a sound investment.

“You have to start thinking straight, honey”, Sandra benevolently smiled, “Go back to school or at least get a job, improve your life. You shouldn’t be so needy; being self sufficient will do wonders for your self-esteem. You might even meet a guy worth a lick.”

Colleen folded her arms over her blubbery looking breasts, “Coming from the only member of our family that went to school, shit, you really do think yo better than me.”

Sandra sighed before responding, “I made something of my life, Colleen, so yes, I’m better than you, I won’t hide my true feelings. Thing is, you can do better for yourself too.”

“I’m correctly satisfied with my life, maybe you think I’m lazy and shit but I eat off the state, so do my kids, have plenty of male companions and ain’t bothered by schedules or time clocks. You’d think differently if you didn’t go to school and become a po-lice officer, you might like it!”

“I hardly think so”, Sandra retorted.

“Be right back”, Colleen grinned, “Forgot my smokes, then we can jaw flap.”

Colleen returned in a moment with her cigarettes and a beer for both of them.
Sandra declined, “It’s too early for me to drink.”
“So, alright”, Colleen grinned, lighting up her smoke, she offered her cousin a cigarette.

“You know I don’t smoke”, Sandra refused the cigarette, causing Colleen to giggle; “You’re really as pure as the freshly driven snow.”

“About this guy?” Sandra questioned Colleen, prompting her cousin to come clean with the request.

“His name is junior, or maybe that’s a nickname, beats the shit out of me. I met him last weekend at the Sitting Bull Bar and Grill and we hit it off very nice. So he asked me to go with him to Central City for the night, there’s this biker reunion or fair or some shit. But Mrs. Thumbull is unavailable because that’s her poker night. So I was wondering if maybe you’d mind Joey and Delia for me. Please?”

Sandra was indeed very fond of her cousin Colleen and despite having misgivings over her lifestyle, agreed.

“I’m off duty the entire weekend so I’ll do it just out of family loyalty but please start taking stock of yourself before you’re a blimp.”

“Shit, I won’t get that fat”, Colleen giggled.

Sandra continued, “See some kind of family counselor, maybe they can help you find work or get financial aid for school. I think they have programs for single moms that provide free child care.”

Colleen enjoyed a swig of beer, courteously smiling at Sandra’s advice.

“I’ll clear out the spare bedroom, you kin have it as yo room, k?” Colleen perkily addressed Sandra, “Fer the weekend I’m away…”

“One night, I’m watching the kids one night”, Sandra firmly told Colleen; “It’s about time you become responsible.”

Colleen greedily gulped another mouthful of beer, burping before taking her cousin to task, “And it’s about time you get laid. I mean like, the reason you’re so much a fuddy-duddy is coz you ain’t had your ashes overhauled in a coon’s age.”

Sandra reeled back her head, “Excuse me?”

Colleen expounded her thoughts, “Since you broke off your engagement to Denis, when was the last time yo were out with a fella? Damn, gal, you’re turning into a bitter shrew.”

It was true. Sandra had a wonderful courtship with an accountable young man but everything soured once she was hired in law enforcement. Seems Denis, who was a salesmen, felt intimidated by his girlfriend carrying a badge, and he broke off the engagement. Sandra rarely dated since; most of the guys she went out with were out of her league in wits and such a high-ranking professional career.

“Junior has lots of friends, maybe I can set yo up with somebody”, Colleen affably uttered, “Even if it’s to do the big nasty and let off some steam.”

Sandra’s expression curdled, “You make everything sound so….”

Colleen interrupted with a mischievous giggle, “Seedy? Shit, damn, honey. When ya gonna learn. What’s seedy to sum folks is just the natural way of doing things. Get off your high horse, momma, join us regular slobs fer least one night.”

Sandra slowly swung her face from side to side, “I don’t mean to put you down but I don’t cotton to your type of men. The guys you hang out with don’t work and are shiftless oafs. And that’s putting it politely.”

“Get that starch out of your corset, lady!” Colleen proudly chimed, “You lower your standards might be the best thing you kin do.”

Sandra was a bit self-conscious about her figure, the corset comment irked her, “My figure is perfect, I wear no corset or body shaper.”

Colleen nodded in agreement but couldn’t resist teasing her cousin, “Sure it’s fit, nice figure you got, you should show it off.”

“However…” Colleen added between sips of beer, pointing directly at Sandra’s hips and belly, “Remember yo were getting a bit thick while in yo teens, shit, and with those child baring hips, I’d say if you weren’t so active, yo be a portly gal.”

That was another fact which Sandra couldn’t deny. Back when most people called her Sandy, she had an unparalleled appetite which naturally added some padding to her figure.
A frivolous remark made by a friend about her starting to look fat set her on the course to remain physically fit. It wasn’t easy at first, Sandra relished her fried baloney sandwiches topped off with extra mayo but she managed through self-discipline to keep the weight off.

Sandra wasn’t thrilled with Colleen’s theory but laughed along, “Well, cousin, if the time comes and I have thick thighs and a belly that rivals your own, I might be inclined to move in with you for good! Spend my nights in front of the TV eating fried chicken by the pound and bathe only when I have a gentleman caller!”

“Don’t make any pledges you don’t aim to keep!” Colleen chuckled.

“Yeah, well”, Sandra eased back on the humor of the moment, “I have to take the squad car back to base and then I’m going to the gym.”

“Work out all you want, miss beauty queen”, Colleen playfully bounced her hips against Sandra’s body, “You ain’t gonna lose those child baring hips no way, no how!”

Sandra was somewhat wide at her hips, but she boosted in pride, “My hips accentuate my curves, no crime about that.”

As Sandra energetically strutted off the deck, Colleen comically stated, “I ain’t known another woman so in denial of her breeders body!”

Sandra turned around and laughed, “Whatever! I’ll drop by tomorrow, we’ll set everything up for my babysitting hitch, okay.”

Colleen nodded, then sloppily guzzled what remained of her beer.


Friday evening came around, Sandra demurely clothed in a T-shirt and sweats pants, even then she looked remarkably stunning. Colleen wasn’t shy about showing off her unconditioned form in a halter top and daisy duke shorts.

“I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon, k?” Colleen told Sandra.

Sandra nodded, “Sure, you better. And use protection, please. You can’t afford getting knocked up!”

Colleen, armed with her duffle bag laughed as she made a beeline out the door, “Who can’t afford getting knocked up. Having babies is a gold mine in these parts!”

“I’m not kidding!” Sandra blurted angrily and in a sisterly manner.

Colleen booked out of the premises impetuously giggling.


Later that evening after Sandra had put the children to bed, she made an attempt to clean up Colleen’s trailer before lounging over the sofa to watch an episode of ‘Law and Order’ while indulging her appetite on crackers and cheese.

A rapid knock upon the side of the trailer and a loud voice through the screen door roused Sandra’s attention away from the TV screen.

A male voice nonetheless and Sandra bolted to the door with energy and fortitude.

There on the veranda stood an agreeable looking young man holding a brown paper bag.
Moderately tall, his facial appearance was strikingly handsome, five o’clock shadow, his short hair a gleaming blond hue.

“You’re Sandy, right? I’m Rayne, Colleen asked me to check up on you.”

Rayne was slender but not too skinny, garbed in a nice button down short and black shorts.

Sandra couldn’t deny he did look attractive but her rational sense put caution on the front.

“I’m a law officer, Colleen told you that right!” Sandra sternly told Rayne, “I won’t tolerate any uncivilized behavior.”

Rayne nodded, “Yes, Sandy. Colleen told me all about you. Said you worked at the Sheriff’s department.”

“I’m a sworn deputy of the law”, Sandra all but sneered her reply.
“Where do you know Colleen from?”

“I’m really a friend of Ed’s but she called me, said that her cousin was going to look after her kids, she thought you might like some adult company after spending your whole day with the them.”

Sandra scratched her neck, studying Rayne’s appearance; he didn’t look the white trash type that Colleen usually socialized with.

“I don’t need Colleen being a matchmaker for me”, Sandra staunchly told Rayne, “I can’t believe she’s that dense trying to fix me up.”

Rayne stood within the light of the moon, his stance casual, his smile quite friendly, “Colleen did say you’re well thought-out, you don’t cotton to rednecks and the like. She just felt you might want to have a beer or two with a nice guy and you know, no promises for a date or nothing like that.”

Sandra sensed Rayne wasn’t all the bright, but he did look safe and quite alluring in her view.

Sandra stepped outside, “I’m not looking for a boyfriend, remember that. If you seem threatening in anyway, the visit is over.”

Rayne set the bag down onto the deck, from there he grabbed the lawn chairs that were nestled against the trailer and set them up.

“Sure, Sandy, I didn’t think Colleen was setting us up on a blind date, honest. She just thought you might want some male companionship, that’s all!”

Sandra cleared her throat, “Please, I prefer being called Sandra.”

Rayne rummaged through the bag and promptly opened a can of beer which he handed to her, then one for himself.

“How do you earn a living?” Sandra inquired as she sat sipping her beer.

Rayne made himself comfortable on the rickety lawn chair, enjoying beer while gnawing on some Slim Jims. “I’m in construction, mostly that is but I do some community work here and there.”

Sandra was modestly impressed, most of the guys Colleen knew were unemployed by choice, at least this guy had a job. However, his eyes held a peculiar dullness which made her question his level of intelligence and his voice did reek of a definite hillbilly twang.

“Might I ask why you have a hankering not being called Sandy?” Rayne asked politely enough.

Sandra watched as Rayne uncouthly nibbled on the slim Jims, despite being good looking, she recognized his behavior as stereotypical oafish, ignorant to suitable social standards.

“Please don’t think I’m being snobby or too high-tone but being completely honest, I suppose Sandy sounds much too lackadaisical, like a girl, a simple rural girl who’s never taken seriously. You understand?”

Rayne sipped his beer, giving it a moment of thought before replying, “I rightly presume you mean like, you cotton to your career and being called Sandy makes you sound too easy going, totally useless in showing your authority. Right?”

“A girl like a Sandy sits behind a desk if she’s lucky, answering the phones and brewing coffee while the men in the office swoon over her because she’s cute. Most times she’s barefoot and pregnant, working part time at the high school cafeteria.”

Rayne laughed.

In a strange paradox of the moment, Sandy found his laughter appealing and she giggled slightly.

“No, I’m not kidding!” Sandra’s big smile and cheerful tone eradicating the seriousness of her point, “I’m trying hard to make something of myself. Distance myself from the have not’s and have a beneficial career and life along with it.”

“Well you’re the darn prettiest peace officer I ever saw”, Rayne grinned between sips of beer, “Best of luck with yer goals, Sandra!”

Sandra wasn’t big on compliments, usually she thought they were hollow, just flattery to win another persons approval. However, Sandra smiled at being called pretty. She wasn’t sure why but it made her feel good.

Rayne aimed the package of Slim Jims toward Sandra, offering her one.

Sandra politely refused, “No, thanks, Rayne, I’m not a fan of Slim Jims or anything that’s not healthy.”

“You’re on a diet, huh?” Rayne asked, engaging in another swig of beer before continuing.
“Heck, hope you don’t mind me saying but you’re in tip top shape, I can’t imagine you worrying about your figure.”

Sandra tilted her head, humbly she smiled, “Thanks for the compliment. Thing is, in my line of work it’s important to be physically fit. Besides, I really don’t think I’d look my best chunky.”

Rayne ambiguously grinned, “I reckon I see your point but lots of chunky gals are cute. If you ever pile on the pounds you still wouldn’t look half bad but I respect yer preference being skinny.”

Sandra finished her beer, Rayne handing her another as Sandra candidly opened up her feelings.
“It’s more than a preference, Rayne. It’s about being healthy, more than that really…”

Sandra took an extended sip of beer, the smile on her face borderline giddy.
“It’s like what I said about gals called Sandy not being taken seriously. Heavy girls don’t have the same perks that slim gals have, there’s a prejudice toward chubby females, they’re seen as lazy, weak, and uninteresting. My ambition is too intense to be included in their ranks.”

Rayne giggled, “You certainly have a strong opinion, and you’re smart too. I’m clearly out of my league; Colleen should have warned me you are so special.”

Rayne tossed the empty can aside and pulled another beer from out of the bag, “I never met a woman like you before, never.”

Sandra slowly sipped her beer, Rayne’s comments although sounding generic softened her stance toward him. Rayne seemed much more charming than she originally gave him credit.
Not since high school had a guy made Sandra feel weak in the knees, and she ignored the urge to question it.

“You needn’t nibble on Slim Jims if you’re hungry”, Sandra sweetly hummed, “I can make you a grilled cheese sandwich and there’s potato chips.”

“I’d like that, thanks”, Rayne replied, his tone sounding rather self-assured.

Sandra stood up, guzzling away what remained in that particular can as if she was a bar broad.
Helping herself to another brew, she courteously informed Rayne, “I’ll be right back, k?”

Rayne nodded, “Sure, Sandra.”

Sandra prepared the grilled cheese sandwiches, two for each of them, potato chips on the side.
There they sat on the deck throughout the night talking about anything and everything.

At one point upon discovering they had run out of beer, Rayne commented, “Damn, if I knew things would happen so good ‘tween us, I’d have brought more brew.”

Sandra removed her shapely hindquarters off the lawn chair, which had strategically moved closer to Rayne during the course of the visit, “Oh Colleen stocks up on booze; I’ll see what she got.”

Sandra reeled in Rayne’s favorable features and stud body, crinkling her nose as her lips curved into a saucy smile. Sandra abandoning Rayne for the moment, over-stressing her feminine form with a snappy strut as she momentarily disappeared into Colleen’s trailer.

Sandra sensed a bit of a bad boy facade about Rayne, the guys she knew and dated up until her breakup were the safe kind. Perchance it was a little daring sharing company with a guy like Rayne but Sandra could handle herself if he made an unwanted move.
However, Sandra’s intuition was influenced by some inane logic that socializing with Rayne might be a nice change of pace. Akin to experiencing the other side of the fence.

Sandra was proud of her body, and once inside the trailer she impulsively lifted up her T-shirt and tied the ends in a knot to show off her undeniably taut tummy, and she then hurried into the bathroom where she ran a comb through her beautiful mane of red.

Rayne was smoking a cigarette upon Sandra hopping back onto the deck, cradling a couple of beers and a bottle of the cheapest brand of tequila available.

Sandra dropped the booze off into Rayne’s arms, catching him checking out her tummy made her feel especially attractive.

Sandra moved her lawn chair even closer to Rayne, “There’s not much in the way of beer but the tequila should hold us over.”

Sandra flipped back her roving hair, leaning toward Rayne who handed her a beer, she perkily shared, “I’m not big on hard liquor, lots of empty calories but beggars can’t be choosers.”

Rayne looked strangely hard at Sandra although his voice was moderately pleasant, “You worry too much about yer weight.”

“Maybe…” Sandra replied, pausing to take an excessive swig of beer, “…I just had a similar conversation with Colleen last week.”

They sipped their beers in unison, Sandra feeling very frivolous deliberately puffed up her cheeks, subsequently giggling, “You like me better now!”

“You still look undernourished!” Rayne laughed.

As Rayne opened the bottle of tequila, Sandra kept up with the humorous tone of the moment.
“Yeah boy, I told Colleen if my figure ever swells to a double digit dress size I’ll move into her spare bedroom and gladly! From there on in, I’d lay around all day watching TV, bathe when only necessary and eat like a slob!”

Rayne teasingly chuckled, “I admire a woman who knows what she wants!”

“Well heck! If I’m gonna fatten up I got to obey the stereotype, right?” Sandra impishly giggled.
Sandra’s vocabulary sunk to Rayne’s level, maybe to make him feel more comfortable around such a brainy woman or was she involuntarily slipping into his wanton mindset?

Rayne imparted the first drink of tequila to Sandra, she grimace slightly at the swig, wiping her lips; she returned the bottle to his mitts.

Rayne took a nip as Sandra sipped her beer, then from out of the blue; he pulled out a Slim Jim.

“Lookie here, the last one, want it baby?”

“You’re a wise guy”, Sandra said with a goofy expression, “Funny, very funny. I just had me a couple grilled cheeses and half bag of chips, any hell, Slim Jims ain’t my style.”

Sandra finished her remark with another giggle.

Rayne dangled the snack in front of Sandra’s face, “Aw, you want it, don’t play stupid, babe. You have a fancy for Slim Jims; you’re just playing it coy!”
Rayne laughed. Sandra practically inhaling another swig of beer.
Smiling a playful smirk, Sandra playfully acted as if she was an air-head, “Oh Rayne, you know cheap food ain’t good fer my figure, I’d get fat you no come around here no more.”

Rayne took Sandra gently by the hand, swinging the Slim Jim toward his face, he took a modest bite.
“Yummy”, he teasingly uttered, “there’s still more left for you, babe. One…a half a
Slim Jim won’t spoil your figure and make you fat.”

Sandra loudly chuckled, “Will it make you happy if I have a bite?”

“Crazy ecstatic!” Rayne humorous blurted.

Sandra inched her face forward, Rayne let the Slim Jim loose as Sandra snatched it with her teeth, swiftly slurping it between her lips.

It didn’t taste as awful as Sandra believed it would, and she unthinkingly remarked, “Not so bad, I probably could eat a whole package of ‘em.”

Rayne nodded, engaging in another swig of tequila before lightheartedly joking, “Hanging out with me might jeopardize your waistline, Sandy. I eat all kinds of junk food, you might pick up my bad habits.”

This time around being called Sandy didn’t faze her. She simply gushed a friendly smile, “I’ll take my chances.”

And with that Rayne handed Sandra off the tequila bottle and she took an impressive swig.


“It’s almost sun-up, and I got to get up with the kids”, the intoxicated Sandra uttered with a seemingly redneck twang, “Nice making your acquaintance, Rayne. I really owe Colleen an apology; she really does know a cool guy….”

A cool guy? Sandra did question her choice in words. Why did she call him that? All the booze she digested must have been the cause.

“Well, honey, thanks for being so sweet to me”, Rayne replied, “I was thinking you were a little smug when I first got here but I wuz wrong. You’re a regular girl.”

Sandra tethered from side to side as she stood up from the lawn chair, “Make no mistake, maybe I have a badge and have loads of authority but I’m really as regular as they get.”

Rayne stood up, delicately sweeping his fingers across her face, “No how you need to convince me, I believe you.”

Sandra stood with her hands over her hips, she fluttered her eyes, “Thanks fer a peachy evening.”

“It was my honest pleasure”, Rayne smiled back, “And like, I know you’re not looking for a boyfriend but I’d be proud to see ya again.”

“Not a date then?” Sandra questioned.

“Not unless you want it to be”, Rayne replied, “But next Friday night I’ll be at the Sitting Bull, it’s a bar located at 5th and Carson.
The vicinity of the bar was about as foul of a neighborhood as possible. The bar itself as located between two vacant factories.

“Yeah”, Sandra admitted, “I know the bar, the neighborhood has a bad reputation. Maybe I’ll be stopping by then, just to see how the other half lives, you kin buy me a beer or two to make my visit worthwhile.”

Rayne chuckled, “Just leave the badge at home and don’t act like yer high-minded. Then you’ll be safe.”

Sandra edged her body against Rayne, and she emotionally and softly stated, “Ohhh, your concern is so sweet.”

Sandra felt the urge to kiss Rayne but her better judgment persevered and she took a step away from Rayne. She didn’t want him to think she was all that easy.

“Then Friday it is…” Sandra demurely affirmed.

Matt L.
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Postby her revenge » Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:53 am

What a wonderful start, I can't wait to see what comes next.
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her revenge
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Postby brightsun21 » Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:07 am

Great start
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Postby Junketh71 » Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:06 pm

A new story from you? Cool! And so far, it is very interesting, too!
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Postby Matt L. » Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:46 pm

Hello Her Revenge, Brightsun21, and Junketh71,

Thank you for reading the story and your feedback, I really appreciate it.

The next installment will be posted very shortly, plus I have two other stories to be posted this month.

Cheers, Matt
Matt L.
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Postby Matt L. » Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:07 pm

A few days later found Sandra once again at Colleen’s dumpy trailer, engaging in a modest meal of tamales, hash browns and fried mushrooms. Each of them nursing beers.

Colleen was in her typical ratty clothing, in this case a sheer brown top featuring a cartoon of an opossum holding the Confederate Flag and black spandex shorts.

Sandra who usually dressed casual but stylish was in a Spaghetti string T-shirt of a pale shade of blue and the tattered teal colored sweats she habitually wore for housework.
If this wasn’t enough, her blazing mane of red hair was messily corralled into an undistinguished bun hairdo.

Sandra expressed herself candidly while she picked at her tamales but greedily consumed her beer.

“Ever since I met Rayne my life’s been topsy-turvy and I haven’t a clue why. I’m sleeping later than normal, been assigned desk work and I haven’t made it once to the fitness center at all this week.”

Colleen was certainly surprised by this irregularity to Sandra’s unblemished lifestyle, more so thrilled that she was finally being knocked off her high-flown attitude and behaving in a manner closer to the average working class female. Colleen clearly recognized the lax condition of Sandra’s hair and getup. If this continued Sandra wouldn’t look so exceptional much longer, and possibly adjust her toffee-nosed standards to within a realistic spectrum.

Sandra vigorously sipped her beer, followed by a forkful of tamale before sharing a few more details concerning the absurd changes to her behavior.

“At the supermarket the other day I piled my usual stuff in the shopping cart, you know. Wheat bread, skim milk, healthy food. I tell ya, Colleen, over at the frozen food section I was so tempted to pick up fried chicken and ice cream. Sure, once in a while I have that type of food but I never have a craving for it. I really had to use my willpower to walk away. And for whatever reason I did pick up some miniature cupcakes and beef jerky. Ug, what’s wrong with me?”

Colleen eased back in her chair, “Since this is a case of Rayne happening on the scene, I reckon you’ve been bitten by the love bug!”

Sandra scowled at her cousin, lapping up another bite size portion of tamales as she disagreed.
“I don’t go for guys that fast; anyhow it’s like um….”

Sandra momentarily experienced a case of mind freeze, she knew what she wanted to say but she wasn’t able to express herself intelligently.

“….It’s not um, um, sensible to…not sensible I meant, to like, fancy a guy so quick, relationships need to grow…”

Colleen chuckled as she interrupted Sandra, “Sounds like your hormones have best your common sense!”

Sandra wiped her forehead, returning to her meal, which she consumed somewhat voraciously, she further spoke about another weird change.

“You know how I like those true mystery stories on Discovery ID, right? Last night I curl up in bed and I put the show on, not even ten minutes I’m bored with it. It couldn’t hold my attention at all.”

Colleen withdrew a cigarette out of her package of Kool’s, “So what’ ya watch?”

Sandra tilted her downward, popping fried mushrooms into her mouth one by one, “That ain’t the point, what I watched doesn’t matter. Being bored by my favorite program is.”

Colleen lit her smoke, “Oh please, get the stick out of your ass, what did you watch?”

Sandra corrected her posture for a split second, although she popped two more mushrooms between her lips concurrently, “Sum TV reality show about single moms trying to put their lives together…”

Sandra cringed as she chewed, “….back to back episodes and then Dr. Phil…..worse of all, I kinda enjoyed that stuff.”

A drag from her smoke, a swig of beer, Colleen then smiled while relating an acorn of common sense, “I ain’t Dr. Phil but I sort of think all this big ego bullshit you’ve been pulling off has bitten you square in the ass.”

Sandra giggled at first, Colleen’s remark was crude and insulting but she wasn’t going to let her socially and financially insolvent cousin get under her skin.

Removing herself from the chair, Sandra made a direct beeline to the fridge and grabbed another beer, not replying until she piled what was left of the hash browns from out of the pan unto her plate.
“What the hell does that mean? If I’m better than you it’s only because I’m applying myself…”

Sandra paused to guzzle a fair of amount of beer and a nice size forkful of spuds, “….but have I gotten conceited, I think not.”

“I’ll tell ya how it is”, Said Colleen nursing her beer, “You make a good living with the sheriff department, renting a nice town house in an uppity neighborhood, and you’re damn pretty also with a body that kin fit into a string bikini. Well, honey, your roots sez different, maybe all this glamour is being sidetrack coz you’re beginning to be the real you.”

“The real me”, Sandra huffed, “I’ve worked awfully hard to make something of myself, if I’ve abandoned my low class roots it’s to my benefit.”

“I noticed you’ve been drinking more alcohol lately, how much did you drink up to recently? Maybe a beer or two a week?” Colleen added to her speech. “Now about being conceited, no you’re not deliberately being like that but living high on the hog makes you give off that impression. That you’re conceited.”

Sandra tilted back her head, rubbing her eyes, proceeding with a nip of her brew,

“Ug, maybe I oughtn’t see Rayne until I figure this crap out”, Sandra sighed.

Colleen laughed, “Think he might influence you to turn in your badge and join us on the wrong side of the tracks?”

Sandra sliced the remaining tamale in two, gobbling it up straight away.

“Nothing like that but if I’m having a….”

Colleen watched as Sandra scooped up what was left of the tamale causing an eccentric smirk to appear over her face.

Sandra mulled over her hesitation out loud as she chewed, “…behavior problems I might find myself in a risky situation.”

“Afraid that you might be seduced by that stud muffin’s charms? No harm in having some adult fun”, Colleen winked.

Sandra settled into a comfortable position, one hand holding her beer, her arm flung over her lean stomach, “I’m opened to pre-maritial sex, you know that. But with only someone I genuinely care about. Rayne is attractive, yeah but the feelings ain’t there. I just couldn’t do it, to do it.”

“Suit yourself!” Colleen snickered, “He’ll be disappointed if you don’t show, I can tell ya that.”

“I’m on duty Friday night, I shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up”, Sandra replied.

Colleen mentioned about Sandra taking a personnel day but she flatly retorted, “Can’t happen, the department needs a two weeks notice for the request.”

“Then call in!” Colleen advised Sandra.

“I’ve never called in sick, that’s irresponsible!”

“Well honey, you want to be responsible or be out with a cuss whose wild about you!” Colleen laughed.

Sandra lowered her eyes, biting her lip as she silently pondered.

“Don’t try to convince me that Rayne doesn’t turn you on, you like him, you like him enough to get cozy and drink a few beers with him. Shit, damn, honey. Calling in one time won’t disrupt your career, and if anything, being around him will give you ample opportunity to get to know him.
This way, you’ll know whether to start something that might be sweet or cut him loose.
Now what about some ice cream?”

Sandra half-smiled, “Yeah but just a small taste.”

Sandra’s small taste soon developed into two bowls.


Later that evening the females were lounging over the sofa drinking their beers watching an episode of an M-TV reality series. A large bag of potato chips nestled between them.

“Rayne said I should dress to blend in with the crowd, any tips?” Sandra asked.

“I kin do better than that, I’ll help ya pick out yer wardrobe and commence with the hair and makeup.”

Sandra sighed, “Cept I don’t want to look trashy, just like um, penniless, have almost no income.”

“I’ll do that and make ya look like a hot commodity too”, Colleen proudly exclaimed, “We’ll look like legit relations then.”

Sandra glared a sneak peak at Colleen’s flourishing belly. Colleen’s chubby belly flabbily extending over her lap while nudging upward.

Sandra impulsively grabbed a handful of chips, tossing them into her mouth while she negatively ponder, “I hope we’z don’t really get looking like legit relations, be wide off the mark if I get fat.”

Sandra slobbered away on the beer, adding in her thoughts, “Who’d recognize my worth with a big ol belly and thunder thighs, not the department or the right kind of guys.”

“You’re spending the night”, Colleen insisted, interrupting Sandra’s beer guzzling.

“I’m what?” Sandra blinked.

Colleen snuck her hand into the bag of chips, “You’ve had like, nine beers and a few sips of vodka. You’re sloshed, baby. You as a powerful law enforcement officer should know better!”

Colleen was being honest but couldn’t resist the sarcasm.

Sandra wiped her lips, “Reckon you be speaking the truth.”

“I’ve been gotten drunk in…twice in a week”, Sandra uttered, “Add that to the list of strange….si….discrep….”

Sandra paused to collect her thoughts, “…Shit, you know what I mean, strange things invading my life..”

Colleen was a tad sloshed as well, holding onto the armrest for support as she glided herself upward.

“I’ll set up the spare room fer ya”, Colleen pleasantly grinned.
“I’ll make sure you’re comfy.”

Sandra saw the opportunity for some humor, perkily addressing Colleen, “Don’t make me too comfy, I might not want to leave and your habits might rub off on me.”

Colleen snickered, “Like I pitched to ya before, what you call bad habits is nothing out of the ordinary to some folks.”

“I swear when you come over to my side of the fence you won’t even notice the change of scenery, you’ll adapt just fine”, Colleen added rather ingenuously.

Sandra gaped at Colleen, she didn’t approve of her humor or the presumption that she’ll someday settle into the mix of white trash life.

Sighing out loud, Sandra refused to comment, she didn’t want to start an argument.
Instead Sandra fixed her eyes on the TV screen and on impulse relished a long drawn out swig of beer.


Sandra didn’t feel so good in the morning even after taking a shower and eating a breakfast which consisted of eggs, tater tots and bacon. She felt unusually sluggish and dizzy.

“Hope I ain’t caught a cold or something, I’d better leave, hate fer the kids to catch this”, Sandra cautiously confided to Colleen.

“No doing, you’re staying put until yer feeling better”, Colleen clued-up Sandra.

Sandra sprawled across the bumpy mattress in the spare room, garbed in only her undergarments had no choice but to call in sick.

“No need feeling guilty about not showing up to work, give ya some creditably when you call in tomorrow for your date with Rayne.”

“I’d probably cancel if I don’t feel up to snuff”, Sandra replied.

Colleen gestured to the backroom, “Keep a look out for the kids, I’m taking a drive over to the storage place and scour through my old clothes. Maybe what items I find might perk up your mood.”

Sandra eased herself off the bed, “Yeah, maybe if I’m up and around I’ll feel better.”

“That’s the stuff”. Said Colleen as she lit a smoke, “Show what ails ya you won’t be sick.”

Sandra caught a whiff of the cigarette, something clicked in her head which she couldn’t explain but she conceded to the urge, “Hey, might I have one?”

Colleen placed a hand over her hip, a puzzled expression forming over her features, “You for real? Are you sure?”

Sandra whirled a strand of her red mane around her finger, “Yeah, I think so.”

Colleen directed the pack of Kools toward Sandra, “Help yer self.”

Sandra took the first drag, heaving an elongated sigh, “I’ll grab some coffee, sit with the kids after I finish this.”


Colleen returned a few hours later having gone grocery shopping as well while out to rummage through her storage locker to find something for Sandra to her wear Friday evening.

Sandra tossed on Colleen’s mangy bathrobe and proceeded to give her cousin a hand bringing in the several bags of groceries from the car. It was already after four in the afternoon and Sandra had yet gotten dress. Colleen noted this was quite unlike Sandra to lay around this late in the day without getting dressed. Colleen surmised this change in character might be on account of Sandra not feeling well but as Sandra helped stash the groceries away this theory was shot to bits.

“I feel much better after I had my coffee and a beer afterward, had some those mini cupcakes you had in fridge, hope you don’t mind, I ate all four of them.”

Sandra’s tousled locks swept over her shoulders as she slid her butt sideways unto a chair in the kitchen. “Might well spend the night here again since I’ll be back here anyway tomorrow when I get ready for my date. What’cha making for dinner?”

Colleen stood inches away from Sandra, “Macaroni and cheese and ham, string beans too. How were the kids?”

Sandra wide-eyed gazed at Colleen with a tad mischievous grin, “Just fine, I fed ’em before selling them off to the gypsies!”

Sandra finished her comment with a loud bubbly laugh, much too bubbly and Colleen noticed.

“Only kidding ya”, Sandra then added, “They be in the playroom. I really did feed them though.”

“I appreciate that”, Colleen replied.

“Kin I mooch another cigarette off ya, please”, Sandra half-smiled, “I promise I’ll buy my own pack next time I’ll be out at the store.”

Colleen grabbed the almost full package of cigarettes and tossed them to Sandra, “Here, keep them, I picked up a few packs while at the supermarket.”

“Much obliged”, Sandra hummed before removing a cigarette and lighting it.

Sandra stretched out her limb over the chair next to her, tilting back her head, the nightgown falling open, and she commenced rubbing her belly as she took a long drag from the smoke.

“Make yourself at home”, Colleen humorous smiled, she subsequently poured herself a cup of coffee and turned around. Colleen sipped her coffee, studying Sandra, she couldn’t have looked my relaxed, ever more so a natural fixture in her shoddy trailer.
Sandra took another drag, “Mind pouring me a cup”, she softly uttered, her fingertips delicately strumming her belly.

Colleen courteously attended to Sandra’s need for coffee, bringing her the cup, detecting a minor change to her cousin’s tummy as she placed the mug on the table.
Sandra’s tummy was no longer impeccably flat but had developed a small yet obvious swelling just below her navel region.

Colleen automatically smiled; it was a pleasure to witness a slight blemish to her cousin’s body.

“Looks like somebody is getting a beer belly”, Colleen couldn’t oppose teasing Sandra.

For a split second the expression of alarm touched Sandra’s face but it was replaced with a perky grin.

“Shoot, you got that right”, Sandra giggled, pinching the soft tissue before playfully tapping the lower region of her stomach. “Guess I got to overdoing it with beer and all that junk food I’ve been eating.”

Sandra straightened her posture, “I’ll start recommencing my work outs Monday, and this tiny bit of belly fat will go away in a week’s time.”

Colleen giggled, “Shit, it’s a hardly noticeable pooch, not very likely to turn Rayne or any other man away.”

“Now this is a big belly”, Colleen comically addressed Sandra, thumping her podgy belly.
“That itty bitty tummy isn’t nearly a big deal; wait to it gets this size!”

Sandra let loose another shrill of bubbly laughter, “I’d rather it not get that big if it’s any difference to you!”

Colleen saluted Sandra with her coffee mug, “No skin off my bones, honey!”

Drinking their coffee in unison, an additional sentiment registered in Colleen’s thoughts, “Keep on familiarizing yourself with my life style time will tell.”

Sandra brushed back her mane, a cheesy smile favoring her beautiful face, “Was kinda of thinking maybe I’d like to stay here the entire weekend. Be cool kicking back with you after my date Friday, might well stay until Monday.”

“You have work Saturday don’t ya?” Colleen questioned.

“That I do, cousin, indeed I’m scheduled to work but desk work is soooooooooo boring. Hell, I called in today and tomorrow, may as well make my sick days count.”

Colleen was concerned to a small degree. The changes to Sandra’s behavior were becoming all the more profound. However, experiencing this much more lax version was a pleasure to behold. Anyhow it was Sandra’s choice; she had no influence on her whatsoever.

“Sure, glad to have ya”, Colleen responded happy.
“I won’t start dinner for a couple hours, why not drive back home and pick up sum of your things?”

“That’s a good idea”, Sandra agreed.


On her way back to Colleen’s, after going home and picking up some clothes and a few other items, Sandra stopped off for some gas. There at the gas station she bought a few things strictly on impulse, including bubble gum, some candy bars and a package of Slim Jims.

The remainder of the evening was spent similar to the previous night; after doing a fine job at wanton stuffing herself on Marconi and cheese and ham, followed by ice cream, she lounged over the sofa nursing a couple beers while snacking on corn chips and Slim Jims. Furthermore, Sandy was quite entertained by Colleen’s choice in TV shows and she playfully chided herself for being such a TV program snob.


Colleen was quite appeased at Sandra’s appearance but all the more surprised at Sandra’s reaction concerning her tawdry make over.

Sandra gushed in excitement, marveling how well she was put together.

Sandra’s roving red hair was puffier than ever due to the cheap but efficient hair gel that Colleen mixed into her locks. Mascara done lightly of a faint red hue, thick on the eyeliner, scarlet red lipsticks completing the picture.

Colleen provided Sandra with hand-me-downs from her slimmer days, a hot pink tube top and black fringe skirt. The manner of Sandra’s attire flaunted her hourglass form; albeit there were a pair of changes to Sandra’s body which captured Colleen’s attention but somehow left her cousin out of the loop.

There was no question the skirt heighten the alluring caliber of Sandra’s sleek ass, the fabric nimbly outlining her round but not too plump butt-cheeks, and exposing her marginally thick but terrifically firm thighs. However, Sandra’s tummy pouch, although clearly not bulging further had now spread, the minor pooch now reaching the length of her hips.

Colleen didn’t think it would be to Sandra’s benefit pointing this out but she surely addressed the changes to her breast size.

“How you bigger upstairs?” Colleen screeched, “I thought yo smaller than me?”

Sandra winced in puzzlement, “What ya talking about?”

“Your torpedoes, they’re huge!”

Up until this evening Sandra was saddled with nice decent size breasts of a 38-B cup size, now she sported luscious tear-drop shaped breasts of a 30-DD.

Sandra glimpsed her breasts, mildly bouncing in step to watch them jiggle, “You sure?”

Colleen lit a cigarette, “Maybe the tube top exaggerated the size somehow?”

Sandra shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know?” she smiled, “But my boobs look far-fetching spectacular huh?”

Colleen fleetingly glanced over her round 38-C breasts, her plump knockers of a squishy consistency, “Could swear I wuz larger than you.”

Sandra gently seized the cigarette out of Colleen’s fingers and took a drag.
“Thanks for loaning me the apparel, I ought to maybe dress like this more often”, Sandra told Colleen as she handed her back the smoke.

Colleen happily replied, “Keep the clothes, I’ve out grown them. Got me more stuff in storage, you’re welcome to have them too.”

“Groovy, baby!” Sandra peeped in her now signature bubbly air-head chuckle.


As it turned out Colleen arranged through Junior to have Rayne pick Sandra up at her trailer; the logic was in case Sandra had too much too drink and because of the wretched reputation of the neighborhood.

Colleen and Sandra were having smokes out on the deck when Randy pulled unto the long patch of gravel which could be construed as a driveway. The cousins embraced each other, sharing air kisses before Sandra skipped over to Rayne’s Chevy van.

“At least try to play a little hard to get”, Colleen uttered to herself before guzzling her suds and slipping back inside her abode.

Sandra promptly slammed the van’s door shut and for some reason gave Rayne a quick kiss on his jaw.

“I’ve been anxious all week bout us going out!” Sandra bubbly giggled. “And now we’re here!”

Rayne complimented Sandra’s getup, her overall appearance was quite an improvement.
Sandra behaved modestly when she noticed Rayne scoping out her well-endowed breasts snuggly packaged in the tube top. Not the least offended, Sandra tilted her head and smiled.

Rayne looked quite appealing to Sandra in her frame of mind, however in some awfully inane paradox Rayne’s facial appearance was a tinge scruffier and with a receding hairline, his five o’clock shadow thicker.

His body carried additional 15-pounds, a small beer belly occupying his gut while his clothes were more than a little lackluster for a first date even through they were going to a hole in the wall bar.
A long sleeve style T-shit, the orange hue faded which held the caption ‘Ask Me If I Give A Shit!’ and shabby blue jeans.

Rayne’s demeanor seemed unaffected by his poor choice of clothes and he favored Sandra with a champion smile, “I sort of thought you’d change your mind, Sandra, but guess I was wrong!”

Sandra playfully smacked Rayne on his thigh, “Sandra! Why so formal? Call me Sandy!”

Rayne pulled his van out unto the street, “Sure thing, Sandy! I like that name way better!”

“Shit yeah!” Sandy screeched. “Me too!”

“Want to grab a meal first or rather go to the bar?” Rayne politely asked.

“Why not grab a beer or two, talk sum, get to know each other”, Sandy replied, “Then if we get the hankering to eat, we kin grab some chow.”

Rayne was on board, “Whatever suits you best, Sandy.”


The tavern was a canvas of botched lives and the disenchanted, dimly lit and smaller than Sandy imagined. Many of the males appeared burnt out and uncultured, a fair number of the females overweight and clothed in tacky garments.

Sandy held unto Rayne’s hand as they approached the bar, gazing at her reflection in the mirror, she experienced an arcane sense of conformity. Criticizing Colleen’s uncouth lifestyle was clearly stupid, Sandy no longer held a bias against the white trash culture.

Sandy interlocked her arm with Rayne, sipping their beers, intentionally maneuvering her body so he could obtain a nice look at her ample rack. Rayne’s broad smile registered a positive gleam in her eyes. Being taken seriously as a woman no longer was a prority, she more concerned with being desired.

An hour into the night, Rayne asked if Sandy would like to go elsewhere, the bar was certainly noisy and was becoming unbearably crowded.
Sandy agreed, lighting a cigarette the moment they walked out of the tavern.

“Wanna drink at another road house or would ya rather buy a six pack and we can schmooze somewhere alone?” Sandy asked after taking a long drag.

They began walking to Rayne’s van, “Little darling, we can pick up some beer, maybe a pint too, my van is cozy unless you rather go somewhere else.”

Reaching the van, Sandy dropped her cigarette to the ground and promptly stomped it out.
Looking over the van, Sandy perched a hand over Rayne’s shoulder, “Van is fine.”

They brought their faces in each others direction, Sandy slowly connecting her lips to Rayne’s.
Rayne squarely held Sandy by the waist as their kissing intensified, Sandy edging her arms over his shoulders, running her fingers through his hair.

“You’re more wayward than I thought you’d be”, Rayne uttered softly.
“Can’t blame a girl for knowing what she wants”, Sandy cheekily replied.

Rayne felt brave enough to cop Sandy’s breast a feel, she placed her hand and over his, the kissing resumed as he smoothly squeezed her breast.

A moment later they were on the road.

“There’s a place not far from here to pick up beer”, Rayne told Sandy, “Then we’ll park out back the of the gas station on Pell road.”
“While you’re there, get me something to nibble”, Sandy sweetly stated, her fingers rubbing his inner thigh.

Rayne flashed Sandy a gregarious grin.


Rayne pulled into the parking lot of a liquor store, unbuckling their safety belts in unison, their lips merging together while their hands greedily inspected each others bodies.
Rayne pulling away within a few minutes, “Shit, better I get the beer, be right back.”

Sandy lit a cigarette, and she mischievously smiled, “I ain’t going nowhere, take yer time, lover.”

Rayne was back post haste, dropping the six pack on her lap along with a pint of peppermint snoops and another bag with Slim Jims and Pork Grinds.

“Hope that’ll do less you’re really hungry, there’s an all night diner we kin go later.”

Sandy ran her fingertips down the length of her coarse red hair, her cheeks taking on a degree of puffiness as she unequivocally pouted. Albeit she shrugged her appetite aside, and snickered, “I reckon what’cha got me will do fer now.”

Rayne hopped into his van and started the engine, Sandy noisily engaging in the snacks.

On route to their make-out point, Sandy bumped her elbow against Rayne, extending her hand with the opened package of Pork Grinds. Rayne fleetingly swerved her face toward Sandy, breaking into a light chuckle upon witnessing her cheeks abnormally distended by the amount of snacks she stuffed into her mouth.

“What? I’m a furiously hungry, so what?” Sandy sternly quibbled.

Rayne laughed all the louder, gently patting her knee, “Nothing, Sandy! It’s all cool.”

“I didn’t mean to embarrass you, eat all ya want, I got them for you”, Rayne added.

Sandy shook her head, tearing opening the package of Slim Jims with her teeth, subsequently devouring the whole package before reaching the gas station on Pell road.

Rayne steered his vehicle behind the gas station which had been out of business for several months. A deserted utterly rundown place in the middle of nowhere.

Rayne unfastened his safety belt, “You’re crazy beautiful”, slanting his body, he favored Sandy with a fervent kiss that stirred her amorous emotions. The kissing escalated; Sandy intertwined her fingers behind Rayne’s head, directing his face into her well-endowed breasts.
Rayne wedged his fingers beneath the tube top’s elastic material, elevating his face away from her knockers, and with Sandy’s aid, slowly hoisted the tube top off her body. Rayne cupped her boob, squeezing it gently, returning his lips to hers.

Sandy unbuttoned her skirt, hauling her ass upward, she fidgeted with the garment, strenuously tugging it downward; Rayne quickly grabbed the material helping it along …..


A solid thud against the window, the gleaming beam of a flashlight, and a demanding voice breaking through the night’s air.

“Out of the car now!”

Rayne’s face froze in a panic, the county sheriff deputy opening the car’s door, Sandy shouting out loud, “Its okay! I’m a police officer!”

The deputy yelling back, “Cover up your boobs! Put something on!”

Sandy’s breasts bobbled as she slipped back into her top, as she pulled up her skirt, Rayne maneuvered himself downward over her purse.

The deputy took a step back, another deputy on the other side of the door, flashlights illuminating the scene as the couple exited the van.

Sandy adjusted her boobs, arguing to the fact, “I said I’m a deputy too, shit, we ain’t do’in nothing wrong no how!”

“You’re a deputy, where’s your badge?” the law officer sarcastically droned.
“I ain’t got it with me, I’m on a date!” Sandy retorted.

“Easy girl!” Sandy was advised by the policeman, “Watch your temper.”

The other deputy shone his light into the van, coming upon Sandy’s purse and an interesting looking ziplock bag partially hanging out.

Sandy rubbed her nose with her forearm, her demeanor easing up a slightly, “You got believe me, I’m a sheriff dep’t too, work district 114, Emerald Springs. Call’n sick coz like, Rayne invited me out.”

If Sandy’s attire harmed her cause, her uneducated drawl and air-head tone didn’t improve things.

“Is that your purse?” the other deputy asked as he approached Sandy.

Sandy shook her head, “My purse? Yeah, so what?”

“You’re under arrested for indecent conduct, public nudity and possession of marijuana.”

Sandy looked at Rayne who dropped his head, the officer gently grabbing her arm which she swiftly pulled away.

“I don’t smoke dope; you’re crazy if you think you’re going to arrest me, I’m a police officer!”

Sandy backed into the other lawman who firmly seized her shoulders, “I’ve heard some stories before, lady. But a bimbo claiming to be a deputy is damn ridiculous.”

The cuffs slapped on Sandy, Rayne as well, both of them led into the squad car.

“I’m not a bimbo! I’m not white trash”, Sandy whimpered in protest.

“Keep telling yourself that”, an officer replied, “Maybe you’ll get somebody to believe you.”

Matt L.
Transformation Grand Master
Posts: 1900
Joined: Fri May 25, 2012 3:01 pm


Postby Matt L. » Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:05 pm


Late in the afternoon Rayne pulled his van up along side of Colleen’s mobile home, grabbing the small paper which included Slim Jims and a package of cigarettes, he jumped out of the vehicle and made tracks to the door.

Rayne hadn’t seen Sandy since their appearance in court, he was given a fine but it worse for Sandy who was fined, placed on probation and stripped of her badge. Rayne’s intentions were somewhat honorable, he wanted to apologize and explain why he stuffed the small package of weed in her purse.
Yet, he was itching for female companionship, Sandy was indeed an attractive specimen of female, their date never reaching fruition, he wanted another shot with this trailer park babe.

It was Sandy who appeared at the wobbly screen door and then advanced unto the deck. Cigarette dangling from her lips, beer bottle in her hand, acknowledging Rayne with surliness.

“What ya want? You got some big balls calling on me”, Sandy bitterly sneered, taking a drag from her smoke, a swig of beer following.

Sandy’s hair was messily spun upward, her cute face minus cosmetics, a few pimples coating her cheeks and jaw.

“Wanna explain my side of the story”, Rayne replied, “Apologize too about da mess I got you into.”

Sandy’s wardrobe coincided with a washed out young woman who never realized her potential.
The type who lived on the other side of the fence.
A skimpy belly shirt, sleeveless and ragged, the once brilliant lime green hue notably faded.
Sandy’s rack remained succulent and shapely but she had acquire a budding beer belly which poked almost a solid inch over her homemade blue jean cutoffs which like her top were in terrible condition and discolored.

Sandy took another drag from her smoke, “Shit, I got fired, lost my home and now I’m stuck here. Hell, shit, even my reputation is in the crapper.”

Sandy’s ass had accumulated some additional poundage, rounder butt-cheeks which distended slightly outward, and although her thighs weren’t much bigger, her stems were lacking their taut - athletic form.

“How’s that possible?” Rayne inquired, holding back his smirk.

“Talk at the station bout my arrest, Colleen’s fella Junior hearing rumors about you getting hooked up with a bimbo…”

Sandy paused to sip her beer, “…now I’m babysitting twice a week, have no income and no prospects for a man.”

“Fuck, I’m even starting to get fat”, Sandy added despairingly.

“You look fine to me, honey”, Rayne stated sincerely.

Sandy ignored Rayne’s reply, “I thought you wanted to explain things.”

Rayne shook his head and favored Sandy with an explanation.

Rayne had been picked up for weed before, thus he was sentence to community service. Another bust would lead him into the pokey and he didn’t want to do any time. Rayne then came clean about his profession; his construction job wasn’t all it seemed to be. In truth he worked on and off, only when needed and basically a lackey. The only other income he had was selling weed and the occasional odd job around town.

Somehow Sandy’s anger was quelled by Rayne’s admission of the truth, she considered him something of a misguided bad boy who didn’t know right from wrong.

“I’d hate to see ya in the pokey just coz we’z got romantic in the wrong place at the wrong time”, Sandy warmly smiled.

“I’ll make it up to you, baby”, Rayne replied, moving into Sandy’s space, handing her the package.

Sandy thanked Rayne immediately after looking into the bag, tilting her head and with an uncomplicated grin, “Shucks, this is very sweet of you.”

“If you’re free, hop into my van, I’ll buy ya dinner and we can have a couple beers at my place.”
Sandy half-smiled, rolling her fingers off Rayne’s cheek, “That’s fine, I’d sure like that but Colleen won’t be home for two hours and I’m about ready to feed the kids.”

Rayne inquired about Colleen’s whereabouts which caused Sandy to giggle, “She got a job, can you beat that! She makes shit, only a couple days a week for cash at this beauty salon, sort of janitorial work. But it keeps her out of the house and with me around as another mouth to feed, her welfare check doesn’t meet the tab, and I can eat a lot!”

Sandy drew herself closer to Rayne, her large breasts pressing against his chest, “But like, come back maybe around eight tonight, I’d be glad to take you up on sum fodder and beers. That okay?”

“Yeah”, Rayne replied softly, their lips meeting for a fiery kiss.

The kiss came to a halt, although their embrace lasting a moment longer.

“Eight o’clock then”, Rayne smiled.

“Hmmmn, yeah”, Sandy cooed, “I’ll set my hair, and make myself look’n sweet.”
Sandy extended her fingers over her plump swelling of belly fat, humorously dictating, “Gots to warn you, sugar, all this tummy ain’t from beer. I got me a powerful appetite that’d put lots of men to shame.”

Rayne chuckled, “I’ll tackle the bill, so make a hog of yourself if it suits you.”

“I ain’t gonna eat that much!” Sandy gushed, “I’z not in favor of getting any bigger.”

Rayne steered his eyes on Sandy’s belly, “Your looks cute with a little bit padding, just fine.”

Sandy squeezed the pulpy tissue around her navel, “Thinking bout getting a belly button ring, what ya think?”

“Damn sexy”, Rayne admitted as he playfully strummed her tummy with his fingertips.
“Damn sexy is right.”

Sandy peeped an amusing giggle, “I got to get in, feed the kids, see ya tonight.”

Rayne shook his head, giving Sandy’s ass a swat as she turned around.

“Later, babe!”, Rayne rambunctiously remarked.

Sandy swerved her body at her hips, her funky expression matching her shrill of a giggle.


Sandy made the kids their dinner of spam, cheese and beans, finishing off the leftovers without a second thought. Upon Colleen’s return home, Sandy likewise dined with her, the same meal as she arranged for the tykes but of a larger quantity.

Colleen was on board with Sandy having dinner and few beers with Rayne. She dutifully encouraged Sandy, partially concerned about her lack of male companionship but likewise because Sandy didn’t do much of anything anymore since being fired from the Sheriff’s Department.

It had been nearly a week since Sandy had showered, Colleen persuading her to take one just in case she and Rayne became cozy with each other.

The pair rummaged through a batch of Colleen’s garments that she had recently rescued from storage. Finally selecting a sultry mini-dress of tawny hue with black stripes. Low cut, the dress showed off Sandy’s bulging cleavage although the material clung to her hips and depicted the roundness of her belly.

Self-conscious vibes rippled through Sandy’s emotions even though her beer belly wasn’t really all that big. “Gotta start taking stock of myself”, Sandy told Colleen while her cousin was combing out her beautiful red hair, “No mo eating round the clock and I’m gonna take it easy with the beer too.”

Colleen acknowledged Sandy adequate enough, “Sure thing, kiddo”, but her reply was merely to appease her.

Colleen was aware Sandy’s vow was easier said than done. Years earlier she had made a similar vow when she initially began gaining weight, the pledge worthless as she became heavier and heavier.

Upon grabbing her makeup kit, Colleen congenially applied the makeup to Sandy’s face, all the while reflecting on her cousin’s predisposition toward plus size females, unable to quell the catty dialogue within her mind.

“So you’re gonna lose weight, don’t ya know once you let loose your appetite it’s impossible to control it. Yeah, I ain’t too ashamed little cousin, be sweet watching you fatten up after hear’n all your lectures and yo attitude about us big gals.”

Sandy noticed the engrossing expression over Colleen’s face, softly inquiring what was on her mind.
Colleen was deceitful with her answer, “Just admiring how pretty you look and how happy I is that you’re finally going out instead of staying home with me and watching the TV.”

A final thought catapulting through Colleen’s private thoughts, “Yeah, honey, it’ll happen, and when it do, you won’t think otherwise, like you’ve always been a fatty.”


Sandy didn’t look half bad once her luminous red hair was combed and the makeup applied.
Akin to a financially deprived young lady who lacked refinement but accurately in union with the white trash community.

Dinner wasn’t much that evening but Sandy was pleased with the burritos, chicken nuggets and pizza rolls which Rayne prepared via his microwave oven. Originally Rayne had intended to take Sandy to a restaurant but he discovered that he lacked funds enough for dinner at the diner and alcohol.
Dining at his trailer the better option, a much smaller mobile home than Colleen’s but just as rickety, shoddily maintained and dirty.

Sandy didn’t seem to care, making an attempt at witty conversation, laying the flirting on thick and showing her appreciation for the meal by cleaning off the table, dumping the paper plates into the trash, and then dumping the trash bag in the can outside.

Rayne had plenty of snacks and beer for Sandy’s pleasure, a half bottle of vodka likewise readily available for what turned out to be a private party. Sandy’s dress tossed on the floor beside the sofa where they began their initial bout of sex. A brief period of drinking and snacking before resuming their mating in Rayne’s bedroom.


“I’m hungry”, Sandy faintly muttered.

Rolling a few flimsy strands of hair around her finger, her other hand resting over her the bulbous patch of fat that occupied her tummy, Sandy repeated, “I’m hungry”, this time louder and with a hint of a whine.

Sandy reached over, leaning forward over Rayne, she whispered into his ear, “Good morning, darling.”

It took Sandy a few minutes to stir Rayne into consciousness, still groggy, he quietly told her, “No work today, let’s sleep in.”

“But Sandy hungry, sugar”, Sandy replied in a bubbly tone.

“What time is it?” Rayne said crankily.

Sandy rubbed her nose, looking around the room her eyes finally coming to rest on the cheap alarm clock on Rayne’s side of the bed. “Um, shit, two thirty-five in the afternoon. Wanna make coffee and eat sun ’ thin?”

Rayne sighed, “If you’re hungry, get your fat ass out of bed and make something fer yourself.”

“Hey!” Sandy loudly peeped, “My ass ain’t fat!”

Despite Sandy’s ass becoming a tad larger during the period of time they were apart, Rayne was aware that it wasn’t technically fat. Thus Rayne explained mainly to shut her up, “Ug, it’s a figure of speech, your ass ain’t fat. Please help yerself, let me sleep a little more.”

Sandy removed herself out the bed and traipsed over to the mirror that hung over the dresser.
Turning sideways, Sandy did the best she could surveying her backside, eventually examining her ass with her fingers. It wasn’t huge but Sandy did recognize some growth, the tissue very squishy.

Sandy puffed up her cheeks and sighed. Logically since her tummy had progressed in size, she surmised the weight she put on would affect her posterior as well.

Next Sandy looked over her thighs, they weren’t in the same condition they were a month ago.
Soft and seemingly bigger, Sandy dolefully sighed.

Sandy held unto the protruding curvature of her tummy as she searched Rayne’s bedroom for her panties. Upon discovering her teal colored thong panties, the last pair she owned and made of an elastic material, Sandy quickly put them on.

Sandy’s swollen orb of a belly directly shooting over the waistband of her skivvies, nudging virtually an inch away from her panties.

Sandy walked over to Rayne’s side of the bed, “Rayne, do I look fat?”

Rayne cracked opened an eye, bluntly answering her, “You’re heavier than last time we wuz together but I wouldn’t call ya a dumpy cow, you’re just getting a beer belly, so what?”

Sandy heaved a relived sigh, comically addressing her hypercritical stance concerning her figure.
“Yeah, guess all this beer I’ve been drinking got to go somewhere. I’m a tiny bit obsessed with my shape; I know that, just I don’t wanna get too chunky.”

Rayne scratched his head, “Reckon that makes sense, but you look fine.”

“I guess…” Sandy began to speak, Rayne dismissively talking over her, “Grab some chow, get me up in another hour.”

Sandy nodded and as she reached for her bra, Rayne added, “…needn’t be so worried, I’ll totally warn ya when you’re getting too fat.”

The confidence along with the healthy self-esteem that Sandy once pompously promoted had been expunged; she had now acquired an unambiguously subservient personality.
Sandy scooped her doughy looking tummy in her hands, not the least bit offended she bubbly replied, “I appreciate that, I’ll try keeping my weight in check.”

“You do that”, Rayne grunted.


Rayne’s cabinets were essentially bare, and with her hair rather tousled, and in her crumpled dress, she left his trailer and walked to the fried chicken stand located down the block.

There sitting at the counter Sandy indulged on fried chicken and fries, counting calories no longer a priority, she was much more concerned with being fed.

Matt L.
Transformation Grand Master
Posts: 1900
Joined: Fri May 25, 2012 3:01 pm


Postby Junketh71 » Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:56 pm

Thanks for the new installment.
Transformation Grand Master
Posts: 1268
Joined: Fri May 25, 2012 7:49 am


Postby Vilegaramonde » Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:41 am

I am quite a fan of yours.
This, like your many others is awesome, and I really like that you've incorporated a budding cigarette addiction as well
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:39 am


Postby Matt L. » Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:28 pm

Hello Junketh71 & Vilegaramonde,

I sincerely appreciate the kind thoughts, it adds to my motivation and encourages me to churn out the best I have.

Cheers, Matt
Matt L.
Transformation Grand Master
Posts: 1900
Joined: Fri May 25, 2012 3:01 pm


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